糖尿病康复 > 午饭英文 吃个午饭英文

午饭英文 吃个午饭英文

时间:2022-06-30 22:59:02


午饭英文 吃个午饭英文

1.Lunch:Lunch is a particularly important meal of the day, usually served between 11am and 2pm.It is the meal which breaks the fast between breakfast and dinner, and provides the body with vital nutrients and fuel to keep it running properly.

2.Snack:A snack is a small portion of food which is served between meals, usually shortly before lunch or dinner.Snacks can be either savoury or sweet and can come in many different formats such as biscuits, crisps, sandwiches, fruit, yoghurt and many more.

3.Light Meal:A light meal can be defined as a meal which is smaller than a main meal but larger than a snack.It is a popular choice for those looking for a lighter option during lunch time or who have smaller appetites.Light meals often have fewer calories than main meals, and generally consist of a few small dishes.

4.Sandwich:A sandwich is a type of food which is made up of two pieces of bread surrounding a filling.The filling can be anything from cheese, peanut butter and jelly, ham, chicken or vegetables.They are usually eaten at lunchtime, as well as being a popular snack.

5.Salad:Salad is a dish which consists of a mix of raw or cooked ingredients such as lettuce, tomatoes, onion, cucumber, carrots, nuts and many other items.The dressing is most commonly vinaigrette but can vary depending on the individual’s preference.Salads are often served cold and are a popular choice for lunch or dinner.

6.Soup:Soup is a dish which contains of a combination of ingredients, usually vegetables or meat, which has been boiled in water and seasoned with herbs and spices.It is a popular choice for lunch due to it being filling yet light.

7.Casserole:A casserole is a type of dish which has multiple layers of ingredients cooked together, usually in a pot or oven.The ingredients can be anything from vegetables, meats, cheeses and pastas.It is a popular choice for lunch due to its combination of flavours and textures.

8.Stir Fry:Stir fry is a dish which consists of ingredients such as vegetables and meat, cooked in a wok with various sauces and seasonings.It is a popular choice for lunch due to its simple method of cooking and its ability to incorporate a variety of ingredients.

9.Pastries:Pastries are small baked confectionery items which are made from dough or pastry.They are often filled with various sweet ingredients, such as cream and jam, and are popular for breakfast, lunch or as a snack.

10.Wraps:Wraps are a type of flatbread which is filled with a variety of ingredients such as vegetables, proteins, beans and sauces.They are often served warm, and are a popular choice for lunch due to their portability and range of flavours.




午饭在英语中可以称为“lunch”,“tiffin”或“dinner”,也可以称为“midafternoon meal”。lunch是指正餐时午夜12点到中午12点之间的正餐,tiffin更加接近下午茶,其实通常称呼就可以有不同,大家可以根据个人习惯称呼午餐或者午饭;dinner指晚餐,但也可以在午时用来指午餐,mid-afternoon meal也可以指午餐,指一般午夜12点到中午12点之间的大餐。


午餐英文可以根据自己的习惯使用,尤其是在口语中。比如“What do you have for lunch?”是指你午餐吃什么?“Lets go out to lunch”指我们出去吃午餐。在书面表达中,建议尽量使用更标准的terminology,比如“lunch”,“tiffin”或“dinner”,以及“mid-afternoon meal”等。

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