糖尿病康复 > 单句填词(10分)【小题1】He is an honest man that is to say what he says is always cconsistent with

单句填词(10分)【小题1】He is an honest man that is to say what he says is always cconsistent with

时间:2021-05-01 18:08:20


单句填词(10分)【小题1】He is an honest man  that is to say  what he says is always cconsistent with



【小题1】He is an honest man, that is to say, what he says is always cconsistent with what he does.

【小题2】In the aabsence of evidence, the police had to let Kelly go.

【小题3】An idea that I was wasting my time sstruck me when I came out of her room.

【小题4】She rresembles her mother in appearance but not in character.

【小题5】The table is too high for your son,so you can aadjust the table to his height.

【小题6】It is embarrassing(使窘迫,使尴尬) that our streets are so dirty.

【小题7】He stood silently with his arms folded (交叉).

【小题8】I hope what I say can clarify(澄清)the situation.

【小题9】He was fined for breaking traffic regulations / rules (规则).

【小题10】It is universally (全世界,普遍地)acknowledged that one’s thinking directs one’s actions.



【小题1】 consistent固定短语be consistent with…与…一致;句意:他说得和他所做的是一致的。

【小题2】absence固定搭配in the absence of sb当某人不在的时候。本句是指证据不足。

【小题3】struck考查固定句式sth strike sb 某人突然想起某事;本句是指我突然想起我是在浪费时间。

【小题4】resembles固定搭配reameble sb in sth在某方面与某人类似。


【小题6】embarrassing 形容词embarrassing令人尴尬的,是由动词embarrass转换而来。

【小题7】folded动词fold折叠;本句是with复合结构,his arms与动词fold构成被动关系,故使用过去分词。


【小题9】regulations / rules名词规则regulations/rules和名词traffic一起构成名词短语。


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