糖尿病康复 > 雅思口语印象深刻的广告 雅思写作广告类题目优质

雅思口语印象深刻的广告 雅思写作广告类题目优质

时间:2019-04-04 19:53:10


雅思口语印象深刻的广告 雅思写作广告类题目优质


雅思口语印象深刻的广告 雅思写作广告类题目篇一



1. do you like advertisements on tv?

oh no, tv is a purgatory. the tv advertisements today appear to be not only boring but also disturbing. they interrupt in the midst of our enjoyment of a game or a film. most of the advertisement materials are irritating and of course of low taste. the presentation is mostly awkward and obscene.


2. what kind of advertisement do you like the most?

word of mouth is hands down the best advertising. its one of the most credible forms of advertising because every time people make a recommendation, they have nothing to gain but the appreciation of those who are listening.


3. why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

whether you do like them or not, whenever and wherever its possible that you can meet them. for biz sellers, ad could be very helpful to promote their products. for acceptors, ads might show some latest information. to buy or not to buy, to be fond of or not, all depend on your decisions.


4. what are the various places where we see advertisements?

today, media is so blatantly filled with advertising: tv, radio, magazine, newspaper, billboards. even more pathetic when i recently watched a 16 second clip with a two-minute commercial without the option to skip. i think many advertisements are brain-washing us.


5. how do you feel about advertisements?

i hate advertising because the people behind it are so good at making us feel or think a certain way. they are good at getting our attention and planting the seeds of emotion and through that they can convince us of non-truths: we’re too old, too fat, too ugly, behind the times, unintelligent, our car is too slow, tv too small, couch too hard, x too y, y too x.


6. do advertisements influence your choice about what to buy?

no. i don let some schmucks tell me what im going to buy, cars, computers, or whatever. if im interested in a product, a car for example, i will look at the comments on line in advance, but i don make a decision based on an advertisement.


首先来看人物类,人物类一直属于题库中相对容易且好准备的题目。所以其实必备题目并不多,建议大家人物类只要准备好三个题目就没有太大问题,分别是describe an old person(描述一个老年人),describe a teenager/friend(描述一个青少年或者朋友)以及describe a famous person(描述一个名人)。那么这三个题目如何应用在口语题库中的所有题目中,我们具体来看。题库中现在在考得describe a person you want to spend time with,我们用老年人或者朋友都可以。describe a comedy actor这一最近的热门题目,我们就可以和名人结合。再比如让我们描述一个邻居,我们也完全可以和青少年或者老人题目结合。

地点题,建议大家必备类型为,describe a house/apartment(描述一个房子),describe a city(描述一个城市),describe a garden(描述一个花园),describe a restaurant(描述一个餐厅)。选择准备的为describe a country(描述一个国家)。这一类题目通用性较强。例如,口语中以前考察的describe a room就可以由房子一题变过来。

再如,描述一个餐厅,描述一个购物中心以及描述一个咖啡厅,整体内容和结构是类似的,都是描述在哪里,吃什么(卖什么,喝什么),怎么知道的以及为什么喜欢。且喜欢的理由都可以类似,基本可以总结为1. good service 2. convenient location 3. economical/ have a reasonable price 4. comfortable environment and atmosphere等。描述花园一题,可以用于describe a peaceful place,describe a place near water甚至做一些改变,就可以用于describe a tourist attraction一题当中。





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