糖尿病康复 > 好文翻译 | 硬膜外麻醉所致短暂性昏迷:由于感觉传入的缺失

好文翻译 | 硬膜外麻醉所致短暂性昏迷:由于感觉传入的缺失

时间:2018-09-05 23:16:48


好文翻译 | 硬膜外麻醉所致短暂性昏迷:由于感觉传入的缺失

Epidural anesthesia is the most commonly used method of pain relief during labor in the USA. It is estimated that more than 50% of women delivering in hospital use epidural anesthesia. Despite approximately 4 million births per year in the USA, serious neuro-logical complications resulting from this technique are exceptionally rare. One review of 27 000 cases showed an incidence of just 0.01%.

在美国硬膜外麻醉是最常用的分娩过程中缓解疼痛的方法。据估计, 超过50%的妇女在医院分娩应用硬膜外麻醉。尽管每年将近400万新生儿出生在美国,但是由于硬膜外技术导致的严重神经系统并发症却相当罕见。一项27000例的回顾性研究显示只有0.01%

The patient was a 22-year-old primiparous white woman, who presented at 40 weeks gestation with rupture of the membranes. She had previously been in good health and the pregnancy had been unremarkable, including thyroid function tests. She had no history of substance abuse. Blood tests and urinalysis on admission were normal apart from expected dilutional anemia.


Intravenous (IV) oxytocin was started as standard procedure shortly after admission. Labor commenced 5½ h later. Analgesia was achieved by IV morphine sulphate via patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) and epidural lidocaine 1.5%.


During her 4 h labor, the patient received a total dose of 6 mg of morphine via PCA. Over the same time period, she received a total of 60 ml of a solution of lidocaine 1.5% (total dose of lidocaine 600 mg) with epinephrine 1:200 000. The placement was confirmed by lack of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak from the catheter. No ‘test’ dose of lidocaine was administered.

在她4小时的分娩过程中,病人通过自控镇痛泵接受了总剂量为6毫克的吗啡。与此同时,她输注了总共有60毫升的溶液,由1.5%利多卡因(利多卡因总剂量600 mg)与1:200000肾上腺素混合。装置被证实没有脑脊液从导管泄漏,没有 给予“试验”剂量利多卡因。

At this time a decision to proceed to cesarean section was made because labor was not progressing. She was given an additional bolus of epidural lidocaine (5 ml=50 mg) prior to surgery. She became unresponsive shortly thereafter and no further analgesia was given. Her airway remained patent with regular breathing. The patient’s blood pressure (BP) and heart rate remained stable throughout the procedure, at 110–125/65–80 mmHg and 65–80 /min, respectively.

These readings were similar to those at admission and to those taken during clinic visits throughout her pregnancy. Supplemental oxygen was administered throughout surgery, which was completed within 20 min. The infant’s APGAR scores were 10.

在这个时候,由于产程没有进展,所以决定进行剖宫产。术前她硬膜外被给予一个追加剂量的利多卡因(5毫升= 50毫克)。此后不久,她变得没有反应,此时并没有给予进一步的镇痛。她的气道保持通畅伴有正常呼吸。病人的血压、心率术中保持稳定,在110–125 / 65–80 mmHg和65–80 /分钟。


A detailed neurological exam 1½ h later (6 h after starting the epidural) was performed while she remained in the recovery room. This showed the following:

· Eyes closed; pupils fixed and unreactive, measuring 5 mm;

· No response to pain (nail bed pressure);

· Absent corneal and oculocephalic reflexes;

· No movement of the eyes with cold caloric stimulation;

· Decreased muscle tone throughout;

· Diminished reflexes: biceps 1 ; Babinski’s reflex was absent; no other reflexes could be elicited;

· Regular, deep breathing at a rate of 12/min without support; no cyanosis was present.







反射减弱:肱二头肌1 ;Babinski反射消失;其他病理反射阴性;


Within 30 min she began to recover. This was manifest initially by the return of all brainstem reflexes along with sensitivity to pain; muscle power recovered to at least 4 /5 throughout.

在30分钟内,她开始恢复。最初是明显的由脑干反射系统的恢复以及对疼痛的感知,全身肌肉力量恢复到至少4 到 5级。

Within another 30 min she could open her eyes when spoken to and was able to say her name and also “I feel very tired”; she could easily follow instructions, such as “squeeze my hand”. She remained drowsy, limiting a more detailed assessment of mentation. Her muscle tone remained decreased and reflexes at the knees and ankles remained absent. Power was at least 4 /5 throughout. She was moved to a ward for additional observation.

在另一个30分钟内,她可以睁开眼睛,说出她的名字,和“我觉得很累”;她可以轻松地听从指令,如“握紧我的手”。她仍然昏昏欲睡,限制了一个更详细的精神心理状态评估。她的肌肉紧张度仍然减低,膝盖和脚踝的反射缺失。全身肌力4 到5级。转至病房做进一步的观察。

Within another 4 h she had recovered fully. Blood tests, performed at coma onset and the following day, were unremarkable: complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, magnesium, TSH, and blood cultures. An MRI of the brain was performed, which was entirely normal. She was discharged on post-operative day 2 without incident.


This case is typical of the phenomenon known as “massive epidural”. The neurologic exam and the stages of recovery are described in more detail here than in previous reports. The MRI of the brain is also reassuring; we acknowledge that the test may have been unnecessary.


We propose that the mechanism at work here is ‘sensory deafferentation dependent sedation’, leading to the impairment of brainstem transmission. In particular, the ascending reticular activating system (ARAS) * appears to require sensory input in order to continue to maintain alertness. This is a logical extension of the experimental work below, particularly that performed with volunteers undergoing epidural anesthesia while measurements were taken of brainstem function, as well as of sedation


The use of morphine can be seen as a predisposing factor,although it is neither necessary nor sufficient to explain the depth of coma reached. If this were the case, we would have expected the patient to have ‘pinpoint’ pupils. The half-life of morphine IV in young adults is around 2 h; therefore, the initial dose of 2 mg given over the first hour would be expected to have almost completely worn off by the time coma developed

使用吗啡可以被视为一种诱发因素,尽管它是既不是必需的,也不足以解释达到昏迷的深度。如果是因为这样的话,我们会预计病人有“针尖样”瞳孔 。在年轻的成年人中静脉给予吗啡的半衰期约为2小时,因此,最初的在第一个小时给予的2毫克剂量,在昏迷发生的时候,预计已经几乎完全消耗了。

Epidural (as well as spinal) anesthesia has long been recognized to reduce the drug dosages necessary to achieve CNS sedation or coma (e.g., with thiopental, midazolam, isoflu-rane, sevoflurane, and propofol). Furthermore, the higher potency bupivacaine (vs. lidocaine) has been reported to reduce the dose of anesthetic necessary to maintain general anesthesia for surgery


The question has been raised as to whether the systemic absorption of epidural anesthesia may be responsible for some of its observed effects. Evidence against this comes from a randomized trial of lidocaine given via epidural or IV to patients recovering from surgery under standard inhalational anesthesia. Despite the higher systemic levels of lidocaine in the IV group, they recovered more slowly from coma


A technique closely related to epidural anesthesia is spinal anesthesia. One authority has noted that “the only real differences are the site of injection and the volume of anesthetic used”. While there is more systemic absorption of local anesthetic from the epidural space (due to its rich venous plexus), this is likely to have little bearing on loss of sensory input


Both epidural and spinal anesthesia have been studied in volunteers to clarify the mechanism responsive for the sedation seen with these techniques. To quantify alertness, these studies used techniques that have been recommended in the operating room. The use of these measures remains far from routine:


1.The bispectral index (BIS) is a measure derived from EEG. It is recommended in the British National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidelines as an option during any type of surgery in patients at higher risk of awareness during surgery or of excessively deep anesthesia and in all patients receiving total intravenous anesthesia. A meta-analysis concluded that it aids “postoperative recovery from relatively deep anesthesia”


2.Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) . In a randomized trial in cardiac surgery, these have been shown to reduce the dose requirement for anesthetic agents and the need for intraoperative vasopressors. Changes in the BAEP index has also been suggested to be more useful than BIS in monitoring the induction of anesthesia, particularly for ketamine


In the epidural study, the only correlate of depth of sedation was BAEP wave III. This measures the electrical activity of the inferior colliculus, which receives input from the spinothalamic tracts and the medial lemniscus; when active, it increases cortical activity through its influence on ascending cholinergic and serotonergic pathways. It is thought to be a key anatomic mediator of the increased alertness that occurs with the startle reflex.

在硬膜外的研究中,唯一相关的镇静深度指标为BAEP 波III,它测量下丘神经元的电活动,它接受来自脊髓丘脑束和内侧丘系传入;当活跃时,通过提升胆碱能和血清素途径影响增加皮层的活动。它被认为是重要的调节结构,提高了惊跳反射发生的觉醒。

Referring again to Table 1, it is certainly striking that a number of these cases occurred soon after the injection of a small additional bolus of anesthetic. Comparison of doses is complicated by differing dosing regimens and durations of anesthesia. However, the common theme is that this bolus pushed already-sedated patients ‘over the edge’ into coma, by further decreasing spinal cord input, resulting in a corresponding loss of brainstem function.Our case is, clinically, the most closely observed to date; like coma from any cause, respiration is the last reflex to plete loss and recovery of the other brainstem reflexes appears to occur almost simultaneously.


Our patient lost consciousness due to impaired sensory input.Why this occurs only rarely remains unclear. Spread to the subdural space has been suggested as a possible cause. The latter appears attractive theoretically – the slow rate of spread is consistent with the gradual clinical onset of symptoms. An alternative explanation, that some individuals are much more sensitive to this form of anesthesia, cannot be excluded; however, there are no reports of recurrent episodes in the same patient. Also, these individuals appear to be at no greater risk of other adverse reactions to medications.


Regarding nomenclature: the terms “massive epidural” and “total spinal analgesia following epidural analgesia”, while of undoubted historical importance, do not emphasize the pathogenesis of this condition and may be puzzling for the non-specialist. We propose the term “(transient) coma due to loss of sensory input” as more descriptive and easier to understand for the general physician.


This ‘coma due to loss of spinal sensory input’ may be encountered by any clinician caring for a patient undergoing epidural anesthesia. Once the phenomenon is recognized, we suggest that no further investigations are required; the patient and family may be reassured once the coma resolves.



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