糖尿病康复 > 职场英语之如何用英语请假


时间:2021-11-11 06:18:00




1. Hi John, I"m afraid that I can"t come in today due to a family emergency.嗨,John,我今天家里有急事,恐怕来不了了。2.I would like to take today off and hope you can approve it. I apologize for the short notice.我今天想请假,希望您能批准,对于这个临时通知我表示十分的歉意。3. I am planning to take the following week off for vacation, and would need your approval.接下来的一周我打算去度假,希望您能批准。4.We have concluded our last project, but if you have additional tasks for me to do before my vacation, feel free to let me know.我们已经结束了最后一个项目,但如果在假期之前您有其他额外的工作需要我做,随时通知我就行。5. My son"s graduation is next Thursday on May 12th. I would like to be excused from work that day. Hope I can have your approval.我的儿子5月12号毕业,也就是下周四。我想在那天请假,希望您能批准。6. I would like to take a 3-day leave of absence following Labor Day. Let me know if that"s something I can do.我想在劳动节之后请三天假,告诉我可以做些什么。7. I have a doctor"s appointment on June 12th and would need the afternoon off to meet with my physician. Hope I can have your OK on that.我在6月12号有个医生的预约,那天下午我需要离开一下去见我的内科医生,希望您同意。8. I would like to request a 20 day leave of absence for personal reasons.因为个人原因,我想请假20天。9.If approved, I will be traveling during this time period, but I would be glad to assist with any questions via email or phone.如果您批准的话,我想这段时间出去旅行,但我也可以通过电子邮件或电话来协助解决任何的问题。10. I am calling to ask for a sick day. I have caught the flu and am not feeling well enough to come in to work today.我打电话来是想请个病假,我得了流感,而且感觉严重到今天无法上班了。11. I am taking off next Friday because I have a wedding to attend and have to catch the train early in the morning. I"d appreciate it if you could approve it.我想请下周五的假,因为我要去参加一个婚礼并且清晨就要去赶火车,如果您同意的话我会十分感激。

