糖尿病康复 > 肝郁痰凝型 stagnation of liver-qi and phlegm英语短句 例句大全

肝郁痰凝型 stagnation of liver-qi and phlegm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-19 13:38:17


肝郁痰凝型 stagnation of liver-qi and phlegm英语短句 例句大全

肝郁痰凝型,stagnation of liver-qi and phlegm

1)stagnation of liver-qi and phlegm肝郁痰凝型

1.Objective: To observe the clinical curative effects of patients suffered from hyperplasia of mammary glands(stagnation of liver-qi and phlegm), who were punctured mainly Ganshu (BL 18) and Gaohuangshu(BL 43) by three edged needle.目的:观察三棱针点刺肝俞、膏肓俞穴为主,对肝郁痰凝型乳腺增生病患者的临床疗效。


1.Observations on the Efficacy of Fire Needling in Treating Verruca Plana of Liver Qi Depression and Phlegm Stasis Type火针治疗肝郁痰凝型扁平疣疗效观察

2.The Clinic Reservation Which the Method of Combining Traditional Chinese Medicine with Western Medicine Treat Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome of Ganyutanning Type Resulting in the Face Acne;中西医结合治疗肝郁痰凝型多囊卵巢综合征所致面部痤疮的研究

3.Observation on Clinical Effects of Chinese Medicine to Be Taken Orally with Chinese Medicine Ion Transmission in Treating Hyperplasia of Breast of Kidney Asthenia and Liver Depressed Type中药内服配中药离子导入治疗“肝郁痰凝型”乳腺增生病疗效观察

4.The Clinical Observations of Compound Sini-wendang Tang to Treat the Neurasthenia of Hepatobiliary Depression-Tanreqing;复方四逆温胆汤在肝胆郁结痰热型神经衰弱临床疗效观察

5.The Clinical Study on Curative Effects of Depression with the Syndromes of Liver-Qi Dynamic Disorder and Phlegm and Stagnant Blood of TCM Treated by "Wangyou Prescription";“忘忧方”治疗抑郁症肝郁痰浊瘀血证的临床研究

6.The Clinical Researches on Zhi Gan Fang for Fatty Liver Disease (FLD);脂肝方治疗脾虚痰湿型脂肪肝的临床研究

7.A Clinical Research of the Chronic B Hepatitis about Using Jianpishugan Method Treatment in Ganyupixu Type Hepatitis.;健脾疏肝法治疗慢乙肝脾虚肝郁型的临床研究

8.Clinical Research on Treating Insomnia of Internal Disturbance of Phlegm-Heat with Qing-gan Ningshen Decotion;清肝宁神汤治疗痰热内扰型失眠的临床研究

9.Clinical Study on Treatment of Climacteric Depression with XiaoGengJieYu Decoction;消更解郁汤治疗肾虚肝郁型围绝经期抑郁症的临床研究

10.Qingxin Soothe the Nerves of the Particles in the Treatment of Depression Clinical Observation清心安神颗粒治疗痰火扰心型抑郁症的临床观察

11.The Clinical Observation on Purging Lung and Dredge Decoction in Treating Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Patients with Heat-Phlegm Obstructing Lung清肺通腑汤治疗AECOPD中医肺胀痰热郁肺型的临床观察

12.Clinical Study of Treating Reflux Esophagi Is With Xinkaikujiang Method辛开苦降法治疗气郁痰热型反流性食管炎临床观察

13.The Curative Effect Observation of Modified Qing-hua Xuan-fei Decoction on Chronic Bronchitis in Acute Episode清化宣肺汤治疗痰热郁肺型慢性支气管炎疗效观察

14.Clinical Study on the Effect of ShuGanAnYu Decoction in Treating Premenstrual Syndrome;疏肝安郁汤治疗肝郁气滞型经前期综合征的临床研究

15.Clinical Research on the Treatment of Post Stroke Depression with Dispersing the Stagnation of the Liver and Strengthening the Spleen疏肝健脾法治疗肝郁脾虚型卒中后抑郁症的理论探讨及临床研究

16.Clinical Observation of "Ganyu Decoction" in Treating Depression Following Chronic Hepatitis B肝郁汤治疗慢性乙型病毒性肝炎抑郁症的临床观察

17.Clinical Research on Hepatic Fibrosis Due to Chronic Hepatitis B Treated by Ruangan-Ⅰ;软肝Ⅰ号治疗乙型肝炎肝纤维化(肝郁脾虚证)的临床研究

18.Observation the Effect of Hugan Pill on the Patients of Syndrome of Stagnation of Liver and Spleen Deficiency with Dampness-heat of Liver and Gallbladder with Chronic Hepatitis B护肝滴丸治疗慢性乙型肝炎肝郁脾虚兼肝胆湿热证的临床研究


liver qi depression and phlegm stasis肝郁痰凝

3)Syndrome with hepatic stagnation causing phlematic retention肝郁痰阻症

4)The syndromes of Liver-Qi dynamic disorder and phlegm and stagnant blood肝郁痰浊瘀血证

5)hepatocholic depression stagnated phlegm fievre肝胆郁结痰热

6)Stagnation of liver qi model肝郁模型


郁痰郁痰 郁痰 病证名。因七情郁结,肺脾气滞,郁而生痰之证。又名结痰、顽痰、老痰。《症因脉治》卷二:“郁痰即结痰,顽痰。”证见胸满饱胀,九窍闭涩,懊憹烦闷,或咽中结核,睡卧不宁,或肠胃不爽,饮食有妨,或气逆不利,倚肩喘息。寒郁者宜辛散,用香芎二陈汤;热郁者宜清解,用栀连二陈汤;肺经郁痰,用节斋化痰丸加昆布、胆星。《证治汇补·痰症章》谓痰留于胃脘,证见吞酸嘈杂,呕吐少食,噎膈嗳气,名曰郁痰。猝受惊恐,心虚停痰者,亦称郁痰,证见惊惕心跳,甚则欲厥等。火痰郁久可致郁痰。《杂病源流犀烛·痰饮源流》:“郁痰即火痰郁于心肺间,久则凝滞胸膈,稠粘难咯,多毛焦,咽干口燥,咳嗽喘促,色白如枯骨。”《医学入门》称为燥痰。审因辨证,治以解郁、化痰、清热、润燥等法,选用节斋化痰丸、抑痰丸、霞天膏、清火豁痰丸、瓜蒌枳实汤等方。

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