糖尿病康复 > 快速选星算法 fast satellite selection algorithm英语短句 例句大全

快速选星算法 fast satellite selection algorithm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-23 03:53:57


快速选星算法 fast satellite selection algorithm英语短句 例句大全

快速选星算法,fast satellite selection algorithm

1)fast satellite selection algorithm快速选星算法

1.Based on the analysis of relationship between the geometry dilution of precision(GDOP)and satellite elevation as well as azimuth,a newfast satellite selection algorithm applicable to GNSS receiver was presentedr.分析了多卫导组合系统几何精度因子(GDOP)与可见星仰角和方位角的关系,并由此提出了一种适用于多卫导组合系统的快速选星算法,首先提出了选星前后GDOP相对比值随选星数增加的负指数衰减模型,使用户可根据对定位精度的具体需求实时确定所需次优星数,其次基于可见星的仰角将所有可见星进行分类:低仰角区、中仰角区和高仰角区,最后通过可见星方位角的排序、作差,给出了中仰角区被排除卫星的分布规律,实现间接选星。


1.Study on Fast Satellite Selection Algorithm for Integrated Navigation多卫导组合系统的快速选星算法研究

2.Rapid resolution of GPS ambiguities of satellite formation flying with two-step method两步法快速解算编队卫星GPS模糊度

3.Fast Intra-Prediction Mode Decision for H.264;H.264帧内预测模式选择快速算法研究

4.Fast Intra/Inter Mode Decision Algorithms for H.264H.264帧内/帧间模式选择快速算法

5.Fast frame selection algorithm for H.264H.264的多参考帧快速选择算法

6.Fast inter-mode decision in H.264/AVC StandardH.264/AVC的快速帧间模式选择算法

7.Research on fast inter-frame mode decision algorithm for H.264/AVCH.264/AVC快速帧间模式选择算法研究

8.Fast selection algorithm for H.264 intra-prediction modeH.264帧内预测模式的快速选择算法

9.A Fast Intra-prediction Mode Selection Algorithm of H.264/AVCH.264/AVC中一种快速帧内预测选择算法

10.Fast Detector Generative Strategy for Negative Selection Algorithm负选择算法中的检测器快速生成策略

11.Fast Map-feature Selecting Algorithm Based on MapObjects基于MapObjects的快速图素选择算法

12.Fast intra mode decision algorithm based on AVS基于AVS的帧内预测模式快速选择算法

13.A Fast Multi-frame Selection AlgorithmH.264中快速多参考帧选择算法研究

14.Fast inter mode selection algorithm for H.264/AVCH.264/AVC快速帧间模式选择算法

15.Fast mode decision algorithm based on motion complexity基于运动复杂度的快速模式选择算法

16.A Multi-Reference Frames Fast Selection Algorithm for H.264基于H.264的多参考帧快速选择算法

17.A Fast Inter-Mode Prediction Selection Algorithm for H.264一种H.264快速帧间预测模式选择算法

18.Study on Algorithm and Application of Rapid GPS Precision Positioning;卫星导航系统快速精密定位算法和应用


fast star searching快速选星

3)satellite selection algorithm选星算法

4)Fast intra-prediction mode selection(FIPMS)快速模式选择算法

5)Fast algorithm快速算法

1.A fast algorithm for determining the linear complexity in periodic sequences;求周期序列线性复杂度的快速算法

2.A fast algorithm for the Moore-Penrose inverse of an Loewner matrix;Loewner矩阵Moore-Penrose逆的快速算法

3.Influence of decaying DC component on FFT fast algorithm and its solution;衰减直流分量对傅立叶变换快速算法的影响及其消除办法

6)rapid algorithm快速算法

1.The analysis of living example showed that therapid algorithm of reliability based on MATLAB possesses the characteristics of simple in methodology,speedy and high accuracy,and is a kind of practical engineering algorithm.实例分析表明:基于MATLAB的可靠度快速算法具有方法简单、速度快、精度高的特点,是一种实用的工程算法。

2.Arapid algorithm using FFT is proposed to reduce computation.快速算法基于FFT实现,首先在时域利用脉冲序列近似表征场景在慢时刻的响应,然后利用FFT在频域实现线性时不变滤波以产生场景回波,算法能够有效减小运算量。

3.The paper presents the principle of CRC check and the analysis of two different kinds ofrapid algorithm of CRC based on table-checking,as well as the researching a new algorithm with section-dividing.本文介绍了循环冗余码(CRC码)校验的原理和计算方法,分析两种查表冗余校验快速算法,提出新型分段查表法,良好地解决以单片机为核心的湿度测控系统无线数据传输差错控制的实时性和小存储量的要求。


快速速度快的;迅速:~照相机ㄧ~炼钢ㄧ~行军 ㄧ~育肥。

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