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非对称链路 asymmetric link英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-22 22:32:07


非对称链路 asymmetric link英语短句 例句大全

非对称链路,asymmetric link

1)asymmetric link非对称链路

1.Solution and performance analysis ofasymmetric link in wireless Ad hoc network无线Ad hoc网络中非对称链路的解决策略与性能分析

2.Improvement strategy of MAC forasymmetric link针对非对称链路的MAC协议改进策略

3.However, ADSL lines, cable modems and satellite links are popularly used,and it becomes necessary to considerasymmetric links.但ADSL、cable modem和卫星链路等的广泛存在,使测量必须考虑非对称链路。


1.Improvement strategy of MAC for asymmetric link针对非对称链路的MAC协议改进策略

2.BowCast:A P2P Multicast Routing Protocol for Asymmetric Link Delay NetworksBowCast:一种适应非对称链路延时网络的P2P多播路由协议

3.Solution and performance analysis of asymmetric link in wireless Ad hoc network无线Ad hoc网络中非对称链路的解决策略与性能分析

4.Automatic link establishment in asymmetrically wretched channels非对称恶劣信道下自动链路建立协议

5.A Study of the Asymmetric Data Link for UAV Multi-path Relay;无人机多链路中继的非对称数据链研究

6.Signaling links are usually connected in pairs (called linksets) to SS7 nodes.信令链路常常成对地(称作链路群) 连接到 SS7 节点。

7.asymmetric element非对称特性电路元件

8.Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line非对称数字用户线路

9.Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop(ADSL)非对称数字用户环路

10.Explanation of unsymmetrical information on ESC by grey theory;装备保障链中非对称信息的灰色解释

11.Supply Chain Quality Prevention Decision under Asymmetric Information;非对称信息下供应链的质量预防决策

12.Production Strategy in Supply Chain Under Asymmetric Information;非对称信息条件下供应链的生产策略

13.Research on Schemes of Asymmetrical Path in the 6to4 Routing Domain;6to4路由域非对称路径解决方案研究

14.Effect of Asymmetric Information on Supply Chain Quality Cost Decision;非对称信息对供应链质量成本决策的影响

15.Strong Limit Properties for Generalized Non-Symmetric Markov Chain Fields on Trees;树上广义非对称马氏链场的强极限性质

16.Research of Supply Chain Integration Platform under Asymmetric Information Environment;非对称信息环境下供应链集成平台研究

17.Supply Chain Coordination under Asymmetric Demand Information When Retailers Compete;非对称需求信息及零售商竞争下的供应链协调

18.Pareto optimization model for supply chain inventory system with asymmetric information;非对称信息下供应链库存系统Pareto优化模型


Asymmetric Links非对称链路


1.A path-pool routing protocol forasymmetric-link Ad Hoc networks;一种适用于非对称链路的AdHoc网络路由协议

4)asymmetric link delay非对称链路延时

1.In this paper,the routing problem of P2P multicast inasymmetric link delay networks is studied,and a new P2P multicast protocol called BowCast is proposed.研究非对称链路延时网络环境下P2P多播的路由问题,提出一个新的P2P多播路由协议:BowCast。

5)asymmetry link不对称链路

6)unsymmetrical magnetic circuit非对称磁路

1.In order to obtain the better braking security and prolong the life of the brake, and in allusion to the deficiency of the unsymmetrical design referred in relevant literature, a new design of magnetic circuit shape is proposed, namely using the slotting method to obtain theunsymmetrical magnetic circuit required, and its theoretical analysis is done.为了获得更好地制动安全性及延长制动器寿命,针对相关文献中制动器用电磁体磁路的非对称设计方案的不足之处,提出了新的磁路形状设计,即采用开槽的方法来获得要求的非对称磁路,并对此作了理论分析。



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