糖尿病康复 > 藻细胞 algae cell英语短句 例句大全

藻细胞 algae cell英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-04 22:20:19


藻细胞 algae cell英语短句 例句大全

藻细胞,algae cell

1)algae cell藻细胞

1.Effects of zinc on membrane potential (MP) and membrane resistance (MR) ofalgae cell锌污染对藻细胞膜电位和膜电阻的影响

2.To discuss the response characteristic ofalgae cell membrane electric signal to heavy metal ions, rapid reactions of freshwateralgae cell(Nitella flexilis)membrane potential(MP)and membrane resistance(MR)to mercury, cadmium and lead were studied by extra-cellular technique and electrochemistry.为探讨藻细胞膜电信号对重金属离子的响应特征,运用细胞外表面技术和电化学方法研究了淡水藻——大型轮藻(Nitellaflexilis)藻细胞膜电位和膜电阻对汞、镉、铅的快速反应。

3.The effect of species distributions of poly-aluminum chloride(PAC) on algae removal efficiencies was studied aiming at removingalgae cell in the treatment of micro-polluted raw water.针对微污染水处理中藻细胞的去除,研究聚合氯化铝形态分布对混凝除藻效率的影响。


1.A red phycobilin occurring especially in the cells of red algae.藻红蛋白尤指红藻细胞内所含的红色藻青素

2.The hard, siliceous bivalve shell of a diatom.硅藻细胞壳硅藻的坚硬含硅的硬壳

3.Inactivation of Algae and Degradation of Microcystins by Electrochemical Oxidation and Pulsed Magnetic Field;杀灭和降解水中藻细胞与藻毒素的电磁效应

4.An algal cell filled with chlorophyll, formed in the thallus of a lichen.共生藻细胞在苔藓的叶状体里发现的带有叶绿素的藻类细胞

5.Study on Dunaliella Salina Cell Harvesting and Breakage in Hollow Fiber Microfiltration Process中空纤维膜浓缩盐藻细胞及细胞破损研究

6.Damage effect of monocrotophos on Platymonas sp.Ⅰ. Active oxygen in Platymonas sp.cells.久效磷对扁藻的损伤作用 Ⅰ.扁藻细胞的活性氧伤害作用

7.We cannot be certain that Gonium, pandonina, Eudonna, and Pleodorina represent stages in the evolution of multicellular Volvox from unicellular chlamydomonas.我们不能肯定盘藻、实球藻、空球藻和杂球藻代表从单细胞衣藻到多细胞因藻的各进化阶段。

8.The C-phycocyanin and the R-phycoerythrin were purified from the blue-green alga Spirulina platensis and red alga Polysiphonia urceolata respectively.从单细胞蓝藻钝顶螺旋藻中纯化C藻蓝蛋白,从海洋红藻多管藻纯化R藻红蛋白.

9.Any of various microscopic one-celled or colonial algae of the class Bacillariophyceae, having cell walls of silica consisting of two interlocking symmetrical valves.硅藻一种由两个互联对称瓣构成硅细胞壁的、硅藻纲类的微小单细胞或群体的细胞藻

10.Studies on Formation of Trehalose by Trehalose Synthase in Permeabilized Cells;透性化细胞海藻糖合酶合成海藻糖的研究

11.Any of various freshwater green algae of the genus Volvox that form hollow, spherical multicellular colonies.团藻一种团藻属淡水绿藻,形成空的、球状的多细胞群落

12." Any of a group of one-celled, microscopic green algae characterized by great variation in cell shape. "绿藻门双星藻目一类美丽的单细胞微小绿色藻类,形状差异很大。

13.A blue phycobilin occurring especially in the cells of cyanobacteria.藻青蛋白尤指在藻青菌细胞中含有的蓝色藻青素

14.Relationship between extra-cellular microcystin and intra-cellular microcystin水体中溶解性微囊藻毒素与藻类细胞内微囊藻毒素的关系研究

15.One of the two silicified halves of the cell wall of a diatom.瓣硅藻的两片硅化的细胞壁之一

16.unicellular or colonial biflagellate free-swimming flagellates.自由泳的单细胞或群居双鞭毛藻。

17.unicellular green algae that reproduce by spores.单细胞的绿藻,通过孢子繁殖。

18.Researches on the Apoptosis Mechanisms Induced by Microcystins;微囊藻毒素诱导细胞凋亡机理的研究


algae cells藻细胞

1.We observe the changes in shape and structure ofalgae cells with microscope and study the biochemical action of hydroxyl radicals destroying and decomposing the cells.羟基OH·具有极强的氧化能力,用高浓度羟基溶液做药剂,对含有浮游植物扁藻和盐藻的海水进行处理,取处理前后的样品在显微镜下观察藻细胞形态和结构的变化,研究羟基破坏、分解细胞组织的生化作用。

2.The objective was to determine: the contribution ofalgae cells and algae extracellular organic matter(EOM) to the disinfection by-products formation potential(DBPFP),and the effects of preozonation including ozone dosage and preozonation time on DBPFP ofalgae cells and EOM and mechanism of these effects.以处于对数生长期后期的悦目颤藻为研究对象,研究了藻细胞及胞外分泌物对氯化消毒副产物生成势(DBPFP)的贡献,以及臭氧预氧化对DBPFP的影响规律,即不同臭氧投量及预氧化时间对DBPFP的影响,并探讨臭氧预氧化控制消毒副产物生成势的原因。

3)Dunaliella salina cell盐藻细胞

1.By determining the enrichment factor and total yield ofDunaliella salina cells, the effects of different operational conditions, such as gas flow rate (vg), initial cell concentration (C0) and pH on the feasibility of foam flotation ofDunaliella salina cells were investigated.通过对盐藻细胞的浓缩倍数和采收率的测定,考察了藻液pH值、气体流速(vg)、藻细胞初始浓度(C0)对盐藻细胞的泡载分离采收性能的影响,优化了盐藻细胞泡载分离采收条件。

4)macroalgal cells巨藻细胞




海洋单细胞藻海洋单细胞藻marine unicellular algaehaiyang danxiba0Zao海洋单细胞藻(~ne unicenularalgae)单个细胞(或群体)藻类的泛称。这些生物是具有叶绿素,能进行光合作用,生产有机物的自养型生物。它们是海洋中最重要的初级生产者,又是养殖鱼、虾、贝的饵料。单细胞藻包括原核生物界的蓝藻门和原绿藻门,以及原生生物界的隐藻门、甲藻门、黄藻门、金藻门、硅藻门、裸藻门等8个门。全世界海产种数9888种,中国海已记录1 817种(见下表)。 海洋单细胞藻的种数与分布一默⑩廓0鬓粤一臀2~一1盐生小球藻2绿海球藻中国沿岸习见单胞藻(黄宗国)

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