糖尿病康复 > 谷氨酸受体 glutamate receptor英语短句 例句大全

谷氨酸受体 glutamate receptor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-05 02:52:17


谷氨酸受体 glutamate receptor英语短句 例句大全

谷氨酸受体,glutamate receptor

1)glutamate receptor谷氨酸受体

1.Mechanism ofglutamate receptor desensitization and neuroprotection;谷氨酸受体脱敏机制及神经保护作用

2.Molecular diversity ofglutamate receptors and its molecular mechanism;谷氨酸受体分子的多样性及其分子机理

3.Aim:Many reports indicated that autoantibodies toglutamate receptor (GluR) were correlated with intractable seizure.目的:有研究发现谷氨酸受体(GluR)与难治性癫的发作相关,故研究GluR亚单位抗体(GluR3抗体)对海马神经元的损伤作用。


1.Expression of EAAT and mGluR in Cerebral Cortex of Rats with Diabetes Mellitus;糖尿病鼠脑皮质谷氨酸转运体和代谢型谷氨酸受体的表达

2.Exercise and Glutamate Receptors in Brain and the Expression of its Gene;运动与脑中谷氨酸受体及其基因表达

3.Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors and Neurogenesis代谢型谷氨酸受体与神经发生的关系

4.Metabotropic glutamate receptors and related nervous diseases亲代谢型谷氨酸受体和相关神经疾病

5.Studies on the Correlation between Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors and Parkinson Disease;亲代谢型谷氨酸受体与帕金森病相关性研究

6.Dynamic Expression of Glutamate Receptor of Hippocampus, Prefrontal Cortex and Amygdala in an Animal Model of PTSD;PTSD大鼠模型不同脑区谷氨酸受体的表达变化

7.Relationship between Parkinson s Disease and Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors;亲代谢型谷氨酸受体与帕金森病的相关性研究

8.The Distribution of Glutamate Receptors in Heart and their Significance in Forensic Medicine;谷氨酸受体在心脏中的分布及其法医学意义

9.The Effect of Glutamate Receptors on the Aluminum-induced Learning and Memory in Mice Injury谷氨酸受体在铝致小鼠学习记忆损伤中的作用

10.Glutamate Receptor Interacting Proteins Enhance the Neurotoxicity Mediated by AMPA Receptors谷氨酸受体相互作用蛋白介导AMPA受体兴奋性毒性效应

11.The Association between Glutamate Receptor Gene SNP and Schizophrenia;谷氨酸受体基因单核苷酸多态性与精神分裂症的关联

12.A Study on the Effects and Mechanisms of the Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Participating in the Induction of Brain Ischemic Tolerance;代谢型谷氨酸受体参与脑缺血耐受诱导及其机制探讨

13.Effect of Antagonism of Glutamate Receptors in the PVN Region on Baroreflex in Conscious Rats;清醒大鼠室旁核灌流谷氨酸受体阻断剂对压力感受性反射的影响

14.Suppression of γ-aminobutyric acid transporter current by activation of ionotropic glutamate receptors on retinal horizontal cells激活视网膜水平细胞离子型谷氨酸受体抑制γ-氨基丁酸转运体电流(英文)

15.Study on excitability transmission of glutamate receptor in vestibular nucleus by optical imaging用光学成像研究前庭核神经元谷氨酸受体的兴奋性传导

16.Role of glutamate receptors in the spiral ganglion neuron damage induced by acoustic noise谷氨酸受体在噪声所致豚鼠螺旋神经节细胞损伤中的作用

17.Functional Involvement of NMDAR and Pathways in the Process of Mechanotransduction in Osteoblastic Cell;谷氨酸受体在成骨细胞力学信号转导中作用的研究

18.Neuroprotective Action of Group Ⅲ Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Against Neuronal Apoptosis, with Special Reference to Modulation on Neuronal [Ca~(2+)]i Induced by β-amyloid Peptide 31-35;激活第Ⅲ组代谢型谷氨酸受体对Aβ31-35所致神经毒的作用观察


Glutamate receptors谷氨酸受体

1.Role of glutamate receptors in the spiral ganglion neuron damage induced by acoustic noise;谷氨酸受体在噪声所致豚鼠螺旋神经节细胞损伤中的作用

2.Localization of NMDA and AMPA-type glutamate receptors in forebrain ventricular membrane and subventricular zone of adult rats;NMDA和AMPA型谷氨酸受体亚基在成年大鼠前脑室管膜及室管膜下区的分布

3.This paper is attempted to review the new progress of investigation into glutamate receptors,corticotropin-releasing factor receptors,neurokinin receptors and adrenocorticosteroid receptors related with depression mechanism respectively.该文综述了谷氨酸受体、促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素受体、神经激肽受体、糖皮质激素受体在抑郁症发病机制中所起作用的研究进展。

3)Glutamate receptor tunnel谷氨酸受体通道

4)Glutamate receptor(GluR1)谷氨酸受体(GluR1)

5)NR1 NMDA receptorNMDA谷氨酸受体NR1


1.Objective To investigate the expression of AMPA receptor subunit proteinsGluR2/3 in hearing nucleus centre of the rat of different times after unilateral cochlea removal.目的观察单侧耳蜗损伤后不同时段α-氨基-3-羧基-5-甲基异唑-4-丙酸(alpha-amino-3-hydoxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate,AMPA)受体亚型谷氨酸受体2/3(glutamate receptor2and3,GluR2/3)在大鼠耳蜗核的表达的变化,为外周损伤后听觉中枢重组的分子机制提供可能的实验依据。



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