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感应雷电 lightning inductance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-25 08:20:32


感应雷电 lightning inductance英语短句 例句大全

感应雷电,lightning inductance

1)lightning inductance感应雷电

2)lightning induction雷电感应


putation and Analysis of Lightning-Induced Overvoltages in Overhead Lines架空线路雷电感应过电压估算与分析

2.The Research of the Impact That Lighting Overvoltage on Secondary Equipment;雷电感应过电压对二次设备的影响研究

3.Hazards and Protection Strategies which Lightning Induction Act on Aircraft Electronic Equipment雷电感应对机上电子设备的危害和保护策略

4.Calculation Analysis of the Endangerment by Lightning Induction and Study about Its Protection for Computer Room;计算机机房雷电感应危害计算分析及防护措施研究

5.Research on the Induced Overvoltages in Electric Transmission Lines by Directly Lightning Striking on Tower;雷击塔顶时输电线路上的感应过电压研究

6.Research of Calculation and Prevention of Lightning Induced Overvoltages on Overhead Distribution Lines;架空配电线路感应雷过电压计算与防护的研究

7.Prevention of Lightning Induced Overvoltages on Overhead Distribution Lines架空配电线路感应雷过电压防护的研究

8.Calculation of Induced Overvoltage on Distribution Line and Optimization of Disposition of Arrester限制配电线路感应过电压的避雷器布置优化

9.A Preliminary Study on CINRAD and Satellite Data Assimilation and Applications Oriented to Lightning Storm Forecast;面向雷电预报的雷达、卫星遥感资料同化及其应用初步研究

10.Analyse of Lightning-induced Overvoltage in Tower Cranes and its Protection建筑塔吊感应雷过电压产生机理及防护研究

11.A Study on Induced Voltage in the Secondary System by Simulating Lightning Curret and Cable Shielding Characteristics模拟雷电流对二次线的感应电压试验与电缆屏蔽特性研究

12.Mechanism and Protection Method Studies of Induced Over-Voltage on Cable by Lightning Stroke in Substations;变电站电缆雷击感应过电压机理及防护措施研究

13.Study about Induction Overvoltage Near the Lightning Strike;电力系统二次设备防雷及二次电缆电磁感应实验研究

14.The Effect of Thunderbolt Formation and Development on Tower Cranes雷电的形成与发展对建筑塔吊感应高压电的影响

15.Lightning monitoring for Anhui Power Grid and application of lightning information安徽电网雷电监测及雷电信息的应用实践

16.Application of Lightning Location and Monitoring System in Prevention of Lightning Faults of Transmission Line雷电定位监测系统在输电线路防雷中的应用

17.Mother is all of a flutter because of thunder and lightning.由于电闪雷鸣,妈妈感到十分不安。

18.Study of Electromagnetic Scattering from Vegetation and Rough Surface in Radar Remote Sensing;雷达遥感中地物植被的电磁散射研究


lightning induction雷电感应

3)lightning electromagnetic induction雷电磁感应

1.Data cable of automatic weather station in single or normal meteorological observation field inevitable be placed in the environment oflightning electromagnetic induction field.单个或是常规气象观测场自动气象站的数据线缆不可避免地处在可能的雷电电磁感应场中,磁场的屏蔽很难,数据线的走向与磁感应场的关系密切,文中理论估算了雷电磁感应场对不同走向数据线的影响,指出了基本的对策;同时对抑制雷电波的防雷通道设计提出建设性的看法;结合实践,给出了数据线进入工作室的基本布局。

4)resisting the inductive thunderbolt防雷电感应

5)Inductive lightning overvoltage雷电感应过电压

6)inductive voltage of the thunder and lightning雷电感应电压

1.Theinductive voltage of the thunder and lightning and the produced disturbance voltage when the inductive load turns on or is separated from the power network is main disturbance pulse voltage.雷电感应电压和感性负载接入或脱离电源电路时所产生的干扰电压是电源网主要的干扰脉冲电压。



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