糖尿病康复 > 制定修复工艺措施 formulation repair craft measure英语短句 例句大全

制定修复工艺措施 formulation repair craft measure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-10 15:52:54


制定修复工艺措施 formulation repair craft measure英语短句 例句大全

制定修复工艺措施,formulation repair craft measure

1)formulation repair craft measure制定修复工艺措施

2)Repair Method修复措施

1.Based on the failure analysis of middle stage boiler,the repair methods were presented in this article,which can be referenced in the repair of other same kind of equipment.本文在分析中置锅炉失效原因的基础上 ,提出了详细的修复措施 ,为类似情况的设备修复提供了借


1.The Study of Leaking Repair Measure of Glass Sand Inclusion Tube;关于玻璃夹砂管泄漏修复措施的探讨

2.Factors Analysis of Continuous Cucumber Cropping Obstacle and Its Preparatory Bioremediation;黄瓜连作障碍因子分析及其生物修复措施探讨

3.Studies on Mechanism of Continuous Angelica Sinensis Cropping Obstacle and Its Preparatory Bioremediation当归连作障碍机制及其生物修复措施研究

4.Cause Analysis of Roll Failure of Roughing Mill of ASP of Jinan Iron & Steel Co.,Ltd.and Its Countermeasures济钢ASP粗轧机轧辊失效分析与修复措施

5.Effectiveness of hydraulic ecological rehabilitation measures in flow reduced river reaches减水河段水力生态修复措施的改善效果分析

6.Cause Analysis of Turbine Rotor"s Shaft Neck Damage and the Repair汽轮机转子轴颈损伤原因分析及修复措施

7.Study on Soil and Water Conservation and Ecological Restoration Measure System of Shiyaodian Coal Mine石窑店煤矿水土保持与生态修复措施体系研究

8.Sidewise Displacement of a Sheet Pile Wharf with Single Anchorage in Shang hai Port and Recovery Measures Taken in Construction上海港一座单锚板桩码头侧向位移的原因分析及修复措施

9.Risk Assessment Methodology for Groundwater Overdraft Remediations in Cone of Depression, Jining City, China;济宁市地下水过量开采修复措施及风险评价方法研究

10.Influence of Different Ecological Restoration Measures on the Nutrients in the Sediments of the West Wulihu, Taihu Lake;西五里湖不同生态修复措施对沉积物营养盐的影响

11.Effect of Coal-mining Subsidence and Its Ecological Remediation--Taking Zhoucheng Mine as An Example;采煤沉陷对生态环境的影响及其修复措施——以邹城矿区为例

12.Protective Measures and Repair Techniques for Surface of Calender Roll压光辊辊面的保护措施及其修复技术

13.The Study of Building Measures on Ecological Restoration in China中国水土保持生态修复分区治理措施

14.The Effect of Several Fertilization Practices on Restoration of the Degraded Gleyed Paddy Soils;几种施肥措施对退化潜育性稻田的修复效应

15.This security method duplicates an existing one. Either modify it, or cancel this dialog.这个安全措施与一个已存在的措施重复。请修改它或取消这个对话。

16.Modes and Measure Systems for Ecology Restoration of Soil and Water Conservation in Liaoning Province;辽宁省水土保持生态修复模式及其措施体系

17.Analysis and Reducing Suitable Actionsof Mean Time of Repair for Large Precision Instruments;大型精密仪器平均修复时间的分析及缩短措施

18.Hydraulic engineering measures for ecological restoration on the downstream of the main Tarim River塔里木河干流下游生态修复的水利工程措施


Repair Method修复措施

1.Based on the failure analysis of middle stage boiler,the repair methods were presented in this article,which can be referenced in the repair of other same kind of equipment.本文在分析中置锅炉失效原因的基础上 ,提出了详细的修复措施 ,为类似情况的设备修复提供了借

3)repair measures修复措施

4)repair measure修复措施

1.According to concrete conditions of the 4 tanks,repair measures were put forward with respect to linear energy control, repair of surface and interior welding defects as well as heat treatment.某油田公司液化气罐区4台400m3液化气球罐,发现有不同程度的裂纹,为此从组装、焊接、材质、机械损伤、应力腐蚀这5个方面分析了球罐安装过程中导致裂纹产生的主要因素;针对4台球罐的具体情况,又从线能量的控制、焊缝表面缺陷的修复、内部缺陷的修复、球罐热处理等方面提出了修复措施。

5)technological measures工艺措施

1.Fiber damage andtechnological measures in carding process;纤维损伤与梳理工艺措施

2.Therefore,turning to reverse progress,by using the center rest and follower rest reasonably,adding the best tool geometric parameters,the amount of cutting,and so on,a series of effectivetechnological measures,we can achieve processing requirements.在切削力、切削热和振动的作用下,横置的细长轴很容易弯曲变形而丧失精度,因此,采用反向进给车削,配合中心架和跟刀架的合理使用,加之以最佳的刀具几何参数、切削用量等一系列有效的工艺措施。

3.The paper described some different kinds of stainless steels used in construction and other fields,the welding quality andtechnological measures were also included in this paper.分析并介绍了各种不锈钢的焊接性能与工艺措施。

6)Technology Measure工艺措施

1.Analysis on Etching of Slag Line Brick of Ladle for Refining Steel Cord of Tyre andTechnology Measure for Increasing Service Life;帘线钢钢包渣线砖侵蚀分析和提高寿命的工艺措施

2.Different technology measures for improving fatigue life of submarine s important structures are analyzed and discussed in this paper.本文分析了提高潜艇重要构件疲劳寿命的各种工艺措施 ,重点论述了提高潜艇构件疲劳寿命的新工艺措施——超声冲击技术。



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