糖尿病康复 > 茅莓 Rubus parvifolius L英语短句 例句大全

茅莓 Rubus parvifolius L英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-25 02:11:37


茅莓 Rubus parvifolius L英语短句 例句大全

茅莓,Rubus parvifolius L

1)Rubus parvifolius L茅莓


1.Interspecific hybridization among raspberry cultivars,Rubus cratagifolius and Rubus parvifolius树莓品种与牛叠肚及茅莓种间杂交研究

2.Studies on Pharmacognostic Identification and Quality Control of Herb Rubi Parvifolii;中药茅莓形态组织学与质量控制研究

3.Effects of Rubus parvifoliusl extracts on nonbacterial prostatitis in the rats茅莓对大鼠非细菌性前列腺炎的影响

4.The Research of the Total Saponins of Rubus Parviflolius L. Neuroprotective Effect on Cerebral Ischemic Rat"s Model;茅莓总皂苷对脑缺血保护作用的实验研究

5.Study on compared proteomics of focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in rats with the total saponins of Rubus Parviflolius L茅莓总皂苷对局灶性脑缺血/再灌注大鼠的比较蛋白质组学研究

6.strawberry mark(草莓状)红色胎记, 莓状痣

7.STRAWBERRIES $3.00 a box草莓每盒3.00美元

8.wild roses, strawberrries野生的玫瑰、 草莓.

9.(Avoid if you"re allergic to berries.)(草莓过敏者勿用)

10.the strawberry, apple, etc season草莓、 苹果等当令

11.yogurt with sweetened blueberries or blueberry jam.含有加过糖的黑莓或黑莓酱的酸奶。

12.blackberry-like fruits of any of several trailing blackberry bushes.几种蔓生黑莓丛的类似黑莓的果实。

13.Its have grape, blackberry, La Mei and plum to wait on behalf of the fruit.其代表水果有葡萄、黑莓、蓝莓和李子等。

14.Study on the Ecology of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi from the Rhizospere of Raspberry and Blackberry;树莓和黑莓根际AM真菌生态学研究

15.a thatched roof [cottage]葺草屋顶 [茅屋]

16.Sheng YanBing, pen name Mao Dun.沈雁冰,笔名茅盾。

17.Sunflowers reach the low thatched eaves,“茅檐矮矮长葵齐,

18.Berries such as strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries prefer cool and moist growing conditions.像草莓、黑莓、覆盆子及蓝莓之类的浆果都喜好湿冷的生长环境。


Herb rubi parvifolii茅莓

1.Studies on Pharmacognostic Identification and Quality Control of Herb Rubi Parvifolii;中药茅莓形态组织学与质量控制研究

3)Rubus parvifolius茅莓叶

4)Japanese raspberry root茅莓根


1.Effect of total saponins of Rubus parviflolius (TSRP) on the contents EAA of brain tissue in rats during cerebral ischemia-reperfusion;茅莓总皂苷对局灶性脑缺血再灌注大鼠兴奋性氨基酸含量的影响

2.Effect of total saponins of Rubus parviflolius(TSRP) on change of hydrated amount and blood-brain barrier in rats during focal cerebral ischemic/reperfusion;茅莓总皂苷对局灶性脑缺血再灌注大鼠脑水肿及血-脑脊液屏障变化的影响

6)Rubus parviflolius(RP)茅莓提取物

1.Objective: To explore the mechanism of nerve-protecting effects of Rubus parviflolius(RP) on ischemic cerebral injury.目的:探讨茅莓提取物(RP)对缺血性脑损伤的神经保护机制。



【中文名】: 茅莓 【类 别】: 全草类 【英文名】: Japanese Raspberry Herb 【别 名】: 天青地白草、红梅消、三月泡。 【来 源】: 为蔷薇科植物茅莓Rubus parviflolius L.的茎叶。 【采 制】: 夏季采收茎叶,晒干或鲜用。 【性 味】: 性平,味甘、酸。 【植物形态】: 落叶小灌木,被短毛和倒生皮刺。三出复叶互生,顶端小叶较大,阔倒卵形或近圆形,长2.5~5cm,宽2~5cm,边缘有不规则锯齿,上面疏生长毛,下面密生白色绒毛;花萼5裂,被长柔毛或小刺;花瓣5,粉红色,倒卵形;雄蕊多数;心皮多数,分离,生于凸起的花托上。聚合果球形,熟时红色可食。花期5~6月,果期7~8月。 【生长地】: 生于山坡、路旁,荒地灌丛中和草丛中。分布于华东、中南及四川、河北、山西、陕西。 【化学成份】: 叶含鞣质;预试茎含酚类、鞣质。 【功能主治】: 散瘀,止痛,解毒,杀虫。用于吐血、跌打刀伤、产后瘀滞腹痛、痢疾、痔疮、疥疮。

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