糖尿病康复 > 茶条槭 Acer ginnala英语短句 例句大全

茶条槭 Acer ginnala英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-18 08:44:13


茶条槭 Acer ginnala英语短句 例句大全

茶条槭,Acer ginnala

1)Acer ginnala茶条槭

1.Difference in Photosynthetic Characteristics ofAcer ginnala in Different Seasons;不同季节茶条槭光合特性的差异

2.Research Status and Expectation ofAcer ginnala in Northeast China;茶条槭在东北地区的研究现状及展望

3.Establishment of the Suspension Culture System and Optimization of Biosynthesis of Gallic Acid inAcer ginnala;茶条槭悬浮培养体系的建立与没食子酸合成的优化条件


1.A Study on the Drought Resistance of Acer ginnala,Malus Baccata,Prunus Davidiana and Pyrus Ussuriensis茶条槭、山荆子、山桃和山梨抗旱性研究

2.Biological Characteristics and Planting Technology of Acer ginnala Maxim茶条槭的生物学特性与培育技术研究

3.Influence of Cadmium on Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics in Acer ginnala and Acer mono镉对茶条槭和五角槭光合作用和叶绿素荧光特性的影响

4.Effects of Pruning by Different Intensity on Production of Leaves of Non-timber Product Forest of Acer ginnald Maxim不同强度的修枝对茶条槭经济林产叶量的影响

5.Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Acer Ginnala;茶条槭(Acer ginnala)组织培养与快速繁殖技术研究

6.Tolerance of Sambucus Coreana and Acer Ginnala to Soil NaHCO_3 Stress朝鲜接骨木和茶条槭苗木对盐胁迫抗性的研究

7.Isolation and Identification of an Endophytic Fungus Producing Gallic Acid from Acer ginnala一株产没食子酸的茶条槭内生真菌的分离鉴定

8.Adaptive responses of Acer ginnala, Pyrus ussuriensis and Prunus davidiana seedlings to soil moisture stress茶条槭山梨山桃苗木对土壤水分胁迫的适应性(英文)

9.Effect of Different Soil Water State Contents on Water Status of Quercus liaotungensis and Acer stenolobum var. megalophyllum不同土壤水分条件对辽东栎、大叶细裂槭水分状况的影响

10.Studies on the relationship between the microclimate in the crown of tea plants and their growth and development.条栽茶树树冠小气候与茶树生长发育的关系

11.Please refer to the SERVICE AGREEMENT link on the bottom of the main page.请留意茶餐厅主页底部的[服务条款]。

12.Tea/coffee making facility in all bedrooms.所有卧室有沏茶和煮咖啡的条件

13.Tea/coffee making facility in a* bedrooms.所有卧室有沏茶和煮咖啡的条件。

14.Example: "Would you like some more ice tea or French fries?"例句2.“你还想要更多的冰茶或薯条吗?”

15.Studies on the optimize extract methods of catechin by microwave assistant extraction;微波辅助萃取儿茶素优化条件的研究

16.Optimization on Induction Condition for Callus of Fuding DAbai Tea福鼎大白茶愈伤组织的诱导条件优化

17.Automatic detection of overlapped tea leaf sprouts重叠条件下茶叶嫩芽的自动检测方法

18.The maple sap was boiled down to a thick syrup.槭树汁被煮成糖浆。


Acer ginnala Maxim茶条槭

1.Establishment of Callus Regeneration System forAcer ginnala Maxim and Determination of Gallic Acid in Callus;茶条槭愈伤组织的再生体系建立及其没食子酸含量的测定

2.Inhibiting effects of 3 antioxidants on contamination and browning of tissue culture ofAcer ginnala Maxim.;3种抗氧化剂对茶条槭(Acer ginnala Maxim.)组织培养污染及褐化的影响

3.Biological Characteristics and Planting Technology ofAcer ginnala Maxim茶条槭的生物学特性与培育技术研究

3)Acer ginnald Maxim茶条槭

1.Sowing and Seedling Raising ofAcer ginnald Maxim in Dalian Area;大连地区茶条槭播种育苗试验

2.Effects of Pruning by Different Intensity on Production of Leaves of Non-timber Product Forest ofAcer ginnald Maxim;不同强度的修枝对茶条槭经济林产叶量的影响

4)chatiaoqisu C茶条槭丙素


6)ash-leaf maple复叶槭枝条



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