糖尿病康复 > 药用植物资源 medicinal plant resources英语短句 例句大全

药用植物资源 medicinal plant resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-27 20:37:53


药用植物资源 medicinal plant resources英语短句 例句大全

药用植物资源,medicinal plant resources

1)medicinal plant resources药用植物资源

1.Studies onmedicinal plant resources of Genera lonicera L. in Guangdong province;广东省忍冬属药用植物资源研究

2.Investigation of themedicinal plant resources and their diversity at Changbaishan Mountain Areas,northeastern China;长白山区药用植物资源及其多样性研究

3.There is great advantage ofmedicinal plant resources in east Anhui province.皖东地区自然条件优越 ,药用植物资源优势明显 ,不仅种类多、储量大 ,而且品质好、分布广。


1.On the Utilization of Lizu s Plant Resources and Folk Medicine;黎族药用植物资源的利用及民间医药

2.Clematis′s Resource and Use of Jiangxi Province江西铁线莲属药用植物资源及其利用

3.A Preliminary Investigation On Medicinal Plant Resources of Yushan (Ⅱ);虞山药用植物资源研究初报(二)──草本植物类

4.Conclusion: The resources of medicinal plant Xanthium may be appropriately expanded.结论:苍耳子药用植物资源可适当扩大。

5.A Preliminary Investigation On the Pharmaceutical Plants Resources of Mengshan Mountain in Linyi City(Ⅱ);临沂市蒙山药用植物资源调查(Ⅱ)

6.A Preliminary Investigation On the pharmaceutical plants Resources of Mengshan Mountain in Linyi City(I);临沂市蒙山药用植物资源调查(Ⅰ)

7.Protection and Resources of Wild Medical Plant in Guozigou,Yili;伊犁果子沟野生药用植物资源与保护

8.Resource Investigation of Wild Medicinal Plant in Jiurushan Scenic九如山风景区野生药用植物资源调查

9.Investigation of Medical Plants Resources from Longli County of Guizhou Province贵州龙里县药用植物资源的调查研究

10.Rare and Endangered Medicinal Plants and Their Conservation in Ningxia宁夏珍稀濒危药用植物资源及其保护

11.Investigation on Medicinal Plant Resources of Geomantic Woods in Dongguan City东莞市风水林药用植物资源调查研究

12.Medicinal Plant Resource and Sustainable Development of TCM Industry;药用植物资源与中药产业的可持续发展

13.Exploitation of Wilding Medicinal Plants Resource of Liliaceae in the Area of Huangshan;黄山百合科野生药用植物资源及其利用

14.Resources of Medicinal Plant Swertia L.in Chongqing,Its Development and Utilization;重庆獐牙菜属药用植物资源及其开发利用

15.The Sustainable Utilizationof Medicinal Plants Resource in East Anhui Province;皖东地区药用植物资源可持续利用研究

16.Research on the Medicinal Pteridophyte, Its Exploitation and Utilization;药用蕨类植物资源研究及其开发利用

17.Research of Germplasm Resources and Genetic Diversity of Snakegourd;药用植物栝楼种质资源及多样性研究

18.A Preliminary Study on Resource of Medicinal Bryophytes of Mt.Kunyu in Shandong Province山东昆嵛山药用苔藓植物资源的研究


resources of medicinal plants药用植物资源

1.Studies onresources of medicinal plants Rubus L. in Fujian Province;福建省悬钩子属药用植物资源

2.Resources of Medicinal Plants Boraginaceae in Gansu Province;甘肃紫草科药用植物资源

3)Medicinal plant resource药用植物资源

1.There is rich medicinal plant resource in the forest.黑龙江省森林具有丰富的药用植物资源。

2.Exploiting the medicinal plant resources in Exi region is of momentous significance.在分析鄂西药用植物资源的特点和开发利用现状及存在问题基础上,提出了进一步开发利用鄂西药用植物资源的具体对策。

3.Situations of development and utilization of medicinal plant resources were briefly discussed.讨论了太行山猕猴自然保护区药用植物资源的开发利用现状,并提出了资源开发及保护建议,旨在为合理开发利用该区药用植物资源提供理论依据。

4)cultivated medicinal plants resource栽培药用植物资源

5)wild resources of medicinal seed plants野生药用种子植物资源

6)Medical and ornamental resources药用观赏植物资源


药用植物资源(见天然药物资源、中国药用植物分布)药用植物资源(见天然药物资源、中国药用植物分布)medicinal plant resourcesYaOYong zh一wu ziyuon药用植物资源(medicinal Plant resouoes)见天然药物资源、中国药用植物分布。

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