糖尿病康复 > 水上漂浮 floating英语短句 例句大全

水上漂浮 floating英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-04 06:40:22


水上漂浮 floating英语短句 例句大全



1.The paper puts focus on researching the technology and theory of joining Qigong approaches and theory with aquaticfloating.本文着重研究应用气功基本原理及其方法与水上漂浮相结合的理论和技术方法,使水上漂浮集水浴、日光浴、空气浴和气功等功益于一体,以提高养生保健之功效。

2.The latter two groups received 10 days of Benford\"s high-intensity training,followed by 3 hours of wearingfloating with psychological stress and another 3 hours of running at the speed of 26.目的:探讨五味子对实验性慢性心理应激下水上漂浮并高强度运动雄性大鼠垂体-肾上腺皮质、性腺轴功能及糖代谢的影响。


1.To convey or send floating through the air or over water.漂浮在空气中或水上漂浮着传或送

2.The river was running pretty fast and lots of wood drifted.河水非常湍急,水上漂浮着好多木头。

3.A float, often having a bell or light, moored in water as a warning of danger or as a marker for a channel.浮标常带有铃或灯的漂浮物,在水上漂浮用来作危险警告或航道指示

4.a float supporting a seaplane.支持水上飞机的漂浮物。

5.There was seaweed floating about on the surface of the water有些海草漂浮在水面上。

6.Plants that float on the surface of bodies of fresh water.漂浮植物漂浮在淡水水体表面上的植物

7.Wreckage or cargo that remains afloat after a ship has sunk.漂浮物沉船后仍漂浮在水面上的残片或货物

8.A floating structure serving as a dock.浮码头漂浮在水上的用作码头的结构

9.Even if two of these were flooded, she would still be able to float.即使有两个舱进水,仍可漂浮的水面上。

10.Survival bobbing lets you float for a long time on your stomach.救生浮游就是让你长时间地仰卧着漂浮在水上。

11.The moon glows like phosphorus on the vagrant waters.月在漂浮的水面上象磷光般闪亮。

12.A cork bobbing on the water.软木浮标在水中上下漂动

13.Behind me, a floatie came to the surface.在我后边的水面上漂浮着一个救生圈。

14.This isle was then floating and unstable.这座小岛漂浮在水面上并且不稳定。

15.a line painted on the hull of a ship to correspond with the surface of the water when the ship is afloat on an even keel.当船漂浮在平静水面时船壳上的水面线。

16.Wood floating in or washed up by the water.漂流木在水中浮动或被水冲上岸的木头

17.any small or minute aquatic plant of the family Lemnaceae that float on or near the surface of shallow ponds.浮萍科的任何一种小的、水生的植物,经常漂浮在浅水塘的表面上。

18.Slowly now it floated among logs and brushwood and over the flooded land.这时它缓缓地在树干和矮树间漂浮着,又浮到被洪水淹没的陆地上。



3)Leaves were floating on the water.树叶漂浮在水上。

4)Cork floats on water.软木漂浮在水上。

5)floating on water漂浮在水面上

1.The major difference between them is that the former isfloating on water but the latter is fixed in water.葑田、架田最大的不同在于:前者是漂浮在水面上,而后者则是固定在水中,高出水面一定的距离。



地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)d ixiashui shuiziyuan Ping】ia地下水水资源评价见水资源评价。

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