糖尿病康复 > 胎儿毒性 fetotoxicity英语短句 例句大全

胎儿毒性 fetotoxicity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-28 01:23:31


胎儿毒性 fetotoxicity英语短句 例句大全



2)male fetus男性胎儿


1.Every brain is initially female in its organisation and it only becomes a male brain when the male foetus begins to secrete hormones.每个大脑最初在它的组织里是雌性的,它只在男性胎儿开始分泌荷尔蒙的时候变成男性大脑。

2.The feasibility of predicting the development of fetus dependent on the length of liver, heart and kidney胎儿心、肝和肾长度预测胎儿发育的可行性探讨

3.Analysis on the correlation between dense echo of fetal intestinal canal and fetal abnormities胎儿肠管强回声与胎儿异常的相关性分析

4.Testosterone produced by the fetus could suppress the mother"s immune system and perhaps make her more susceptible to disease.(男性)胎儿产生的睾丸激素会抑制母亲的免疫系统,这可能会使她更容易感染疾

5.sex-selective abortion针对胎儿性别进行的选择性人工流产

6."Fetal:Of, relating to, characteristic of, or being a fetus."胎儿的:有关胎儿的、有胎儿特点的或是胎儿的.

7.Of, relating to, characteristic of, or being a fetus.胎儿的有关胎儿的、有胎儿特点的或是胎儿的

8.A Study on the Relationship of Premature Delivery and Cell-Free Fetal DNA in Maternal Blood and Fetal Fibronection in Vaginal Secreion;母血胎儿DNA浓度及阴道分泌物胎儿纤连蛋白与早产的相关性研究

9.Portray a Fetus and Advice About Sex Identify Without Medical Motive;从“胎儿写真”谈对非医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定控制

10.TYRES: Tyres are male, because they go bald easily and are often over-inflated.轮胎:轮胎是男性,因为他很容易变秃,而且经常过度膨胀。

11.Thymus Gland Transplantation Nursing Care胎儿胸腺移植治疗恶性肿瘤的护理

12.Necropsy of the fetus reveals autolysis which is nonspecific.胎儿尸检显示非特异性自溶现象。

13.Ultrasonography in Screening Fetal Congenital Heart Disease and Tei Index;超声检测胎儿先天性心脏病、Tei指数

14.Immunolocalization of Estrogen Receptors in Early Porcine Fetal Gonads雌激素受体在早期猪胎儿性腺的分布

15.Research of the Relationship between ActivinA and Acute Fetal Distress激活素A与急性胎儿窘迫关系的探讨

16.Clinical Retrospective Analysis of 299 Cases with Teratomas in Children小儿畸胎瘤299例临床回顾性分析研究

17.Clinical analysis of non-diabetic fetal macrosomia 368 cases非糖尿病性巨大胎儿368例临床分析

18.Congenital cystadenomatoid malformation of the fetal lung:evaluation of CDUS彩超诊断胎儿先天性肺囊腺瘤样病变


male fetus男性胎儿

3)fetal gender胎儿性别

1.Early determination offetal gender with ultrasonography has been shown to be extremely accurate.早期马胎儿性别超声测定是非常精确的,该法是通过定位胎儿尾部和脐带之间的生殖器结节做出性别诊断 雄性胎儿准确率97。


1.Embryotoxicity and teratogenicity of Fengshi Ping capsule;风湿平胶囊的胚胎毒性及致畸性

2.Embryotoxicity of Cyclophosphamide in Mice;环磷酰胺对小鼠胚胎毒性影响的研究

3.Embryotoxicity and Teratogenecity of Aconitum in Rats;乌头类中药的胚胎毒性及致畸性

5)embryonic toxicity胚胎毒性

6)Embryo toxicity胚胎毒性

1.Study on the teratogenesis and embryo toxicity of mixture of organophosphorus pesticide in rats;有机磷农药混剂对大鼠的胚胎毒性和致畸性研究

2.Research actuality and expectation on embryo toxicity of traditional Chinese medicine;中药胚胎毒性的研究现状和展望

3.Study on embryo toxicity of hyperthermia by use of whole embryo culture technique in vitro;应用全胚胎体外培养技术检测高热的胚胎毒性


HbBart胎儿水肿综合征HbBart胎儿水肿综合征〖HT5”SS〗〖WTBZ〗Hb Barts hydrops fetalis syndromeα地中海贫血的一个类型。是两条16号染色体的4个α因全部缺失或缺陷,基型为α地中海贫血纯合子,完全不能分成α链,而合成Hb Barts(γ4),患病胎儿常于妊娠后期成为死胎或早产后不久死亡。主要表现为胎盘增大而易破碎、重度贫血、全身明显水肿、肝脾肿大。此病在我国广西和广东已有发现。

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