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评级 rating英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-22 08:08:17


评级 rating英语短句 例句大全



1.Study of bank customer creditrating system based on J2EE;基于J2EE的银行客户信用评级系统研究与实现

2.The paper provides an analytical prediction on the gross profit rate and price trend of pulp, newsprint, linerboard, coated paper, offset printing paper and white cardboard and offers relevant investmentratings.对纸浆、新闻纸、箱纸板、铜版纸、双胶纸、白卡纸市场的毛利率和价格走势进行了分析预测,并给出了投资评级。

3.rating the accounting system.对于这一问题的解决 ,提出了一种新的方法———给会计师事务所的审计资质评级。


1.Triple A [3A ] 3A级,最佳债券评级[

2.A Review on the Sovereign Credit Rating Models of the Three Biggest Rating Agencies美国三大评级公司主权评级模式评析

3.credit rating agency (CRAs)信贷评级公司,信贷评级机构

4.film evaluation胶片评级(起球的评级方法)

5.Standard & Pool"s Corporation斯坦普耳(评级)公司

6.That"s credit rating?你指的是资信评级?

7.physical fitness assessment chart体能测验评级对照表

8.The Research of IRB Applied in the Credit Risk Rating System of CCB;内部评级法在建设银行信用评级中的应用研究

9.On ratings of Chinese commercial banks by international rating agencies;试论国际评级机构对中国商业银行的评级

parison and Analysis of Commercial Banks" IRB Approach and External Rating商业银行内部评级与外部评级的比较分析

11.Research on Financial Appraisal in Enterprise Credit Rating;企业信用评级中的财务评价问题研究

12.Research on the Application of M.H.DIS Approach on Credit Assessment;多标准等级判别模型在信用评级中的应用研究

13.Analysis of the Rule of Credit Rating Institutions in the Formation of Subordinated Debts Crisis and Its Implications信用评级机构在次级债危机形成中的角色解析

14.International credit rating agency Standard& Poor"s upgraded its long-term outlook on the Hong Kong dollar from negative to stable.国际评级机构标准普尔把港元长债评级展望,由负面升为稳定。

15."Capital, Asset Quality, Management, Earnings and Liquidity Rating System [CAMEL Rating System]"资本、资产质素、管理、盈利及流动资金评级制度〔CAMEL评级制度〕

16.Study of Small-Medium Enterprises Credit Rating System Based on Third Party Credit Rating Agency;基于第三方评级机构的我国中小企业信用评级体系研究

17.Several Issues concerning Credit Rating Market Development and Rating Product Application;影响信用评级市场发展与评级产品应用的几个问题

18.Senior Programme Officer, Rapid Assessment快速评价高级方案干事



1.Perhaps,making aclassification is one of the effective ways that let it to be.由对科学史的主体和对象的阐释入手,探究了科学史何以可能的问题,通过分析,文章得出结论:科学史在某方面是不可能的,但在某种意义上又是可能的,其缺点正是其所是的本质特征之一,对科学史进行评级也许不失为一种比较有效的使其得以可能的办法之一。

2.Through the images collection and the data analysis, procession and calculation of the tested cocoons with the non-destructive testing technology, internet applications automatically reckoned all items of theclassification indexes.介绍了应用光电技术和数字图像处理技术实现蚕茧质量无损检测,利用无损检测技术,结合蚕茧的光学特性,通过对被检茧进行图像采集、分析处理和计算,应用数字图像处理软件自动推算出相关评级指标并综合评级,最后得出评级结果和收购价格。


1.A method forgrading dangers of pollution accidents;环境污染事故危险源评级方法研究

2.The results of the biyearly perusal andgrading among science and technology periodicals in Hunan Province since 1997 are analyzed and summarized.对自1997年至今每2a进行一次的湖南省科技期刊审读评级的情况作了总结、分析。


1.At present, stock evaluation in our stock market is on the stage of exploration, in which expert and history methods are often used, while lack of quantity analysis determination of factors affecting evaluation and the relations among factors.目前,我国股票市场上的股票评级尚处于探索阶段,评级时多采用专家法或历史法,而对于影响股票评级的各因素的确定以及因素间的相互作用缺乏定量分析。

2.Supervision andEvaluation of Corporate Governance of Commercial Banks;其中最重要的是开展对商业银行公司治理的评价,通过有效借鉴中介机构和国际机构的公司治理评价体系,我国银行业监管部门建立了自身的公司治理评级体系,并取得了一定的效果。

5)automatic measure grading自动评级

1.Theautomatic measure grading method of grain size was put forward based on the definition of grain size in the Chinese Standards.根据国标中晶粒度的定义提出进行晶粒度测量自动评级方法,论述了该方法中应用计算机图像处理技术进行图像尺寸标定、二值化变换、消除噪声、提取晶界和计算晶粒个数,最终计算晶粒度评级参数等过程的算法及实现。

6)Star-class assessment星级评价


评级评级 Rating定义:1. 从投资角度评估一种企业或市政债券的相对安全度。评级一般对发行人还本付息的能力进行仔细审查 。2. 研究分析员对买入、卖出或持有一种股票的建议。

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