糖尿病康复 > 冠心Ⅱ号 GuanxinⅡ英语短句 例句大全

冠心Ⅱ号 GuanxinⅡ英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-20 19:21:21


冠心Ⅱ号 GuanxinⅡ英语短句 例句大全



1.Effect ofGuanxinⅡ on Myocardial Pathological Injury and Myocardial Enzymes in Acute Myocardial Infarction Rats;冠心Ⅱ号对急性心肌梗塞大鼠心肌损伤和心肌酶的影响

2.GuanxinⅡdecoctions under the same decoction technics.目的:考察同一批冠心Ⅱ号组方药材在同一煎煮工艺条件下煎剂中有效成分含量的变异程度。

3.GuanXinⅡis a traditional medicine, it’s therapeutical principle is activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis.冠心Ⅱ号是一传统的以活血化瘀为治则的方剂,经动物和临床实践证实对冠心病有一定的治疗效果。


1.Clinical Observe of NO, SOD, CRP on the Guan Xin Ⅱ Hao in Treatment of Angina Pectoris Patients;冠心Ⅱ号对心绞痛患者血NO、SOD、CRP的临床观察

2.Protective Effects and Mechanisms of Guanxin Ⅱ on Myocardial Ischemia;冠心Ⅱ号对缺血心肌保护作用及机制的研究

3.Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Square--Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Therapeutic Effect of Coronary Heart NoⅡ Decoction;方剂治疗药物监测——冠心Ⅱ号临床药动、药效监测

4.Effects of Addition of Different Drugs to Guanxin Ⅱ on Plasma Concentration of Danshensu冠心Ⅱ号不同配伍对丹参素血药浓度的影响

5.The Main Effect of Guanxin No.2 Formula and Its Components on the Gene Expression of the Myocardial Infarction Rats;冠心Ⅱ号方成分配伍对心肌梗塞大鼠主要基因表达的影响

6.Effects of Guanxin Ⅱ Combined with Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation on Acute Myocardial Infarction in Rats冠心Ⅱ号联合骨髓间充质干细胞移植对大鼠急性心肌梗死的影响

7.Experimental Study of Treating Atherosclerosis by Coronary Heart No.Ⅱ and Salvia Injection;冠心Ⅱ号和丹参注射液治疗动脉粥样硬化的实验研究

8.The Influences of NO, NOS, SOD on the Guan Xin Ⅱ Hao in Treatment of Human Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque;冠心Ⅱ号对人颈动脉粥样硬化斑块血NO、NOS、SOD的影响

9.Little acute effect of Guanxin Ⅱ atomized desiccant on coronary artery blood flow in health male volunteers常规剂量冠心Ⅱ号喷雾干燥剂对健康男性冠脉血流无明显急性作用

10.Study of Guanxin Ⅱ Combined with Transplantation of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Treatment of Myocardial Infarction;冠心Ⅱ号联合骨髓间充质干细胞移植治疗急性心肌梗死的实验研究

11.Effects of Traditional Chinese Herb Remedies Guan-Xin-Er-Hao and Xiong-Shao on Hemodynamics and Their Preliminary Protective Mechanism of Vascular Endothelium in Anesthetized Rats;冠心Ⅱ号和芎芍对大鼠血流动力学的影响及其血管内皮保护机制初探

12.Pharmacology by Bioanalysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine Recipe: Primary Studies on Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Xiaoyao-San Decoction and in Vivo Pharmacodynamics of Coronary Heart No.Ⅱ Decoction;生物方剂分析药理学:逍遥散临床药动及冠心Ⅱ号实验药效的初步研究

13.Studies on Effectiveness of Kai Xin Capsule Number Ⅱ for Treatment of Angina Pectoris Disease on Clinical Symptom;开心胶囊Ⅱ号治疗冠心病心绞痛的临床观察

14.To Observe the Curative Effect of the Xinjingping Ⅱ in Treating Frequent Ventricular Premature Beats Caused by Coronary Heart Disease Associated with Heart Failure心静平Ⅱ号治疗冠心病心力衰竭伴频发室性早搏的临床观察

15.The Clinical Study of Xiongbi Ⅱ Hao Decoction Treats Coronary Heart Disease Due to Deficiency of Qi and Blood Stasis;胸痹Ⅱ号治疗气虚血瘀型冠心病心绞痛的临床研究

16.The Effect of Guan Xin Ⅲ on ECG in Patients with Angina Combined Cardiac Hypertrophy冠心Ⅲ号对冠心病并心肌肥厚患者心绞痛、心电图的影响

17.Effects of Xinguantong Ⅰ Herbal Compound on Cardiomyocyte Viability and Cardiac Function in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Following Successful Revascularization;心冠通Ⅰ号对急性心肌梗塞冠脉再通后心肌活性和心功能的影响

18.Changes of Serum Lipids and Malondialdehyde in Patient with Type Ⅱ Diabetes Mellitus and CHDⅡ型糖尿病伴发冠心病患者血清脂质与丙二醛变化的临床观察


Guanxin Ⅱ冠心Ⅱ号

1.Effect of Oral Administration ofGuanxin Ⅱ Decoction on Coronary Blood Flow and Cardiac Systolic/Diastolic Function in Healthy Males;冠心Ⅱ号汤剂对健康男性冠脉血流和心脏收缩舒张功能的影响

2.Study on Free Radical Mechanism ofGuanxin Ⅱ in Antagonizing Ischemic Myocardial Damage;冠心Ⅱ号抗缺血性心肌损伤的自由基机理实验研究

3.Effects of Addition of Different Drugs toGuanxin Ⅱ on Plasma Concentration of Danshensu冠心Ⅱ号不同配伍对丹参素血药浓度的影响

3)Guanxin Ⅱ Hao冠心Ⅱ号

1.The Effect ofGuanxin Ⅱ Hao on Plasma NO, NOS in Myocardial Ischemia Dog;冠心Ⅱ号对犬心肌缺血模型一氧化氮、一氧化氮合酶的影响

2.The Effect ofGuanxin Ⅱ Hao on Plasma SOD,CRP and MDA in Myocardial Ischemia Dog;冠心Ⅱ号对犬心肌缺血模型血清超氧化物歧化酶、C反应蛋白、丙二醛的影响

4)GuanxinⅡ formula冠心Ⅱ号方

1.Effects ofGuanxinⅡ formula (冠心Ⅱ号方) on myocardial apoptosis of acute myocardial ischemia in rats;冠心Ⅱ号方对心肌梗塞大鼠心肌细胞凋亡的影响


6)Guan Xin Er Hao复方冠心Ⅱ号

1.Progresses:Constituents and Pharmacological Analyses ofGuan Xin Er Hao Decoction;中药复方冠心Ⅱ号的化学成分及药理研究进展



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