糖尿病康复 > 异常现象 abnormal phenomena英语短句 例句大全

异常现象 abnormal phenomena英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-18 17:59:34


异常现象 abnormal phenomena英语短句 例句大全

异常现象,abnormal phenomena

1)abnormal phenomena异常现象

1.Treatment onabnormal phenomena of magnesium content determination in phosphate rock;磷矿氧化镁含量测定中异常现象的处理

2.Analysis ofabnormal phenomena in ultimate bearing capacity of bored pile;钻孔灌注桩承载力异常现象分析

3.In the paper,we will analyze theabnormal phenomena appeared using in the determinator and introduce some knowledge and experience in service.本文就仪器使用过程中出现的异常现象进行分析 ,同时介绍一些仪器维修方面的知识与经验。


1.The first anomaly appeared five months before the earthquake mainly with the shape of sudden pulse change upwardly.临震异常表现为一个“方波”形态的异常现象。

2.production of an abnormally small amount of urine.产生的尿液量很少的一种异常现象。

3.the many anomalies in the tax system税务制度中的多种异常现象.

4.Analysing Abnormal Phenomena of Back and Forth Automatic Circulation Control Circuit;往复自动循环控制电路异常现象分析

5.Treatment of Abnormal Phenomena of QSN750 Direct Reading SpectrometerQSN750直读光谱仪异常现象的处理

6.GVM-514S Direct Reading Spectrometer anomaly processGVM-514S直读光谱仪异常现象的处理

7.Investigation of the Macroscopic Anomalies before and after the Wenchuan M8.0 Earthquake汶川8.0级地震前后宏观异常现象分析

8.Analysis of Experimental Singularities Caused by Common Electronic Measuring Instruments;常用电子测量仪器引发实验异常现象分析

9.Surface and cross-section are100% inspected to sceen out defect such as inclusion and under-densed.表截面100%查,以发现结晶的异常现象,如夹杂、松。

10.An Analysis of Current Situation and Measurement Research into Abnormal Psychological Phenomena of College Students;大学生心理异常现象的现状及对策分析

11.Abnormal Phenomena in the Year Starting to Make Profit and Its Countermeasures“开始获利年度”中的异常现象与处理对策

12.A Commotion Occurred in Amplification of Consecutive Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): The Mechanism and Implications;连续PCR扩增过程中异常现象的发生机理研究

13.Abnormalities of Hybrid Embryo Development in Plant Distance Hybridization and Countermeasures;植物远缘杂交中杂种胚发育的异常现象及对策

14."Gentry Invasion":An Abnormal Phenomenon in Parliamentary Elections in Tudor England;“乡绅入侵”:英国都铎王朝议会选举中的异常现象

15.Perspective of the abnormal phenomenon about operation and operation-induced risk;透视手术实施和手术风险及其中的异常现象

16.Unusual Phenomenon of Sex Ratio of Birth in Anhui Province from the View of Sociology;社会学视野中的安徽省出生性别比异常现象

17.Abnormal Phenomena in Deciding the High Position of the First Three Scholars in Imperial Civil Examinations from Northern Song to Southern Song Dynasties;试论两宋进士前三名遴选中的异常现象

18.Tentatively on the Abnormal Phenomena in Selecting the First Three Successful Candidates in Imperial Civil Examination During Ming & Qing Dynasties;试论明清进士前三名遴选中的异常现象


abnormal phenomenon异常现象

1.This paper expounds anabnormal phenomenon occurring in the course of internal threading and the causes of it, makes detailed analysis on occurrence and calculating methods of the pitch, tooth-type half-angle, pitch diameter, etc.叙述了车削内螺纹时出现的一种异常现象以及产生异常现象的原因,详细分析了螺距、牙型半角、中径等误差的产生、计算方法及其对联结件可靠性的影响,并提出了补偿措施。


1.WT5BZ]The round jet/plane jetanomaly remains as a long unsolved problem in turbulence,and it is the touchstone of a turbulence model of differential equations.圆射流 /平面射流异常现象是湍流研究领域的一个著名的难题 ,是验证湍流微分方程模型的试金石。



1.But a lot ofanomalies and other patterns of predictability in the actual market are,to a considerable extent,predictable.但现实市场中所出现的诸如均值回归等等种种异常现象以及其他预测模式,又说明股票价格在一定程度上是可以预测的。

6)abnormal occurrence异常现象

1.The theoretical base and the reasonable explanation of processing and analyzing anabnormal occurrence of DC circuit grounding are introduced .变电站直流系统的稳定运行对整个电网的安全运行至关重要,最常见的故障为直流接地,直流系统出现接地故障排除后即可恢复正常运行,一般不会出现反复接地,本文介绍了直流接地异常现象的查找处理过程及分析的理论依据,对异常现象给出了合理解释,并指出必须重视产品选型及设备检修质量管理。



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