糖尿病康复 > 尿毒清 Niaoduqing英语短句 例句大全

尿毒清 Niaoduqing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-25 05:05:22


尿毒清 Niaoduqing英语短句 例句大全



1.Curative effect ofNiaoduqing(尿毒清) on patients with critical illness combined with renal failure;尿毒清在危重症合并肾功能不全患者中的治疗作用

2.Niaoduqing particles to maintain the blood purification treatment and clinical research尿毒清颗粒与维持血液净化治疗临床研究


1.The Research for the Effects of Niaoduqing Capsules on Renal Fibrosis and Its Mechanism;尿毒清胶囊抗肾纤维化作用及其机制研究

2.Effect of NDQ on the Negative Charge of Red Blood Cell and Endothelial Cell尿毒清对红细胞膜和内皮细胞膜负电荷的影响

3.Niaoduqing particles to maintain the blood purification treatment and clinical research尿毒清颗粒与维持血液净化治疗临床研究

4.Influence of Uremic Clearance granules on blood fat in chronic renal insufficiency patients尿毒清颗粒对慢性肾功能不全患者血脂的影响

5.Therapeutic Efects of Telmisartan in Combination with Uremic Clearance Granule on 32 Cases of Early Diabetic Nephropathy替米沙坦联合尿毒清颗粒治疗早期糖尿病肾病32例

6.Clinical observation on therapeutic efects of combined use of Niaoduqing pellet and telmisartan in treating early diabetic nephropathy替米沙坦联合尿毒清颗粒治疗早期糖尿病肾病的临床研究

7.Effects of Niaoduqing on expressions of the fibrogenetic factors in rats with Adriamycin nephropathy尿毒清对阿霉素肾病大鼠致纤维化因子表达的影响

8.The Changes of Serum and Urinary Leptin Levels in Uremic Patients and the Correlativity Analysis;尿毒症病人血清及尿中Leptin水平变化及相关分析

9.The relationship of HBV-DNA in urine and ALT in serum尿液中乙肝病毒DNA与血清中ALT的关系

10.The clearance effect of highly permeable dialysis on toxin in uremia高通量血液透析清除尿毒症毒素疗效观察

11.Interventional Effect of Qingrejieduyin on Inflammatory Midiators in Diabetes;清热解毒饮对糖尿病血清炎症因子的干预研究

12.Qing Hua Zhuo Du Prescription:Clinical Observation of Its Effects on Glucose Toxic Effects in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Due to Intense Heat and Turbid Poison清化浊毒方对热盛浊毒型2型糖尿病葡萄糖毒性作用的临床观察

13.Change of Endogenous Digoxin-like Substance in Uremia Patients尿毒症血透患者血清内源性洋地黄物质的变化

14.Experiment Study on the Later-phase Diabetic Nephropathy Rats Treated with Tangduqing Granules and Possibale Action Mechanism;糖毒清治疗晚期糖尿病肾病的研究及机理探讨

15.The research of Qingzhuo Qudu pill assist in the treatment of urinary tract infection清浊祛毒丸辅助治疗泌尿系感染的探讨

16.Effect of Different Blood Urea Nitrogen Level Uremic Serum on Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells不同尿素氮水平尿毒血清对人脐静脉内皮细胞的影响

17.Retrospective Study on Uremic Cardiomyopathy and Experimental Study on Uremic Cardiomyopathy Rats Treated with Dunaiqing Granules;尿毒症心肌病回顾性分析及毒乃清防治尿毒症心肌病大鼠实验研究

18.The effect of blood purification on clearance of serum phosphate in uremia patients血液净化对尿毒症患者血磷清除影响因素的研究


uremic serum尿毒血清

1.Effect of Panax notoginsenosides on excretion and degradation of extracellular matrix of human renal tubular epithelial cells induced byuremic serum;三七总苷对尿毒血清诱导的人肾小管上皮细胞外基质分泌及降解的影响

2.The protection effects of Panax Notoginsenosides on the gene expressionand protein excretion of TGF-β_1 and CTGF of human renal tubular epithelial cell induced byuremic serum;三七总苷对尿毒血清诱导的人肾小管上皮细胞TGF-β_1、CTGF基因表达和蛋白分泌的影响

3.Effects ofuremic serum on cell proliferation and procollagen of HK-2;尿毒血清对HK-2细胞增殖和胶原蛋白分泌的影响(英文)

3)Niaoduqing tablet尿毒清片

4)Niaoduqing granules尿毒清颗粒

1.Determination of Astragaloside in Niaoduqing Granules by HPLC-ELSD尿毒清颗粒中黄芪甲苷的含量测定

2.OBJECTIVE:To study the reason of Niaoduqing Granules on chronic renal failure.目的:进一步阐明尿毒清颗粒药理作用机制。

5)Niaoduqing Capsule尿毒清胶囊

1.Effects ofNiaoduqing Capsule and its Ingredients on Expressions of TGF-1 FN LN in Renal Tissue of CRF Rats Modeled by 5/6 Nephrectomy;尿毒清胶囊及其拆方对5/6肾切除大鼠肾组织TGF-β1 FN LN表达的影响

2.The Research for the Effects ofNiaoduqing Capsules on Renal Fibrosis and Its Mechanism;尿毒清胶囊抗肾纤维化作用及其机制研究

6)Uremic Clearance Granule尿毒清颗粒

1.Objective:To investigate the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) activity in patients with peritoneal dialysis after taking Corbrin capsule orUremic Clearance Granule through clinical randomized controlled trials.目的:通过临床随机对照试验探讨腹膜透析患者口服百令胶囊或尿毒清颗粒后对血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)活性的影响。

2.Patients in treatment group received colon dialysis therapy combined with uremic clearance granule retention enema,and patients in control group received uremic clearance granule orally.两组患者在常规治疗的基础上,治疗组给予口服尿毒清颗粒及结肠透析联合尿毒清颗粒保留灌肠治疗,对照组给予口服尿毒清颗粒治疗,疗程均为1个月。


尿毒清颗粒药物名称:尿毒清颗粒汉语拼音:Niaoduqing Keli主要成分:大黄、黄芪、甘草、茯苓、白术、制何首乌、川芎、菊花、丹参、姜半夏等。性状:棕色或棕褐色的颗粒;味甜、微苦。药理作用:经大、小鼠三种肾功能衰竭模型实验,呈现降低肌酐、尿素氮,改善肾功能作用。功能与主治:通腑降浊,健脾利湿,活血化瘀。用于慢性肾功能衰竭,氮质血症期和尿毒症早期、中医辨证属脾虚湿浊证和脾虚血瘀证者。可降低血肌酐、尿素氮,稳定肾功能,延缓透析时间,对改善肾贫血,提高血钙、降低血磷也有一定作用。用法与用量:温开水冲服。一日4次,6、12、18时各服5g(1小包),22时服10g(2小包)。每日最大量40g(8小包),也可另定服药时间,但两次服药间隔应超过8小时。不良反应:禁忌症:含糖制剂,糖尿病肾病所致肾衰竭者不宜使用。注意事项: 1 应在医生指导下按主治证候用药,按时按量服用。 2 按肾功能衰竭程度,采用相应的肾衰饮食,忌豆类食品。 3 服药后大便呈半糊状为正常现象,如呈水样便需减量使用。 4 可与对肾功能无损害的抗生素,西药降压、利尿、抗酸降尿酸药并用。 5 忌与氧化淀粉等规格: 5g。贮藏:密封。有效期:暂定1.5年。处方药:是

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