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考试应激 exam stress英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-23 09:11:34


考试应激 exam stress英语短句 例句大全

考试应激,exam stress

1)exam stress考试应激

1.Influences ofexam stress on hematological parameters and correlations with HLA-DQB1;考试应激对血常规影响及与HLA-DQB1关系

2.Survey of emotional state in undergraduates underexam stress;大学生考试应激源下焦虑、抑郁情绪的状态调查

3.The Changes of Biological Parameters under Exam Stress and Their Correlations with HLA-DQB1;考试应激对机体生物学指标的影响及其与HLA-DQB1等位基因的关联


1.Research on Sports Activity as a Coping Means to Examination Stress;体育活动作为考试应激的应付方法研究

2.Effect of the stress of physical education tests onmental state and test achievements in college students;体育考试应激对大学生心理状况及考试成绩的影响

3.Study on the effect of test stress on mental health in senior high school students;考试应激对高中生心理健康水平的影响

4.Experimental Research of the Influence of Test Stress and Mood State on P.E University Entrance Examination Scores考试应激及心境对体育高考成绩影响的实验研究

5.The Changes of Biological Parameters under Exam Stress and Their Correlations with HLA-DQB1;考试应激对机体生物学指标的影响及其与HLA-DQB1等位基因的关联

6.Association of Immune Change under Test Stress, Personality and MICA Gene Polymorphism;考试应激状态下人体免疫的变化及其与人格、MICA基因多态性的关系

7.Effect of middle school examination on mental state and test scores in middle school students;中考应激对中学生心理状态及考试成绩的影响

8.Research on the Application of Educational Game in Examination Based on Incetinve Mechanisms基于激励机制的教育游戏在考试中的应用研究

9.Don" t get excited about the examination ; keep cool.不要对考试太激动,沉着点。

10.A Brief Talk on Examination Skills in CET4 & CET6 Listening Co mprehension;浅析四、六级考试听力测试的应试技能

11.Exams should be reformed.应该对考试进行改革。

12.Well, you should sit the written test first.那么你应该先考笔试。

13.Give out the examination papers to the candidates, please.请把考卷发给应试者。

14.appear in the examination来应试,出现在考场上

15.Thinking on application of military stress in China;关于军事应激应用性研究的几点思考

16.The Mediating Effect of Examination Mental Quality on Examination Mental Problem s Influencing Examination Performance;考试心理素质在考试心理问题与考试绩效间的中介效应分析

17.Candidates should be at their desks 5 minutes before the start of the examination.考生应该在考试前五分钟入座。

18.Failure in one examination should not stop you trying again.一次考试不及格不应妨碍你再试一次.


examination stress考试应激

1.Research on Sports Activity as a Coping Means to Examination Stress;体育活动作为考试应激的应付方法研究

3)Test Stress考试应激

1.However,we can effectively relieve students of their weakened immunity caused by test stress through psychological intervention.目的研究大学英语四级考试应激及心理干预前后学生唾液IgA浓度的变化。

4)coping with exams考试应对

5)adaptive test自适应考试

1.Aiming for electronic exam of "college computer science",the paper constructs the mode ofadaptive test using Item Response Theory and designs the system with the structure of Browser/Server.本文针对《大学计算机基础》课程的电子考试,采用项目反应理论构建自适应考试模型,运用Browser/Server三层体系结构设计网络考试系统。

2.The article expounds the Item Response Theoryand the implementation of selfadaptive test.随着计算机的普及、网络的发展、教学和考试测评理论的更新,一种基于题目反应理论的计算机自适应考试已经越来越普及,它以其题目适应不同能力学生水平自动变化的特点,已经被越来越多的考试所采用,针对题目反应理论,需要对自适应考试实现等问题加以论述。

3.The thesis covers several research aspects in distance education, such as constructionism andadaptive test theo.系统集成了网上学习、网上自适应考试、网上答疑、网上课件管理等模块。


1.Item pool establishing forCAT of local relative items;局部相关性试题自适应考试题库建设的研究

puterized adaptive testing(CAT), which is come forth no.计算机化自适应考试(computerized adaptive testing, CAT)基于项目反应理论,是一种方兴未艾的考试形式。


迟发性应激反应迟发性应激反应delayed stress reactions迟发性应激反应(delayed stress reactions)置身于高度紧张的生活情境中的人有时不立即出现明显的应激征象,只是在紧张性事件结束后很久才产生应激反应,这种见之于紧张性事件结束后较久的反应,便称作迟发性应激反应。这类反应多见于重大的自然灾害之后,如地震、洪水、咫风、滑坡。在这些自然灾害突然发生时,除少数人显露明显持久的应激反应外,大多数人很快地从自然灾害所造成的冲击中恢复过来,救援家人和邻居,并自发地组织起来向受难者家属提供社会支持,尽快地恢复正常的生产和生活。可是,自然灾害所造成的威胁过去数日或数周后,一些人开始出现应激症状,如焦虑、恐惧、抑郁、记忆功能下降、头痛、眩晕、失眠、易怒、噩梦和内脏功能紊乱的症状。除了自然灾害外,这些迟发性应激反应也可见于某些重大的生活事件之后,例如被绑架作为人质、被强奸或亲人死亡。这些情境的共同特点是:(l)个人的基本需要甚至生命受到威胁。(2)紧张性事件基本上是不可控制的突发性事件。(3)个体刻板地应用防御机制(如否认机制),没有其他有效的应对方法。临床上称为“精神创伤后应激障碍”。迟发性应激反应的持续时间因人而异,长者可持续数年之久,从而可对病人的心身健康造成严重损害。对于这些病人,应在了解其症状的前因后果的基础上,给以恰当有效的心理治疗和医学干预。(梁宝勇撰徐俊见审)

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