糖尿病康复 > 急性咽炎 Acute pharyngitis英语短句 例句大全

急性咽炎 Acute pharyngitis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-14 15:46:26


急性咽炎 Acute pharyngitis英语短句 例句大全

急性咽炎,Acute pharyngitis

1)Acute pharyngitis急性咽炎

1.Effects of Yushu Buccal Tablets on Serum Interleukin-6 and Tumor Necrosis Factor in the Rats with Acute Pharyngitis;玉枢含片对急性咽炎大鼠血清白介素-6及肿瘤坏死因子等指标的影响

2.The Clinical observation of treating the acute pharyngitis with Yan Ji Ling Granule;咽疾灵冲剂治疗急性咽炎的临床观察

3.Clinic Studies on Acute Pharyngitis Treated by Jinju Liyan Troches;金菊利咽口含片治疗急性咽炎(Ⅲ期)临床试验研究


1.The effect of dexamethasone of treating acute pharyngitis地塞米松对急性咽炎的治疗作用研究

2.Observing on treatment of acute pharyngitis and tonsillitis with cefadroxil头孢羟氨苄治疗急性咽炎、扁桃体炎的疗效观察

3.Clinic Studies on Acute Pharyngitis Treated by Jinju Liyan Troches;金菊利咽口含片治疗急性咽炎(Ⅲ期)临床试验研究

4.Some children with acute pharyngitis complain of abdominal pain and are febrile.有些患急性咽炎的小儿诉说腹痛且有发热。

5.Extract and Concentrate Technological Process and Quality Standard Research of Jixing Yanyan Buccal Tablet;急性咽炎含片的提取浓缩工艺及质量标准研究

6.The potential complications of acute pharyngitis in young children may be much more serious than the disease itself; therefore, it should never be dismissed lightly.幼儿的急性咽炎潜在并发症可能比咽炎本身更严重,所以决不要忽视。

7.Acute pharyngitis does not ordinarily last for more than 2 or 3 days, but there is always the danger of complications.急性咽炎一般不超过二至三天,但总是有并发症的危险。

8.Observation on Curative Effect of Chronic Pharyngitis and Laryngitis Treated by Laser激光治疗急、慢性咽、喉炎疗效观察

9.Laryngitis, for example, often accompanies the disease, and acute inflammation of the middle ear should be closely watched for.例如,喉炎常与咽炎并存,还应该密切注意中耳的急性炎症。

10.Study of Throat Swab Cultures in Children with Acute Tonsillitis;儿童急性扁桃体炎咽拭子培养结果研究

11.Clinical study on the treatment of Xiaoyangyin on acute pericoronitis of wisdom tooth by gargling and swallowing消疡饮漱咽治疗急性智齿冠周炎的临床研究

12.Insomnia following intravenous infusion of azithromycin for acute laryngopharyngitis阿奇霉素静脉滴注治疗急性咽喉炎致失眠

13.Streptococcal pharyngitis may also lead to an acute form of kidney disease or to inflammation of the glands of the abdominal cavity.链球菌性咽炎也可能导致急性肾疾患或腹腔淋巴结炎。

14.Relieving sore throat and diminishing inflammation, the products of watermelon frosting is an effective antidote against chronic pharyngitis.西瓜霜制品,利咽、消炎,慢性咽炎的克星。

15.In this acute inflammation of all the throat membranes, they become fiery red and covered with a film of pus and mucous discharge.在整个咽粘膜发生急性炎症时,咽粘膜就会呈火红色并覆盖一层脓性和粘性分泌物。

16.Prevention of rheumatic fever and diagnosis and treatment of acute streptococcal pharyngitis American Heart Association(AHA)美国心脏病协会风湿热的预防与急性链球菌咽炎的诊治意见

17.Isambert"s disease急性粟粒性咽喉结核

18.ulocytic angina粒细胞缺乏性咽峡炎


Acute nasopharyngitis急性鼻咽炎

3)acute pharyngitis急性咽喉炎

1.The clinical study on the alleviation of pain caused by oral ulcer oracute pharyngitis: a solution using benzocaine lozenges.;苯佐卡因含片治疗口腔溃疡、急性咽喉炎引起的疼痛的临床研究

2.Experimental study of Wild Achyranthes Root onacute pharyngitis土牛膝治疗急性咽喉炎的实验研究

4)antiinflammatory effect急慢性咽喉炎

5)Jixing Yanyan buccal tablet急性咽炎含片

1.With the function of heat-clearing and detoxicating,dissipating phlegm and relieving sore-throat,promoting the production of body fluid and eliminating stagnation,the prescription ofJixing Yanyan buccal tablet comes from a laryngology clinical expert s experiment.目的急性咽炎含片组方来源于多年喉科临床经验专家的经验方,具有清热解毒,化痰利咽,滋阴润燥,生津散结之功,在临床上证明对急性咽炎具良好的疗效。

6)ute pharyngolaryngotracheitis急性咽喉气管炎



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