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备自投 automatic bus transfer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-17 14:08:27


备自投 automatic bus transfer英语短句 例句大全

备自投,automatic bus transfer

1)automatic bus transfer备自投

1.Study and application onautomatic bus transfer equipment of 220 kV transformer220kV主变压器备自投的研究与应用

2.A case about non-operation ofautomatic bus transfer in a 10kV substation is introduced in this paper.介绍了某站10 kV备自投拒动的案例。

3.The unanticipated actions ofautomatic bus transfer equipment(BZT)in different opera-tion patterns are analyzed,including line BZT,high-voltage and low-voltage bus-tie BZTs etc.就不同方式的备用电源自投装置(简称备自投)在运行中的非预期动作情况进行了分析,如线路备自投、高压母联备自投、低压备自投等。


missioning on CSC-246A Autorestart EquipmentCSC-246A型备自投装置调试

2.Analysis on Control Strategy of Busbar Automatic Transfer Switch Based on N–1 Criterion基于N-1准则的备自投投退控制策略

3.The Research of one New Adaptive Bidirectional Auto-swith-in Device of Stand-by Power Supply Scheme一种可实现自适应双向互投的备自投方案研究

4.The Analysis and Countermeasure of a Standby Power Auto-switching Malfunction Accident一起“备自投”误动事故的分析和对策

5.Spare power automatic switching based on IEC61850基于IEC61850标准的网络化备自投功能

6.Research of auto-switch-in device of stand-by power supply for 110kV substation after earthquake震后110kV变电站备自投方案的研究

7.The improved scheme of the automatic bus transfer device considering the main transformer protection计及主变保护的备自投装置改进方案

8.Wiring errors of automatic bus changeover and countermeasures备自投装置接线中的问题及应对措施

9.Study and application on automatic bus transfer equipment of 220 kV transformer220kV主变压器备自投的研究与应用

10.Research of Automatic Throw-in Equipment of Emergency Power Supply of Heihe 220kV Substation220kV黑河变电所所变电源备自投方案的研究

11.Research and Discussion of Three Backup Power Switchover Units Function in Operation关于三台主变运行下主变备自投功能的探讨

12.Analysis on the rejecting cause of 110 kV substation spare power supply line110kV变电所备自投供电线路拒动的原因分析

13.A Backup Power Auto-switch-on Implementation Based on FSM and Configuration一种基于有限状态机和组态的备自投实现

14.Decoupling Control Strategy for Bus Self-transfer with Two-source Expansive Inner-bridge Connection基于双电源扩大内桥的备自投解耦控制策略

15.Prevention of Large Area Regional Blackout in Electric Power Systems by Expanding Function of Backup Automatic Switching Device扩展备自投功能防止区域性大面积停电事故

16.Operation Ways Analysis of a Substation that Has 3 Major 110kV Generator Transformers含有3台主变的110kV变电所备自投运行方式分析

17.automatic throw-in equipment of emergency power supply备用电源自动投入装置

18.Research on the automation switcher of back up power based on the microprocessor;微机型备用电源自动投入装置的研究


reserved auto-switch-on device备自投

1.Application and analysis ofreserved auto-switch-on device based on power network;备自投装置在电网中的应用分析

2.Analysis and technical measures ofreserved auto-switch-on device action in inverse power transmission operation倒送电运行方式中备自投动作分析及技术措施

3.Thereserved auto-switch-on device is widely used for improving the reliability of power supply in power grid.备用电源自动投入装置(简称备自投)作为提高供电可靠性的重要措施,广泛应用在电网中。

3)automatic bus transfer equipment备自投

1.Application of digitalautomatic bus transfer equipment in hydraulic power plant;数字式备自投装置在水电厂的应用

2.The incoming line voltage change and system frequency change during line fault and safety and stability control are different,according to whichautomatic bus transfer equipment decides to disable or enable the swi.为了保证电网中由安全稳定控制装置远切110 kV变电站负荷造成主供电源失电时,110 kV电网备用电源自动投入(备自投)装置不允许动作,而由其他原因造成主供电源失电时,备自投应可靠动作,开发了一种适用于安全稳定控制系统的备自投装置。

3.The widely application ofautomatic bus transfer equipment improves power supply,also has brought about its own set of problems.备自投的广泛应用在提高供电可靠性的同时,也带来了相应的问题。

4)emergency power supply autorestart备自投

1.In ordor that power grid will be ensured safety in operation, the method to strengthen stable measures and idea ofemergency power supply autorestart for Ganzhou power grid status are put forword.针对赣州电网现状提出加强稳定措施的方法 ,及完善备自投的构想 ,以保证电网安全稳定运行。

2.The reasons leading to incorrect action ofemergency power supply autorestart equipment are summarized,such as improper design change,wrong wiring by debugging workers,insufficient monitoring,inadequate sampling precision,emergency power supply autorestart equipment bugs and so on.总结了备自投装置运行中不正确动作原因。

5)standby power automatic devotion备自投

1.Application of serial interface in distancestandby power automatic devotion;通信串口在远方备自投上的应用

2.In this text it has brought forward a sort of technology scheme , which use the existing serial interface devices in electric power communication system to realize the distancestandby power automatic devotion which power supply are spare each other between several transformer substation in power system .提出了一种利用电力通信系统现有串口技术设备,实现电网内多个变电站之间电源互为备用的远方备自投的技术方案。

6)backup power automatic switching备自投

1.Outer blocking condition of inner bridgebackup power automatic switching is analyzed and discussed,based on the kinds of inner bridge and logic design of microcomputerbackup power automatic switching devices.针对内桥接线存在的多种运行方式,兼顾各综合自动化厂家微机备自投的逻辑设计,对内桥接线方式备自投的外部闭锁条件进行分析和讨论,提出自适应的闭锁开入设计方案,给供电部门运行和设计提供应用参考。



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