糖尿病康复 > 持续性血液净化 Continuous blood purification (CBP)英语短句 例句大全

持续性血液净化 Continuous blood purification (CBP)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-19 04:03:01


持续性血液净化 Continuous blood purification (CBP)英语短句 例句大全

持续性血液净化,Continuous blood purification (CBP)

1)Continuous blood purification (CBP)持续性血液净化


1.Role of continuous blood purification on treatment of hyperosmosis with unconsciousness after liver transplantation持续性血液净化治疗肝移植术后高渗血症伴神志障碍的研究

2.Experimental Study of Continuous Blood Purification in the Traumatic Pulmonary Fat Embolism持续血液净化在创伤性肺脂肪栓塞中实验研究

3.Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Equipment(CRRT) Key Technology;连续性血液净化设备(CRRT机)关键技术

4.Observation of early continuous blood purification in the treatment of severe acute pancretitis连续性血液净化早期治疗重症急性胰腺炎

5.Analysis of the effect of continuouse blood purify in the early treatment of the critical ill patients.危重病早期连续性血液净化的疗效分析

6.Clinical Effects of Continuous Blood Purification in the Treatment of Septic Shock;连续血液净化在感染性休克中的临床疗效

7.The Effect of Continuous Blood Purification on Endothelium Function in Patients with MODS连续性血液净化对MODS患者内皮细胞功能的影响

8.The application of continuous blood purification in pediatric critical care连续性血液净化技术在儿科危重症中的应用

9.Effects of continuous blood purification on Connexin43 in human alveolar epithelial cells连续性血液净化对肺泡上皮细胞Connexin43的影响

10.Therapeutic effects of continue blood purification on multiple organ dysfunction syndrome连续性血液净化治疗多脏器功能障碍综合征

11.Observation and Nursing of High-risk Patients with Bleeding Tendency Performing Continuous Beside Blood Purification高危出血倾向患者持续床旁血液净化的观察与护理

12.Clinical analysis of four cases of disseminated intravascular coagulation treated with continuous blood purification连续性血液净化疗法治疗弥散性血管内凝血4例临床分析

13.The Effect of Continuous Blood Purification on Plasma Vasoactive Substances in Piglets with Endotoxic Shock;连续血液净化对内毒素休克幼猪血浆血管活性物质水平的影响

14.Application of Continuous Quality Improvement on The Obstruction of Femoral Vein Catheter in Patients with Blood Purification持续质量改进在预防血液净化患者股静脉置管堵塞中的应用

15.Effect of Continuous Blood Purification on Plasma Inflammatory Mediators Levels of Patietns with Severe Acute Pancreatitis连续性血液净化对重症急性胰腺炎血浆炎症因子的影响

16.Clinical and Experimental Study of Effect of Continuous Blood Purification on Thrombotic and Fibrinolytic Factors and Mechanism;连续性血液净化对凝血纤溶因子影响及其机制的临床与实验研究

17.Clinical Research on the Influence of Continuous Blood Purification to the Plasma Concentration of Fluconazole连续性血液净化对氟康唑血药浓度影响的临床研究

18.Influence of Continuous Blood Purification on Hemodynamics of Critical Patients and Nursing Care连续性血液净化对危重患者血流动力学的影响及护理


Continuous blood purification持续血液净化

1.Analysis of continuous blood purification in 11 patients with severe acute pancreatitis;用持续血液净化治疗急性重症胰腺炎11例分析

3)Continuous blood purification连续性血液净化

1.Application of combination transfer pump to continuous blood purification;组合输液泵在连续性血液净化中的应用

2.Effect of continuous blood purification on oxidative stress in critically ill patients;连续性血液净化治疗危重症患者对机体氧化应激的影响

3.Nursing management of continuous blood purification;连续性血液净化的护理管理


1.Observation of earlyCBP associated with PD on the treatment of SAP;连续性血液净化联合腹膜透析治疗重症急性胰腺炎

2.Methods:Forty patients with severe trauma were divided into two groups: treatment group (22 cases receivingCBP therapy within 24 hours after trauma) and control group (18 cases withoutCBP treatment ).目的探讨早期连续性血液净化(CBP)治疗对严重创伤患者免疫功能的影响和治疗意义。

3.Objective:to investigate the effect of continuous blood purification(CBP) on the clearance of serum PCT and TNF-αIL-6 IL-10;and the diagnostic value of PCT in patients with sepsis;meanwhile to observe the benefit of renal function, hemodynamic and prognosis of patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome(SIRS) or sepsis and acute renal failure (ARF) .目的:应用连续性血液净化( continuous blood purification CBP)中连续性静脉-静脉血液滤过(continuous veno-venous hemofiltration,CVVH)技术探讨其对系统性炎症反应综合征(systemic inflammatory response syndrome SIRS)/脓毒症(sepsis)合并急性肾衰患者体内降钙素原(procalcitonin PCT)、TNF-α、IL-6、IL-10等炎症因子的清除作用,以及PCT在全身炎症反应综合征和脓毒症中的诊断价值;同时观察CBP对肾功能、血流动力学的治疗作用和预后的影响。

5)Continuous renal replacement therapy连续性血液净化设备

6)Continuous blood purification连续性血液净化治疗

1.Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of early Continuous Blood Purification (CBP) in the treat-ment of the patients with Severe Acute Pancretitis (SAP).目的:观察早期加行连续性血液净化治疗(CBP)的非手术常规治疗重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)的临床疗效。

2.Observation of early continuous blood purification in the treatment of severe acute pancretitis目的观察早期联合应用连续性血液净化治疗(CBP)的非手术常规治疗重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)的临床疗效。


持续性部分性癫痫持续性部分性癫痫epilepsia partialis continua又名“Kojewnikow综合征”,是大脑运动皮质病变引起的部分性运动性发作,特点是面部肌肉或上肢的限局性阵挛,持续不断,但意识无障碍。本综合征有两种临床类型:①起病于2~10岁,平均6.4岁。都有已知的病因,如炎症、血管病等。阵挛发作总是限局性的,肌阵挛发作出现较晚。脑电图背景波形正常,棘慢波发放主要限局于中央区。病程不进展。一般没有智力发育障碍。②小儿慢性进行性持续性部分性癫痫,即Rasmussen综合征。本型病因不明。起病在2~14岁间,起病前正常或在数月内有感染史。发作形式是部分性运动性阵挛,以上肢为主,成为一侧身体。发作频繁。常伴其他发作类型,肌阵挛抽搐出现时间较早。常有偏瘫,智力落后等神经系异常。脑电图背景波变慢、不对称。发作期和间期均有爆发性棘慢波,常为弥漫性或多灶性。上述癫痫治疗困难。

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