糖尿病康复 > 迷宫式密封 labyrinth seal英语短句 例句大全

迷宫式密封 labyrinth seal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-20 03:38:24


迷宫式密封 labyrinth seal英语短句 例句大全

迷宫式密封,labyrinth seal

1)labyrinth seal迷宫式密封

1.There exist air leakage phenomena in the original tooth rolllabyrinth seal of pellet shaft furnace The new type of disk seal is used to substitute thelabyrinth seal and the lubricating system are reformed and the strict operation and maintenance system are established Therefore, the air leakage problem of tooth roll can be dealt wit球团竖炉齿辊装置原迷宫式密封存在漏风现象 ,为此采用新型盘式密封替代迷宫式密封 ,并对润滑系统进行了相应改造 ,制订了严格的操作维护制度 ,从而解决了齿辊漏风问

2.After an enumeration of the existing problems specific to alabyrinth seal the necessity of employing contact and running in type seals was expounded along with an exploratory study of the lateral seal for a light type chain grate stoker.以常用的鳞片式链条炉排为例 ,阐述了炉排侧密封的重要性 ,揭示了迷宫式密封存在的问题和采用接触式密封和饱合式密封的必要性。


1.Numerical simulation of labyrinth seal on tip leakage flow in partially and fully shrouded axial turbine涡轮叶尖迷宫式密封对泄漏流场影响的数值模拟

bined labyrinth and crabon gland迷宫和碳精组合式密封

3.labyrinth gland迂回[曲折, 迷宫式]密封盖

4.Theoretical Research on the Principles of Seal in Labyrinth Piston Compressors;迷宫活塞式压缩机密封机理的理论研究

5.Numerical study of leakage and dynamic coefficients of stepped labyrinth gas seals阶梯式迷宫密封泄漏量和动特性数值研究

6.Numerical Simulation and Analyse of Airstream Excitation in Labyrinth Seal;迷宫密封气流激振的数值模拟与分析

7.Applied Research for Technology of Labyrinth Seal in Electric Spindle迷宫密封技术在电主轴中的应用研究

8.Numerical Simulation of the Kinetic Characteristics of a Labyrinth Gland Rotor迷宫密封转子动力学特性的数值模拟

9.Improvement and application of two-control-volume model on labyrinth seal迷宫密封双控制体模型的改进及应用

10.labyrinth grease seal迷宫式润滑脂封闭器,曲径式润滑脂封闭器

11.Influence of inlet preswirl on discharge and heat transfer characteristics of honeycomb and smooth labyrinth seals预旋对蜂窝密封和迷宫密封内流动传热特性影响

12.Research on Scroll Compressor"s Flank Sealing Structure Based on Labyrinth Effect基于迷宫效应的涡旋齿的切向密封研究

13.Numerical calculation of nonlinear dynamic characteristics for labyrinth seals迷宫密封非线性动力特性的数值计算方法

14.Numerical Simulation and Structure Optimization of Flow Fields in the Labyrinth Seals;迷宫式汽封内部流动的数值模拟与结构优化

15.Applied Research of Technology of Labyrinth Seal in Numerical Control Transformation for Mine Machinery Industry迷宫密封技术在煤机行业数控改造中的应用研究

16.Influence of Rotor Axial Shifting on Dynamic Characteristics in Staggered Labyrinth Gland转子轴向偏移对交错齿迷宫密封动力特性的影响

17.This paper presents the principle and structure of beehive seal and its application results , meanwhile, demonstrates the problems existing in actual application of labyrinth seal.介绍蜂窝密封原理、结构及应用效果,阐述迷宫密封在实际应用中存在的问题。

18.Aerodynamic Performance Analysis of Turbine Stage with Labyrinth Gland in Intermediate Pressure Cylinder of Steam Turbine汽轮机中压缸迷宫式汽封完整级气动性能的分析


labyrinth sealing迷宫式封闭,迷宫式密封

3)multiple labyrinth seal复式迷宫式密封

4)axial labyrinth seal轴向迷宫式密封

1.The author introduced installation technology and skill with the examples ofaxial labyrinth seal and radial contact seal.作者以轴向迷宫式密封和径向接触式密封为例,介绍了安装技巧和要点。

5)Straigth-through lubyrinth seal直通式迷宫密封

6)simplex parallel winding单迷宫式密封



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