糖尿病康复 > 清热补益煎剂 QingreBuyi decoction英语短句 例句大全

清热补益煎剂 QingreBuyi decoction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-29 14:00:18


清热补益煎剂 QingreBuyi decoction英语短句 例句大全

清热补益煎剂,QingreBuyi decoction

1)QingreBuyi decoction清热补益煎剂

1.Study on effect ofQingreBuyi decoction on acute radiation proctitis清热补益煎剂治疗急性放射性直肠炎的临床研究


1.Study on effect of QingreBuyi decoction on acute radiation proctitis清热补益煎剂治疗急性放射性直肠炎的临床研究

2.Effec of Two Decocting Methods on the Quality of Ganmao Qingre Decoction不同煎药方法对感冒清热汤剂质量的影响

3.The Clinical and Experimental Study on the Treatment of Acute Radiant Injure to the Oropharyngeal Mcus with the Spray of Reducing Fever and Nourishing Yin Combined with Oral Decoction;清热滋阴喷雾剂配合口服煎剂治疗急性放射性口咽粘膜反应的临床及实验研究

4.The Effect of Qingre Liqi Decoction on Gastrointestinal Hormone and Gastric Motility of Patients with Hepatic and Functional Dyspepsia;清热理气煎剂对肝病性及功能性消化不良患者胃动力、胃肠激素的影响及临床疗效观察

5.The Curative Effect Observation about Treating CP by the Method of Supporting Kidney Fortify Qi and Eliminating Heat and Wetness Evil and Radiotherapy;补肾益气、清热祛湿法辅以射频治疗Ⅲ型前列腺炎疗效观察

6.Clinical Observation of Shirebi Decoction for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis with Damp-heat Blockage Syndrome湿热痹煎剂治疗类风湿关节炎(湿热痹阻型)临床观察

7.Effects of Psoralea Corylifolia L. on Bone Metabolism in Ovariectomized Osteoporotic Rats补骨脂水煎剂对去卵巢大鼠骨质疏松模型的影响

8.Therapeutic Effect of Bushen Shachong Decoction on Male Urogenital Tract Mycoplasma Genitalium Infection:An Observation of 58 Cases补肾杀虫煎剂治疗男性泌尿生殖道支原体感染58例疗效观察

9.An Experimental Study of Yizhining Decoction to Improve the Sustained Active Attention of Spontaneous Hypertensive Rats益智宁煎剂改善SHR大鼠持续性主动注意力的实验研究

10.Influence of Yizhining Decoction on dopamine in frontal lobe cortex and striate body of the SHR rats益智宁煎剂对SHR大鼠前额叶皮质及纹状体多巴胺的影响

11.Effects of CTM Nourishing QI,Yin and Kidney on Serum and Testicle Testosterone of Rats after Heavy-Load Swimming Training;益气养阴补肾方剂对雄性大鼠大负荷游泳训练后血清及睾丸组织睾酮水平的影响

12.The Chinese patent drug "Ganmao Chongii"(granular infusion for influenza) can clear away heat and toxic materials.中药感冒冲剂,清热解毒。

13.Effect of Corn Bract on the Level of NO,ET and Apoptosis of Endothelial Cells玉米苞叶煎剂对高脂大鼠血清NO ET水平及内皮凋亡的作用

14.Effect of Qingganling Apozem on endotoxemia in rats with acute hepatic injury清肝灵煎剂对急性肝损伤大鼠内毒素血症的影响

15.Effect of JiKun Recipe on Gonadal Hormono in HyperandrogenemiaMice with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome济坤煎剂对PCOS高雄激素血症小鼠血清性激素水平的影响

16.A heat-loss-compensated aluminium absorbed dose calorimeter热损补偿型铝吸收剂量量热计的研制

17.The Observation of Clinical Effect by Fu Fang Bai He Jian Ji in Treatment of CAG (Damp-heat and Deficiency of Yin);复方百合煎剂治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎(湿热阴伤型)50例临床疗效观察

18.Clinical Study of Banxia Xiexin Jiawei Decoction on Gastroesophageal Reflux Diseases;半夏泻心汤加味煎剂治疗胃食管反流病脾虚胃热证的临床研究


heat-clearing and removing blood stasis decoction清热化瘀煎剂

1.42 cases in Qihuang group were treated with Qihuang benefiting vital energy decoction and 42 cases in Qinghua group were treated withheat-clearing and removing blood stasis decoction.方法CP患者84例分为芪黄组42例予芪黄益气汤煎剂治疗,清化组42例予清热化瘀煎剂治疗。

3)Yangyin Qingre Decoction养阴清热煎剂

4)Qingre Liqi Decoction清热理气煎剂

1.The Effect ofQingre Liqi Decoction on Gastrointestinal Hormone and Gastric Motility of Patients with Hepatic and Functional Dyspepsia;清热理气煎剂对肝病性及功能性消化不良患者胃动力、胃肠激素的影响及临床疗效观察

5)clearing heat antitoxicant and reinforcement清热补益法

1.The traditional Chinese medicine chooses the method ofclearing heat antitoxicant and reinforcement for the prevention and therapy of intestine barrier functional disturbance after radiation injuries,meanwhile carrying out syndrome differ treatment according to everybody"accompanying syndrome,and always has a better therapeutic effect.中医在防治辐射损伤相关肠屏障功能障碍方面具有独特疗效,临床多以清热补益法为基础,再结合患者不同兼证或变证而进行辨证论治、组方用药。

6)Yigan decoction益肝煎剂

1.Clinical and experimental study on the treatment of hepatic fibrosis withYigan decoction;益肝煎剂抗肝纤维化的临床研究


丹红化瘀口服液药物名称:丹红化瘀口服液汉语拼音:Danhong Huayu Koufuye主要成分:丹参、当归、川芎、桃仁、红花、柴胡、枳壳。性状:深棕色液体,久置有微量沉淀;气微,味微苦。药理作用:经家兔脉络膜视网膜玻璃体出血模型试验,结果表明有促进眼内出血的吸收.和有利于异常视网膜电图的恢复,还可增加巨噬细胞而增进其吞噬能力,以及抑制胶原纤维和胶原组织的增生。功能与主治:活血化瘀,行气通络。用于视网膜中央静脉阻塞吸收期的气滞血瘀证。用法与用量:口服,一次1~2支,一日3次,服时摇匀。不良反应:个别服药后出现口干舌燥。禁忌症:有出血倾向者、视网膜中央静脉阻塞出血期患者以及孕妇禁用。阴虚阳亢者慎用。注意事项:用药期间定期查出凝血时间。规格: 10ml。贮藏:置阴凉处。有效期:暂定1.5年。处方药:是

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