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数显表 digital display英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-15 23:50:02


数显表 digital display英语短句 例句大全

数显表,digital display

1)digital display数显表

1.Model WES-1000D electro-hydraulic universal testing machine is adigital display univer- sal testing machine which is developed and manufaetered completely by Jinan Shijin Group self.整机主要由主机、油源、控制柜和数显表四大部分构成,具有功能全、用途广、精度高、寿命长、价格低、操作简单等优点。


1.Improvement of product quality by adding digital indication of process parameters to cabling machine成缆机加装工艺参数数显表提高质量的监控

2.a meter that shows mileage traversed.显示行使英里数的表。

3.a watch with a digital display.用数字显示时间的表。

4.Display data in an interactive pivot table.在交互式数据透视表中显示数据。

5.Numeral Instrument Reading Research and Application Based on Machine Vision;机器视觉的数显仪表读数研究及应用

6.A digital watch shows the time by electronically lit up numbers.数字手表是通过电子显示数字来表示时间的。

7.A Precept of the Speed Display of Digital Display Motorbicycle Instrument Panel;一种数显式摩托车仪表盘速度显示的实现方案

8.To show data for one item at a time in the table.在数据透视表中,每次显示一个数据项的数据。

9.Shows list of parameters available in current orchestration.显示当前业务流程中可用的参数列表。

10.Specifies how many columns in which to display listings.指定要在其中显示列表的列的数量。

11.Maximum number of rows displayed in combo box list在组合框列表中显示的行的最大数目

12.Appearance (3d effect) of grid lines in Datasheet view.“数据表”图中网格线显示外观(三维效果)

13.Maximum number of listings to show in the collapsed view在折叠视图中显示的最大列表数量

14.Graph the sum of the bytes sent and received.图表显示发送和接收的字节总数。

15.Select the number of bars to appear in chart.选择要显示在图表中的条形的数目。

16.A gas gauge shows the amount of gas left in a car.汽油表显示出汽车里所剩汽油的数量。

17.Show or hide datasheet, show or hide toolbars, or zoom in or out显示或隐藏数据表,工具栏,或缩放窗口

18.What does the gas meter read?煤气表上所显示的读数是什么?


digital readout instrument数显表

1.Thedigital readout instrument of the round inductosyn is a precise angle measuring instrument, for attaining highly angle measuring accuracy, must to the round inductosyn position proceeds the precise adjustment.圆感应同步器数显表是精密测角元件,为达到较高的测角精度,必须对圆感应同步器的安装位置进行精密调整。

2.The operational principle of thedigital readout instrument angle measurement is introduced based on the round inductosyn.介绍了圆感应同步器数显表测角系统的工作原理,以及在静态和动态测角方法。

3)Digital Indicator数显仪表

1.The Recognition ofDigital Indicator in High-voltage Transformer Substation;高压变电站数显仪表的识别

4)raster data display instrument光栅数显表

1.The subdivision and identifying direction problem ofraster data display instrument is proposed by studying the principle of raster measuring.通过研究光栅检测的工作原理,提出了光栅数显表的细分和辨向问题。

5)machines tool digital display instrument机床数显表

1.The Principle and design method of double coordinatesmachines tool digital display instrument adopting combination of digital display technique with computing technique are discussed in detail .介绍以 80 31单片机为控制核心 ,采用数显技术和计算技术相结合的双座标感应同步器机床数显表的工作原理和硬件、软件的设

6)digital dial gauge数显千分表

1.The uncertainty evaluation of measuring results about indicator error ofdigital dial gauge 0~25 mm was analyzed in this article,those indicated that it was feasible using TWIN-CHECK1200 length measuring machine as calibration tools.介绍了0~25 mm数显千分表的示值误差测量结果的不确定度分析,表明了用TWIN-CHECK1200测长机进行校准的可行性。


表显1.表彰显扬。 2.显示;表现。

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