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横撑 lateral brace英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-30 23:32:02


横撑 lateral brace英语短句 例句大全

横撑,lateral brace

1)lateral brace横撑

1.The results show that the set oflateral braces has direct influence on stability of arch-style combination system, while the influence oflateral brace rigidity is slight.以重庆菜园坝长江大桥为例,利用有限元方法研究了大跨径拱与Y型刚构组合桥的横向联结系、横撑刚度对全桥稳定性的影响。

2.Citing the Fourth Bridge over Xiangjiang River in Xiangtan City as an example and adopting the linear elastic characteristic value stable analysis method,the effect of the arrangement position,the arrangement form and the rigidity of thelateral brace on the stability of the bridge were discussed.采用有限元法分析了横撑对斜拉钢管混凝土拱桥整体稳定性的影响。

3.The influence oflateral brace stiffness and arch lib section type on the natural vibration property of the bridge is also studied.以200 km/h时速客货共线128 m钢管混凝土拱为研究对象,采用空间有限元分析模型,计算了桥梁的自振特性,详细探讨了横撑刚度和拱肋截面形式对桥梁自振特性的影响,评价了桥梁的动力性能和列车运行的安全性与舒适性。


1.Transverse bracing was installed between the two shafts.两根立柱之间设置了横撑。

2.The portal frames are joined at the top by a cross member.在门形框架顶部使用一个横撑相连。

3.Lateral brace arrangement for large-span half-through concrete filled steel tube arch bridge大跨中承式钢管混凝土拱桥的横撑布置

4.free to deflect [unbraced]自由变位〔无横向支撑〕

5.The beam holds up the roof; He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam; What"s holding that mirror?; also metaphorically: Her efforts support us morally.横梁支撑着屋顶;当我在横梁上时,他用一支手支撑我平衡。

6.A support or brace, especially the iron crosstree on a topgallant masthead.铁横桁撑杆或支柱,尤指上桅桅顶的铁横桁

7.a horizontal bar on which you can chin yourself.可以自己往上撑的水平横木。

8.one of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway track.铁路上用于支撑铁轨的横木。

9.one of several parallel sloping beams that support a roof.支撑房顶的一些平行的倾斜的横梁。

10.A support for a beam in the framework of a building.柱,杆建筑物框架中横梁的支撑物

11.One of the beams of a launching cradle supporting a ship"s hull.用于支撑船体的下水架上的一横梁

12.Heavy timbers supported the floor above.粗大的横梁支撑着上面的楼面。

13.The beam bears the whole weight of the upper floor.这根横梁支撑着上一层的全部重量。

14.a beam that is propped against a structure to provide support.靠着建筑物提供支撑的横梁。

15.restrained from lateral deflection [braced]侧向变位受箝制〔受横向支撑〕

16.A horizontal timber in a scaffold, attached to the uprights and supporting the putlogs.脚手架上的横木,横板脚手架上的一条横木,附着于直柱之上,支撑脚手架跳板短横木

17."cantilever:a projecting structure, such as a beam, that is supported at only one end."仅在一端被支撑的一个突出结构,如一段横梁.

18.A bar extending horizontally between supports, as in a fence.横杆(篱笆上)水平置于两个支撑柱之间的短棍


transverse brace横撑

1.The effects of thetransverse brace shape and thetransverse brace stiffness on the stability of the concrete-filled steel tube arch bridges are discussed.采用有限元法对钢管混凝土拱桥的稳定性进行了计算分析,探讨了横撑样式、横撑刚度对钢管混凝土拱桥稳定性的影响,讨论了其常见的失稳模态,并从理论上给予了解释,结果表明横撑的形式对钢管混凝土拱桥的横桥向稳定性起决定性作用,横撑刚度也有一定的影响。

2.The effect of thetransverse brace number,shape and arrangement are described as wel1,which are ana1yzed theoretically.分析一阶失稳形态和稳定系数的计算结果,探讨了横撑数量、样式、布置对稳定性的影响,并从理论上给予了解释。

3.The effect oftransverse brace on the stability,free vibration and earthquake resistance of cable-stayed arch bridge is investigated,and Xiangtan Xiangjiang 4th Bridge is taken as an example in the paper.以湘潭湘江四大桥为工程背景,分析了横撑对斜拉拱桥稳定、自由振动和抗震等力学性能的影响。

3)transverse bracing横撑

1.The influence of transverse stability and seismic behavior of half-through arch bridge of concrete filled steel tube bytransverse bracing is studied, using finite element method.采用有限元方法,研究了拱肋横撑对中承式钢管混凝土拱桥横向稳定性及横向抗震性能的影响。

4)transverse support横撑

1.Thetransverse support will help to enhance the lateral rigidity,to reduce its out arch-plane vibration and improve the stability in wind.计算结果表明,自振频率随矢跨比的减小略有提高;横撑有助于增强拱肋的横向刚度,减小拱肋面外振动,提高抗风稳定性;各振型的自振频率值随拱肋刚度的提高近似成线性增大,可以通过改变拱肋刚度来调整其自振特性。

5)flying shore横撑;"飞撑"

6)cross strut横撑,横档



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