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双频激光 dual-frequency laser英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-19 03:05:43


双频激光 dual-frequency laser英语短句 例句大全

双频激光,dual-frequency laser

1)dual-frequency laser双频激光

1.Whendual-frequency laser is used as light source, synthetic wavelength is required as small as possible in the absolute-distance interferometry measurement in order to improve measurement accuracy, namely, it requires the frequency-difference as large as possible.双频激光器在光波干涉测量和光学传感等领域有着广泛的应用。

2.The experimental setup of an optical feedbackdual-frequency laser is developed by using the phase delay between the optical feedback fringes of the two orthogonally polarized lights to realize displacement division and direction discrimination.在分析双频激光回馈测量原理的基础上,提出了一种基于双频激光回馈原理的高精度位移测量方法,研究了双频激光回馈的基本现象并给出了理论依据,进一步在回馈光学系统基础上,对两路正交的光回馈条纹,利用电路进行细分处理:即5细分和4倍频电路相结合,细分产生的计数脉冲最后送入单片机进行计算及显示。

3.A nanometer-resolution displacement measurement system based on weak feedback effect of birefringentdual-frequency laser has been presented and demonstrated.提出了一种基于双频激光回馈原理的高精度位移测量方法。


1.A New Method of Dynamic Angle Measurement with Dual-frequency Interferometer一种双频激光动态转角测量的新方法

2.The Preliminary Study on Dual Frequency Laser Interferometer with Mid-frequency Difference;中频差双频激光干涉测量系统的初步研究

3.Studies of the Transverse Zeeman-Birefringence He-Ne Dual-Frequency Lasers Characters and Its "Dual-Frequency" Stabilization;横向塞曼—双折射He-Ne双频激光器特性及其“双频”稳定性研究

4.Study on the Signal Processing System of a Dual-frequency Laser Interferometer with Two Longitudinal Modes;双纵模双频激光干涉仪信号处理系统的研究

5.Study of High Measuring Speed Dual-frequency Laser Interferometer System with Two Longitudinal Modes;高速双纵模双频激光干涉仪系统的研究

6.Signal processing system of dual-frequency laser interferometer with two longitudinal modes based on AD8302基于AD8302的双纵模双频激光干涉仪信号处理系统

7.Study of the Measure System of Large-Span Body Deformation with Two-Frequency Laser Optical Fiber;大跨度物体形变双频激光光纤测量系统的研究

8.Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Dual-frequency Laser Based on Faraday Effect and Zeeman Effect;磁致旋光—塞曼双频激光器的理论及实验研究

9.Study of Double Frequency Laser Measuring Technology of Stress Homogeneity of Optical Material双频激光测量光学材料应力均匀性技术研究

10.Transdermal Ureteroscopic Nephrolithotripsy for Ureteropelvic Joint Calculi with Combined Holmium∶YAG Laser and Frequency Doubled Double-pulse Laser钬激光联合双频激光经皮肾治疗输尿管肾盂接合处结石

11.simultaneous dual frequency dye laser同步双频染料激光器

12.Study of LD-Pumped 1064nm Dual-Frequency Nd: YAG Laser with Large Frequency-Difference;LD泵浦1064nm大频差双频Nd:YAG激光技术研究

13.Dual Wavelength and Dual Pulse Q-switched Frequency Doubling of Tunable Cr:LiSAF Laser双波长双巨脉冲调Q倍频Cr:LiSAF激光器

14.6D laser measurement system based on double longitudinal mode laser with thermal frequency stabilization基于双纵模热稳频激光源的6D激光测量系统

15.Study of LD-Pumped Dual-Frequency Nd:YAG Laser Technique;LD泵浦双频Nd:YAG激光技术研究

16.Investigation of LD-pumped Dual-frequency Nd:YAG Laser Technique;LD泵浦双频Nd:YAG激光技术的研究

17.Cutoff Frequencies Analysis of Bichromatic High-Order Harmonic Generation Spectra双色激光脉冲谐波谱的截止频率分析

18.Stability Analysis of Beat Frequency in Double-Longitudinal-Mode He-Ne Laser双纵模He-Ne激光器的拍频稳定度分析


two frequency laser双频激光

1.Aim To investigate the coherenttwo frequency laser after a single axial mode is split by the way of twisted mode cavity with fine detuning in LD pumped solid state laser.目的研究在激光二极管泵浦固体激光器内利用扭转模腔微失调的方法产生单纵模分裂并输出相干双频激光,频差连续可调。

3)Double-frequency Laser双频激光

1.Meanwhile,the exact displacement of the CCD camera can be measured by a double-frequency laser interferometer,the needed coordinates of the feature points in the object plane and in the correlative i.同时,用双频激光干涉仪测量CCD摄像机的移动距离,得到标定所需要的多个特征点在物面中的位置及在对应图像中的坐标位置。

4)dual frequency laser双频激光器

1.Two novel applications of laser frequency splitting technology are reported, including two methods in solving the problem of mode competition to obtain adual frequency laser whose frequency difference can cover 1-40 MHz, as well as the principle and the experiments of making a birefringencedual frequency laser itself be a displacement sensor.主要介绍了激光频率分裂技术的两种新应用,包括用两种方法克服强模竞争以获得频差可覆盖1-40 MHz的双频激光器,以及将一个双折射双频激光器本身用作一个位移传感器,这种双频激光器可以填补塞曼激光器和双折射激光器之间存在的3-40 MHz频差空白,可以用作激光干涉仪理想的光源,位移传感器结构简单,其分辨率为79 nm,测量范围达到了15 mm,并且可以自校准。

5)dual-frequency laser双频激光器

1.When adual-frequency laser is used as the light source of the ADI system, it requires that the synthetic wavelength be as small as possible, namely, the frequency-difference be as large as possible so as to improve the measurement accuracy.大频差双频激光器在绝对距离干涉测量领域有着广泛的应用,因为这种测量方法测量的是距离而不是位移,所以不需要精密的导轨。

2.Because this measurement approach measures the distance rather than the displacement, it doesn’t need precise guide rail, but in order to improve the accuracy of absolute-distance measurement, smaller synthetic wavelength is required, which can be obtained by use of adual-frequency laser source with its frequency-difference as large as possible.双频激光器在绝对距离干涉测量中占有极其重要的地位,因为这种测量方法测量的是距离而不是位移,所以不需要精密的导轨,但要求双频激光光源的频差尽可能大,以获得较小的合成波长,进而提高测量精度。

3.Thedual-frequency laser as a light source takes a key element in the interferometer.其中作为光源的双频激光器在整个干涉系统中起着非常重要的作用。

6)Two-frequency laser双频激光器


激光稳频技术激光单元技术之一。激光器的输出波长或频率在某些应用场合下是不希望发生无规变化的;特别是用作高精度光谱测量或有关计量标准时,不但要求输出激光有尽可能高的单色性(为此可采用选纵模技术),而且还进一步要求振荡激光的精确频率位置不发生随机式的漂移变化。为此就必须采用专门的激光稳频技术。一般而言,激光振荡频率的漂移式变化,是由于共振腔的等价腔长(光程长度)的漂移变化所引起的。因此,为稳定激光的振荡频率,首先应保证几何腔长和腔内各固定元件的机械稳定性,并同时保证器件运转环境和有关物理参量(特别是温度和腔内通光媒质的折射率)的稳定。即使在做到上述各点之后,由于激光振荡过程多种因素的影响,仍然有可能使振荡频率发生微小程度的漂移和变化,为此,可进一步采取更有效的频率自动稳定控制系统。此系统通常由以下三部分组成。① 误差信号监测装置。该装置的作用是监测输出激光频率变动并给出与偏移量成正比的光电误差信号;法布里-珀罗干涉仪、频谱分析仪、具有固定窄吸收峰的饱和吸收媒质以及具有稳频本机振荡器的光学外差接收器等装置,均可起到上述监测作用。② 误差信号反馈放大装置。通常为一组电子线路,其功能是将误差信号以电信号形式加以检测放大,然后反馈输入到自动校正装置。③ 频率自动校正装置。激光振荡频率的严格数值是由共振腔光学长度所决定的,因此当实际振荡频率偏离预定的数值时,由反馈系统输入的误差信号可通过压电作用调整共振腔反射镜的前后位置以改变几何腔长,或者通过线性电光效应改变置于腔内的电光晶体的折射率(相当于改变腔的光程长度),使激光振荡频率向相反的方向发生变动,以抵消已产生的偏差影响,从而可保持实际激光振荡频率的自动稳定控制。目前采用以饱和吸收媒质为监测手段的气体激光器稳频系统,频谱精度δv/v(这里v为激光频率, δv为频率漂移量)可达10-11~10-13量级左右。

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