糖尿病康复 > 鸡血藤复方 Spatholobus Composite英语短句 例句大全

鸡血藤复方 Spatholobus Composite英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-01 23:33:18


鸡血藤复方 Spatholobus Composite英语短句 例句大全

鸡血藤复方,Spatholobus Composite

1)Spatholobus Composite鸡血藤复方

1.A 30-year Follow-up Study on Effect ofSpatholobus Composite in Treating 66 Patients with Aplastic Anemia鸡血藤复方治疗再生障碍性贫血66例30年随访


1.A 30-year Follow-up Study on Effect of Spatholobus Composite in Treating 66 Patients with Aplastic Anemia鸡血藤复方治疗再生障碍性贫血66例30年随访

2.Determination of content of formononetin in Spatholobus suberectus Dunn. by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC法测定鸡血藤中芒柄花素的含量

3.Determination of Trace Elements in Caulis spatholobi by FAASFAAS法测定鸡血藤中的微量元素

4.Anti-tumor activity and mechanism with SSCE of Spatholobus suberctus鸡血藤SSCE体内抗肿瘤作用及机制研究

5.Studies on the Sedative and Hypnotic Effects of the Water Extract of Spatholobus Suberectus Dunn.鸡血藤水提物的镇静、催眠作用研究

6.The Studies on Pharmacodynamic Substance and Pharmacological Mechanism of Jixueteng (Spatholobus Suberectus Dunn) for Hematopoiesis;鸡血藤促进造血功能的物质基础和机制研究

7.Studies on Hematopoietic-Regulating Mechanism of Active Monomer, SS8, Extracted from Spatholobus Suberectus Dunn;鸡血藤活性单体SS8的造血调控作用机理研究

8.Protection Effects of Millettia Nitida Benth.var.Hirsutissima Z.Wei on Hematopoietic System of Mice丰城鸡血藤对小鼠造血系统损伤保护作用

9.Research on the Effect of Compound Daxueteng on Chronic Nonbacterial Prostatitis in Rats复方大血藤对大鼠慢性非细菌性前列腺炎的作用

10.Identification of caulis spatholobi and celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. in mixtrue of Tong Bi Ling by TLC薄层色谱法鉴别通痹灵合剂中的鸡血藤及南蛇藤

11.Determination of the Main Component of the Compound Chinese Traditional Medicine Baicalin and Dynamic Process of Baicalin in Plasm of Chickens复方黄芩有效成分在鸡体内血药浓度的测定

12.Effects of Extracts from Paederia Scandens on Experimental Hyperuricemia;鸡矢藤提取物对实验性高尿酸血症的影响

13.Separation and Identification of Anti-tumor Components of Caulis Spatholobi鸡血藤抗肿瘤活性成分的分离纯化与结构鉴定

14.Content Determination of Protocatechuic Acid in Spatholobus suberectus DunnHPLC法测定鸡血藤类药材中原儿茶酸的含量

15.Screening of Optimum Inducing Callus culture Media from Tender Leaves of Spatholobus suberectus Dunn鸡血藤嫩叶愈伤组织诱导最佳培养基的筛选

16.Study on Antiviral Activity against Coxsackie Virus B3 of the Different Extracts from Spatholobus suberectus Dunn.鸡血藤提取物抗柯萨奇B3病毒活性组分研究

17.Isoflavones from Millettia nitida var. hirsutissima丰城鸡血藤异黄酮类化合物的分离鉴定

18.Determination of Dihydroxy Benzoic Acid in Suberect Spatholobus of Different Place of Production With HPLC MethodHPLC法测定不同产地鸡血藤中原儿茶酸的含量


millettia dielsiana鸡血藤

1.Study on the stability of red pigment frommillettia dielsiana and the condition of extraction.为生产各种食用品、化妆品、医药药品等色素新产品提供重要原料,研究鸡血藤红色素的提取条件和稳定性。

2.RESULTS Millettia dielsiana could rise the periphery blood leucocyte could of the anaemia mice induced by radiotherapy and chemotherapy.目的:研究鸡血藤对小鼠粒单系血细胞的影响。

3)Caulis spatholobi鸡血藤

1.Application of dynamic continuous countercurrent circulatory extraction toCaulis spatholobi;鸡血藤动态逆流连续循环提取工艺的研究

2.Effect of Caulis Spatholobi decoction on cytokine production in mice;鸡血藤煎剂对小鼠细胞分泌细胞因子的影响

4)Millettia reticulata flowers鸡血藤花

5)Spatholobus suberectus鸡血藤

1.Five flavonoids fromSpatholobus suberectus;鸡血藤黄酮类化合物的研究

2.Influences of Bazhen Decoction andSpatholobus suberectus on the Bone Marrow Microenvironment Damnified by Cytoxan;八珍汤和鸡血藤对环磷酰胺所致小鼠骨髓造血微环境损伤的影响

3.Determination of catechin and its analogues inSpatholobus suberectus by RP-HPLC;反相高效液相色谱法测定鸡血藤中儿茶素类成分的含量

6)suberect spatholobus stem鸡血藤

1.Effects of heterogenoussuberect spatholobus stem on peripheral blood cell counts of ~(60)Co γ ray irradiated mice;同名异种鸡血藤对~(60)Coγ射线辐射小鼠外周血象的影响


鸡血藤【通用名称】鸡血藤【其他名称】鸡血藤 鸡血藤 拼音名:Jixueteng 英文名:CAULIS SPATHOLOBI 书页号:2000年版一部-151 本品为豆科植物密花豆Spatholobus suberectus Dunn 的干燥藤茎。秋、冬二季采 收,除去枝叶,切片,晒干。 【性状】 本品为椭圆形、长矩圆形或不规则的斜切片,厚0.3~1cm。栓皮灰棕色, 有的可见灰白色斑,栓皮脱落处显红棕色。切面木部红棕色或棕色,导管孔多数;韧皮 部有树脂状分泌物呈红棕色至黑棕色,与木部相间排列呈3~8个偏心性半圆形环;髓部 偏向一侧。质坚硬。气微,味涩。 【鉴别】 本品横切面:木栓细胞数列,含棕红色物。皮层较窄,散有石细胞群, 胞腔内充满棕红色物;薄壁细胞含草酸钙方晶。维管束异型,由韧皮部与木质部相间排 列成数轮。韧皮部最外侧为石细胞群与纤维束组成的厚壁细胞层;射线多被挤压;分泌 细胞甚多,充满棕红色物,常数个至10多个切向排列成层;纤维束较多,非木化至微木 化,周围细胞含草酸钙方晶,形成晶纤维,含晶细胞壁木化增厚;石细胞群散在。木质 部射线有的含棕红色物;导管多单个散在,类圆形,直径约至400μm;木纤维束亦均形 成晶纤维;木薄壁细胞少数含棕红色物。 【炮制】 除去杂质,洗净,润透,切碎,晒干。 【性味与归经】 苦、甘,温。归肝、肾经。 【功能与主治】 补血,活血,通络。用于月经不调,血虚萎黄,麻木瘫痪,风湿 痹痛。 【用法与用量】 9~15g。 【贮藏】 置通风干燥处,防霉,防蛀。

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