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视觉化 visualization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-01 03:05:57




1.The Influence ofvisualization on the Contemporary Information Communication;视觉化对当代信息传播的影响

2.From "Vision" to "Visualization":Rethinking of Visual Culture从“视觉”到“视觉化”:重新理解视觉文化

3.It develops under the globalization of information and language with the features of conciseness,wide use,easy communication,visualization and strong humor.它是信息全球化和语言国际化下的产物,简洁、使用广泛、易于传播、幽默、视觉化和图像化但又排它、专业性、无序化。


1.From "Vision" to "Visualization":Rethinking of Visual Culture从“视觉”到“视觉化”:重新理解视觉文化

2.Visually communicate function and behavior.将功能与行为视觉化。

3.About "the Generalization,the Vision,the Commercialization" in Product Design论产品设计中的概念化、视觉化、商品化

4.Visuality and Visual Culture: The Genealogy of Visual Cultural Studies;视觉性与视觉文化——视觉文化研究的谱系

5.Study about "Visual Approach" Issue in Visual Culture Perspective;视觉文化视域中的“视觉方式”研究

6.The Vision Monopoly and Vision Settlement in the Background of Visual Culture视觉文化背景下的视觉垄断与视觉殖民

7.The Turn of Visual Design of New Media and Visual culture Times;新媒体与视觉文化时代视觉设计转向

8.Landscape and Vision: Landscape Study in the Domain of Visual Culture景观与视觉:视觉文化域中的景观研究

9.a sense of sight [ hearing, smell, taste, touch ]视觉[听觉, 嗅觉, 味觉, 触觉]

10.The Analysis of Novels Survival through Movie & TV in the Visual Era;视觉文化时代小说的影视化生存探析

11.Visual Culture: The Visual Construction of Chinese and Western Magazine;视觉文化与中西方人文时尚杂志的视觉场构建

12.On Psychology of Visual Form Simplification in Visual Communication Design论视觉传达设计中视觉形式的简化心理

13.Visual Tracking Strategy Based on Fuzzy Multi Visual Cue Integration模糊化多视觉信息融合的视觉跟踪策略

14.A Study on Advertising Visual Focus from Popular Culture s Viewpoint;流行文化视角下的广告视觉中心研究

15.To View Visual Culture and Pursue the Truth,the Goodness and the Beauty from the Documentary;从纪录片透视视觉文化:追求真善美

16.Study on the Web News Picture Based on Visual Culture Theories视觉文化视域下的网络新闻图片研究

17.Technology of Visualization for AUV Optical Vision SystemAUV视觉系统的可视化技术研究与实现

18.Aesthetic Change Aroused by Visual Culture and Value Examination of Visual Communication Design;视觉文化引起的审美嬗变与视觉传达设计的价值审视


visual culture视觉文化

1.Discussion on Book Design after Visual Culture Arrived;浅析视觉文化来临后的书籍设计

2.A brief Analysis of the Influence about Visual Culture on Modern Educational Technology;简析视觉文化对现代教育技术的影响

3.The version of post-modern advertisement in the time ofvisual culture;视觉文化时代的后现代广告文案

3)visual change视觉变化

4)vision culture视觉文化

1.With the appearance ofvision culture,the advertisement,movie TV media have a huge impact on our way of thinking,and they also bring us deep thinking.随着视觉文化时代的到来,广告传播及影视传播对我们的思维方式造成了很大的影响,也带给我们深深地思索。

2.As one of the important constituents of thevision culture,the digital graphic is more than an art.数字图像是视觉文化的一个构成元素,当然,视觉文化不只是艺术,凡是人们可以通过视知觉感受而直接获取信息与解读意义的文化样式都可以纳入视觉文化的范畴。

3.This paper discusses the turn of the tastes and habits of the appreciation of receivers of modern culture from the perspective of thevision culture by means of studying modern cities,movies,TV programs and so on.通过对当代都市面貌、电影、电视等的研究,探讨了视觉文化语境中当代文化接受者的审美趣味和接受习惯所发生的巨大转变。

5)cultural sense of vision文化视觉

1.Thecultural sense of vision of the criticism of Chinese culture in 1990s crosses the course with an opening sense of vision,swims both the inner and the outer of the text and is characterised with the fulfillment, political, criticism and participating vision .20世纪90年代以来,中国文化批评突破传统文学批评的边界,提供了一种全新的视角和思考模式,形成了独特的文化视觉。


1.Thinking of tendency of newspaperswide-visualization——analysis to mass culture of journalism in the 90s;对报纸泛视觉化倾向的思考——90年代报业文化大众化评析



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