糖尿病康复 > 伸肘位矫形器 Digital extensor elbow orthosis英语短句 例句大全

伸肘位矫形器 Digital extensor elbow orthosis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-04 05:14:21


伸肘位矫形器 Digital extensor elbow orthosis英语短句 例句大全

伸肘位矫形器,Digital extensor elbow orthosis

1)Digital extensor elbow orthosis伸肘位矫形器


1.Application of Digital Extensor Elbow Orthosis Treatment of Post-Stroke Upper Limb Spasticity in Clinical Research应用伸肘位矫形器治疗脑卒中后上肢痉挛状态的临床研究

2.Clinical Application of Splints in Reconstruction for Posttraumatic Elbow Stiffness(review)矫形器在创伤后肘关节功能障碍康复中的应用

3.An orthopedic appliance used to support, align, or hold a bodily part in the correct position.矫形器支持、校直或托住身体部位以使其保持正确位置的矫形器

4.deformity-correcting appliance, orthopaedic畸形矫正器械,矫形用

5.Mandibular Protraction Appliance in the Treatment of Angle Class Ⅱ Malocclusion;下颌前伸矫治器矫治安氏Ⅱ类错合的临床研究

6.Can Invisalign End the Traditional Orthodontics;隐形矫治器是否是传统矫治器的终结

7.The Analysis of the Changes of Tongue Shape and Position, Hyoid Position in Class Ⅱ, Division 1 Malocclusion Treated with Functional Appliances (FR-Ⅰ)功能矫治器矫治安氏Ⅱ类1分类错?后舌的形态、位置和舌骨位置变化的初步分析

8.jaw appliance, orthopaedic颌部用器具,矫形用

9.Clinical Studies on Casts Splint Fixation in Elbow Extension in Treating Supracondylarextension-Type Fracture of Humers in Children;伸肘外翻位固定治疗儿童肱骨髁上伸直型骨折的临床研究

10.The strip deformation of simulation model established in tension levelling带材拉伸弯曲矫直变形仿真模型的建立

parision of the effects between two modes of mandibular advancement by modified Forsus appliance改良式Forsus矫治器两种前伸下颌方式的疗效比较

12.Results All cases of fracture healed without severe complication such as infection, limited flection orextensioin of elbow joint and cubitus varus.结果13例均获得临床一期愈合,无感染、肘关节屈伸受限和肘内翻畸形等严重并发症发生。

13.The Changes of Ultrastructure in LPM and SMM to Mandibular Functional Protrusion in Growing Rats功能矫形前伸下颌后幼年大鼠下颌前伸肌的超微结构观察

14.The large process on the upper end of the ulna that projects behind the elbow joint and forms the point of the elbow.鹰嘴(指肘部的骨性隆起)位于尺骨上端的大块隆起,在肘关节后凸出形成肘尖

15.Preliminary Analysis of Therapeutic Effects of AFO on Tiptoes of Children With Cerebral Palsy踝足矫形器矫治脑瘫患儿尖足初步疗效分析

16.good: with subjective complaint and EROM from extension 30° to flexion 120°;良:肘关节有主观不适症状,伸肘30°,屈肘120°;

17.fair: with mild complaint and EROM from extension 40° to flexion 90°-120°;可:肘关节有轻微不适症状,伸肘40°,屈肘90°~120°;

18.bottom entering backswept agitator底伸式后掠形搅拌器


elbow orthotics肘部矫形器

3)Casts splint fixation in elbow extension伸肘外翻位固定


1.Clinical Application ofRestitution Combined Vertebral Plasty in Treatment of Vertebral Compression Fracture矫形复位结合椎体成形术治疗椎体压缩性骨折的临床应用

5)stretch the elbow伸肘

1.Through the studying of electromyogram,we know that humerus is not only crooking elbow muscle,it is also the muscle that helpsstretch the elbow when pushing-up elbow to135°.通过肌电图的研究,肱二头肌不仅是屈肘肌,有俯卧撑肘时伸至135°时又成了协助伸肘的肌肉。

6)elbow type locking mechanism肘形锁闭器



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