糖尿病康复 > 踝足矫形器 ankle foot orthoses英语短句 例句大全

踝足矫形器 ankle foot orthoses英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-10 12:49:50


踝足矫形器 ankle foot orthoses英语短句 例句大全

踝足矫形器,ankle foot orthoses

1)ankle foot orthoses踝足矫形器

1.Effects on ambulation of children with spastic cerebral palsy by different kind ofankle foot orthoses;不同类型的踝足矫形器对痉挛型脑瘫患儿行走功能的影响

2.Objective: To investigate the effect ofankle foot orthoses on movement of children with cerebral palsy.目的:探讨踝足矫形器在脑瘫康复治疗中对大运动功能的影响。

3.: Objective To investigate the effect on gait of patients with foot dro p by using posterior leafankle foot orthoses.目的研究后置弹性踝足矫形器对单纯足下垂患者踝足功能和步态的影响。


1.Preliminary Analysis of Therapeutic Effects of AFO on Tiptoes of Children With Cerebral Palsy踝足矫形器矫治脑瘫患儿尖足初步疗效分析

2.Conclusion Rigid ankle foot orthoses can be an ideal orthoses in im-proving the ambulation of the cerebral palsy children.结论硬踝足矫形器是脑瘫患儿改善步态较为理想的矫形器。

3.Application of posterior leaf spring AFO in patients with simple foot drop单纯足下垂患者后置弹性踝足矫形器的应用研究

4.Clinical treatment of tiptoes of children with spastic cerebral palsy using ankle-foot orthosis痉挛型脑性瘫痪尖足患儿临床治疗及其踝足矫形器的应用

5.Results There was a better control in p lantarflexion and dorseflexion of ankle joint and a longer stride length by usin g posterior leaf spring AFO.结果后置弹性踝足矫形器 可在矢状面控制踝足跖屈运动,辅助背屈,增大跨距。

6.Conclusion:Walking speed might be increased by AFO in hemeplegic patients.结论 :踝足矫形器可以显著提高偏瘫患者的步行速度。

7.The effect of using the AFO in the early time on the walking ability in the hemiplegic stroke patients早期使用踝足矫形器对脑卒中偏瘫患者步行周期及时相的影响

8.Ankle-foot orthosis improves gait function of children with cerebral palsy踝足矫形器对脑性瘫痪患儿步态功能的改善作用

parison of dynamic and solid ankle-foot orthosis configurations for cerebral palsy children with spastic diplegia动态与静态踝足矫形器对痉挛型脑性瘫痪儿童的疗效比较

10.Purpose To quantitatively evaluate the improvement of the tiptoe of the children with spastic cerebral palsy before and after put on ankle-foot orthosis(AFO).目的对痉挛型脑瘫患儿踝足矫形器配戴前后的尖足改善情况进行量化评定。

11.Method In order to observe the changes of joint motion and spasticity in ambulation of 20 cerebral palsy children, rigid ankle foot orthoses made by hyperthermoplastic -polypropylene was used.方法用高温聚乙烯板料为20例患儿制作并使用硬踝足矫形器,观察其对关节运动及痉挛的影响。

12.AIM; To study the effect of ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) on the speed and efficiency of walking ability in hemiparetic stroke patients.目的:从步行速度和步行效率两方面观察踝足矫形器对脑卒中偏瘫患者步行能力的影响。

13.CONCLUSION; AFO can increase walking speed and walking efficiency, improve the walking ability in hemiparesis patients.结论:踝足矫形器可以提高脑卒中偏瘫患者步行速度和步行效率,改善患者的步行能力。

14.Result Rigid ankle foot orthoses could supply a reasonable motion in three levels, control ankle joint plantarflexion, varus and valgus and inhabit spasticity.结果硬踝足矫形器能够在三个平面提供合理的运动控制,能较好地控制踝跖屈、内外翻及抑制痉挛。

15.Clinical Observation on Combination of TCM Massage with Configuring AFO for the Cerebral Palsy推拿结合足踝矫形器在小儿脑瘫康复中的运用观察

16.The Effect of Ankle-foot Orthosis in Different Stages of Stroke Patients不同时期应用足踝矫形器对脑卒中后异常步态的影响

17.deformity-correcting appliance, orthopaedic畸形矫正器械,矫形用

18.CAM of Foot Orthosis Based on PC and Motion Control Card基于工控机和运动控制卡的足底矫形器CAM系统


ankle-foot orthotics踝足矫形器

1.The influence of improvedankle-foot orthotics on the knee joint movement;改良式踝足矫形器对膝关节运动角度的影响

2.Objective: To design and make “T” adjustableankle-foot orthotics (AFO) and evaluate its effects on preventing and correcting ankle malformation.目的:设计和制作“T”形和可调式踝足矫形器(AFO),探讨其对预防、矫治踝关节畸形的作用。

3)Ankle-foot orthosis足踝矫形器

4)rigid ankle foot orthoses硬踝足矫形器

1.Objective To investigate the effect on ambulation of cerebral palsy children by usingrigid ankle foot orthoses.目的研究硬踝足矫形器对脑性瘫痪脑瘫病儿运动功能的影响。

5)dynamic ankle-foot orthosis动态踝足矫形器

6)solid ankle-foot orthosis静态踝足矫形器

parison of dynamic andsolid ankle-foot orthosis configurations for cerebral palsy children with spastic diplegia动态与静态踝足矫形器对痉挛型脑性瘫痪儿童的疗效比较



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