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表情 expression英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-22 15:49:26


表情 expression英语短句 例句大全



1.Inventing Expression-A Possibility in Campus Architecture;制造表情——学校建筑的一种可能

2.Research and application ofexpression in classical treatises of traditional Chinese medicine;中医经典论著对表情的研究与运用


1.one"s sympathetic looks [words]同情的表情 [言语]

2.a bovine expression, character, mentality鲁钝的表情、 性情、 头脑

3."Graph" "Poem" "Stroke" "Expression";“图式”、“诗情”、“线条”、“表情”

4.a shifty eye [look]猜疑的眼神[表情]

5.a stricken expression [look]悲叹的表情 [面容]

6.and his face to express feelings.还利用他的脸部表情来表达他的情感。

7.express contempt through a facial expression.通过面部表情来表达轻蔑的感情。

8.To express in an impassive, matter-of-fact way.面无表情地冷淡地、不带感情地表达

9.Great Emotion into Touching Essay --Art of Conveying Passion in“Chen Qin Biao”;心中至情化作笔下至文——《陈情表》的表情艺术

10.an impolite act or expression.没有礼貌的行为或表情。

11.his unaccustomed expression of anger他的不寻常的愤怒表情

12.He spoke his lines utterly dead pan.他毫无表情地背台词。

13.His face wore an expression of disapproval.他面带不赞成的表情。

14.I didn"t need to see his expression.我无需看他的表情。

15.a sad expression; a look of triumph; an angry face.他面无表情,目光呆滞。

16.Jack"s countenance assumed an air of seriousness.捷克装出认真的表情。

17.be expressive of feeling [gratitude]表达感情 [感谢] 的

18.A manifestation, as of one"s feelings.表示表露,例如感情


Facial expression表情

1.The two studies examined whether the asymmetry search of facial expression is based on configurational features.考察了表情的非对称搜索现象是否基于表情的整体特征 (群组特征 )。

2.We tried to find some facial expression characters of lying for the blind.本研究旨在探讨视觉经验缺乏的盲人说谎行为以及说谎能力的发展及其影响因素,同时试图寻找盲人说谎时的表情变化特征。

3.The recent years\" research on emotional body language changed the traditional study in cognitive and affective neuroscience which used to explore human emotion from isolated facial expressions during the past two decades.过去20多年,认知和情绪神经科学多采用面部表情研究以期达到对人类情绪的了解,但因视角单一,限制了对其本质的认知,近年情绪躯体语言的研究改变了这一现状。


1.A method was described to simulate eye movements andexpressions.描述了一种人眼运动及表情的仿真方法。

2.Nowadays, no matter whether in domestic or international chorus contests, fully integrate bodyexpressions into the choral concert process is becoming increasingly popular.在合唱比赛的表演过程中充分融入体态表情的做法日趋盛行。

3.Throughexpressions, gestures, and postures, posture language plays an tremendous function in the moral training class, which can not be substitutive by the sound language.特别是在德育课堂中,教师通过表情、手势、姿态等方面显示体态语更能起到有声语言所不能替代的作用。

4)emotional facial expressions情感表情

1.The database contains some uniqueemotional facial expressions not appeared in other facial databases,and is benefit to the world facial expression databases.本数据库具有在其它人脸数据库中未曾出现的情感表情,对世界人脸表情数据库进行了有益的补充。

5)emotional expression情绪表情

1.【Objective】 To explore the character of cognitive development for basicemotional expressions in normal infants.【目的】探究不同月龄正常婴幼儿对基本情绪表情的认知发展特征。

6)Emotion Expression情绪表达

1.Methods: 191 students in a middle school in Beijing and 174 juvenile delinquents were assessed with Aggression Questionnaire,Emotion Regulation scale andEmotion Expression Scale.目的:考察青少年暴力犯的情绪调节方式,以及不同性别的青少年的情绪调节方式和情绪表达方式对其是否为暴力犯的预测作用。

2.Based on motivation or causes of emotion expression, displ ay rules are further divided into three specific categories such as pro-social, self-protective, and norm-maintenance rules.情绪表现规则制约着情绪表达行为的合适性,人们根据情绪表现规则调节或控制自己的情绪。

3.Associations between self-esteem,emotion expression, ambivalence over emotion expression and marital satisfaction were investigated.探讨了婚姻关系中自尊、情绪表达、情绪表达冲突与婚姻满意度之间的关系。



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