糖尿病康复 > 代谢综合征肾损害 renal damage in metabolic syndrome英语短句 例句大全

代谢综合征肾损害 renal damage in metabolic syndrome英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-10 23:00:32


代谢综合征肾损害 renal damage in metabolic syndrome英语短句 例句大全

代谢综合征肾损害,renal damage in metabolic syndrome

1)renal damage in metabolic syndrome代谢综合征肾损害

1.Further, this study adopts cluster analysis and frequency description to analyze the Chinese medicine symptom characteristics of metabolic syndromes andrenal damage in metabolic syndromes.目的:对代谢综合征和代谢综合征肾损害的中医证候进行分析,了解其发病特点。


1.The TCM Syndrome Research of the Metabolic Syndrome and the Metabolic Syndrome of Renal Damage代谢综合征及代谢综合征肾损害的中医证候研究

2.Study on Symptom Factors" Regular in MS Associated with Kidney Damage代谢综合征合并肾损害的中医证素规律研究

3.The Relationship Between Volume of Abdominal Adipose and the Components of Metabolic Syndrome and Renal Damage腹部脂肪体积与代谢综合征组分及其肾损害

4.Mild Renal Dysfunction and Its Association with Cardiovascular Remodeling in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome;代谢综合征早期肾功能损害的特点及与心血管重构的关系

5.Effect of dyslipidemia on renal function in metabolic syndrome of the elderly血脂异常对老年代谢综合征患者肾功能损害的影响

6.Study of the Relationship between Metabolic Syndrome and Chronic Kidney Disease in 1027 Han and Uyguer People;新疆地区汉、维两族的代谢综合征及其代谢因子与慢性肾损害相关性研究

7.The Relationship between Dyslipidemia and Cardiovascular Damages in Metabolic Syndrome;血脂紊乱类型与代谢综合征心血管损害的关系

8.Study of Relationship between Metabolic Syndrome and Subclinical Target-Organ Damage代谢综合征与亚临床靶器官损害的相关性研究

9.Association of the serum levels of inflammatory factors and organ damage in patients with metabolic syndrome炎性因子与代谢综合征患者靶器官损害的关系

10.Renoprotective effect of caloric restriction on kidney injurys of metabolic syndrome热量限制对代谢综合征大鼠肾脏损伤的保护作用

11.Expression of ACE2 in myocardium and kidney in rats with metabolic syndrome代谢综合征大鼠心、肾组织中ACE2的表达

12.Roles of Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors in Cardiovascular Damage in Patients with the Metabolic Syndrome and Rats with Metabolic Syndrome;PPARs在代谢综合征心血管损害中作用的临床和实验研究

13.Effects of Metabolic Syndrome on the Vascular Structure, Function and Target Organ Damage in Patients with Essential Hypertension;代谢综合征对高血压病患者血管结构、功能及靶器官损害的影响

14.Association of Chronic Subclinical Inflammation with Metabolic Syndrome and Its Target Organ Damage;慢性亚临床炎症与代谢综合征及其靶器官损害的相关性研究

15.Relationships between the Distribution of Abdomianl Adipose Tissue and the Components of Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Damage;腹部脂肪分布与代谢综合征各组分和心血管损害的关系

16.Role of C-reactive Protein in Metabolic Syndrome;C反应蛋白在代谢综合征及其靶器官损害中的作用

17.Clinical Characteristic of Vascular Lesion in Metabolic Syndrome with or Without Diabetes;代谢综合征伴或不伴糖尿病血管损害的临床研究

18.Study of Vascular Endothelium Dysfunction in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome and Its Mechanism;代谢综合征患者血管内皮功能损害及其机制探讨


Nephrotic syndrome/metabolism肾病综合征/代谢

3)myonephropathic-methbolic syndrome代谢性肌肾综合征

4)myonephropathic metabolic syndrome肌病肾病代谢综合征

1.Prevention ofmyonephropathic metabolic syndrome after operation of acute arterial occlusion by continuous renal replacement therapy;连续性肾脏替代治疗预防急性动脉闭塞术后并发肌病肾病代谢综合征

5)Metabolic syndrome代谢综合征

1.Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the general adult population aged 35-64 years in Ji"nan;济南市城乡35~64岁人群代谢综合征现况调查

2.A study on the relationship of gastric motors and metabolic syndrome;胃动力改变与代谢综合征的关系

3.Pharmaceutical care for a patient with metabolic syndrome complicated with depressive disorder;对1例代谢综合征合并抑郁焦虑状态患者的药学服务

6)Metabolism syndrome代谢综合征

1.Relativity of Modern Medicine Indices with Phlegm-damp Retention Type in Metabolism Syndrome Patients;代谢综合征患者痰湿内蕴证与现代医学指标的相关性

2.A study on diet and exercise interventions for metabolism syndrome patients;代谢综合征病人饮食运动干预的研究

3.Analysis on the effect and cost of community intervention for patients with metabolism syndrome;代谢综合征社区干预的效果和费用分析



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