糖尿病康复 > 针规 needle gauge英语短句 例句大全

针规 needle gauge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-01 15:17:03


针规 needle gauge英语短句 例句大全

针规,needle gauge

1)needle gauge针规

2)routine needling常规针刺

parison study between shallowly skin needling androutine needling in Neiguan(PC6) by fMRI内关穴皮部浅刺和常规针刺脑功能磁共振成像比较

2.Methods:40 patients with migraine were recruited,the deep needling group(20 cases) androutine needling group(20 cases).方法:本研究纳入偏头痛患者40例,分为深刺风池穴组(20例)和常规针刺风池穴组(20例),应用经颅多普勒检测治疗前后脑血流变化及血液流变仪检测治疗前后血流变学的改变。

3.Objective:To compare the different activation on cerebral functional regions between cutaneous stimulation androutine needling in Yanglingquan(GB34) by fMRI.目的:运用fMR I脑功能成像技术,研究阳陵泉穴皮部浅刺和常规针刺对不同脑功能区的激活异同。


1.A Comparative Study between Routine Acupuncture and Routine Plus Ling Gui Ba Fa for Treating Chronic Low Back Pain常规针刺和针刺配合灵龟八法治疗慢性腰痛的临床对比研究

2.Clinical observation on effects of routine acupuncture combined with Feiteng Bafa for chloasma常规针刺加飞腾八法治疗黄褐斑疗效观察

3.The fMRI Comparative Study on Cutaneous and Routine Needling in Acupoints Waiguan (SJ5) and Zhigou (SJ6)外关穴配伍支沟穴皮部浅刺和常规针刺激活脑区的fMRI比较研究

4.Clinical Observation on Therapeutic Effects of Common Needling and Deep Needling "taiyang" point常规针刺与深刺太阳穴治疗血管神经性头疼疗效观察

5.A Comparison of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cerebral Regions Activated by Cutaneous Needling and Regular Needling at Waiguan(SJ5) Acupoint外关穴皮部浅刺与常规针刺激活脑区的功能性磁共振成像比较

parison study between shallowly skin needling and routine needling in Neiguan(PC6) by fMRI内关穴皮部浅刺和常规针刺脑功能磁共振成像比较

7.Study of fMRI of cerebral functional regions induced by cutaneous and routine needling in Zhigou(SJ6)支沟穴皮部浅刺与常规针刺功能性磁共振脑功能成像比较

8.The fMRI Comparative Study on Cutaneous or Routine Needling in Acupoints Waiguan(SJ_5) and Neiguan(PC_6)常规针刺与皮部浅刺外关穴配伍内关穴功能性磁共振脑功能成像研究比较

9.acupuncture technique刺法(针法)(针刺法)

10.In this article routine treatment and neck acupuncture were used in 95 cases with acutecerebral embolism.本文采用在常规治疗基础上加颈部针刺疗法治疗急性期脑梗塞病人95例。

11.Remarks on application of acupuncture instruments in acupuncture quantification and normalization studies针刺量学和规范化研究中针灸仪器应用的思考

12.Rules of acupoints selection in treating Alzheimer"s disease by acupuncture and moxibustion针刺治疗阿尔茨海默病用穴规律探析

13.Acupuncture will often bring a fainting person to.针刺疗法经常可使昏迷中的人苏醒过来。

14.Modern Research on the Change of the Pulse of Patients with Arrhythmia after Using Acupuncture;针刺心率失常患者脉象变化的现代研究

15.The Preliminary Optimization of Acupuncture Therapeutic Regimen on Abnormal Tension of Muscle after Cerebral Infarction脑梗死肌张力异常针刺治疗方案的初步优选

16.Clinical observation on therapeutic effect of combination of acupuncture and ginger-partition moxibustion for treatment of patients with cardiac arrhythmia针刺配合隔姜灸治疗心律失常疗效观察

17.Therapeutic Effect of Acupuncture Combined with Flash Cupping for Acne Vulgaris针刺配合面部闪罐治疗寻常性痤疮疗效观察

18.Regulating Effect of Acupuncture at Point Weiguan on Blood Pressure in Normal Anesthetized Rats针刺内关穴对正常麻醉大鼠血压的调节作用


routine needling常规针刺

parison study between shallowly skin needling androutine needling in Neiguan(PC6) by fMRI内关穴皮部浅刺和常规针刺脑功能磁共振成像比较

2.Methods:40 patients with migraine were recruited,the deep needling group(20 cases) androutine needling group(20 cases).方法:本研究纳入偏头痛患者40例,分为深刺风池穴组(20例)和常规针刺风池穴组(20例),应用经颅多普勒检测治疗前后脑血流变化及血液流变仪检测治疗前后血流变学的改变。

3.Objective:To compare the different activation on cerebral functional regions between cutaneous stimulation androutine needling in Yanglingquan(GB34) by fMRI.目的:运用fMR I脑功能成像技术,研究阳陵泉穴皮部浅刺和常规针刺对不同脑功能区的激活异同。

3)rule acupuncture pin常规毫针

4)Card Clothing Specification针布规格

5)laws of acupuncture针刺规律

6)Size of needle针具规格


经胸壁针刺肺活检经胸壁针刺肺活检transthoracic needle biopsy of lung即对不靠近肺门、心脏和大血管的肺部包块,在X线电视透视下,采用长穿刺针经胸壁穿刺至包块内,吸取肺组织切片或涂片的检查方法。此法简便、阳性率高、并发症少。但应注意禁忌证、正确操作和术后密切观察。

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