糖尿病康复 > 牙齿修复 Dental Restoration英语短句 例句大全

牙齿修复 Dental Restoration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-27 18:06:30


牙齿修复 Dental Restoration英语短句 例句大全

牙齿修复,Dental Restoration

1)Dental Restoration牙齿修复


1.Dental prosthetics involving a bridge or bridges.用齿桥补牙用一个或多个齿桥进行牙齿修复

2.The Evaluation of the Use of Ni-Cr Alloy to Dental Porcelain Repair镍铬合金烤瓷在牙齿修复中的效果评价

3.Progress on effects of Notch signal pathway in tooth germ development and dental repair after injuryNotch信号与牙胚发育和牙齿损伤修复

4.Conclusion This method might be ideal repair for defected teeth.结论钛合金烤瓷修复体是修复牙齿的理想方法。

5.A bridge made in the dental laboratory on plaster models.要做桥梁修复的牙齿要做成石膏模型。

6.Observation of Curative Effect of 117 Dentition Defect Repaired with Concealed Denture;117件隐形义齿修复牙列缺损疗效观察

7.The diagnosis and restoration of surface defect of teeth牙齿表面组织缺损的诊断和修复治疗

8.The Experimental Study on Regenerating Alveolar Defect by Tissue Engineering and Orthodontic Tooth Movement in the Regeneration Area;组织工程骨修复牙槽骨缺损与正畸牙齿移动

9.Finite Element Analysis of Abutment with Periodontal Disease in Fixed Denture;固定义齿修复中牙周病基牙受力的有限元分析

10.Aplication of Telescope Denture for Restoration of Dentition Defect in Patients with Periodontitis套筒冠义齿修复牙周炎牙列缺损的临床研究

11.Object: Implant is an important method for repairing missing teeth.目的:种植义齿修复是修复牙齿缺失的一种重要方法。

12.The comparative study of patients with complicated dentition defect repaired by the attachment denture on clinical附着体义齿修复复杂牙列缺损的临床对比研究

13.Study on the function of dentin sialophosphoprotein during the tooth development,mineralization and dental pulp reparation after injury;牙本质涎磷蛋白在牙齿发育、矿化及牙髓损伤修复中作用的研究

14.Microbiological Study on Abutment after Restoration of Dentition Defect with Conical Telescopic Removable Denture in Patients with Periodontitis;牙周病伴牙列缺损经套筒冠义齿修复后牙周微生态变化的研究

15.Dentists use computer technology to help them repair damaged teeth.使用计算机技术来帮助他们修复损坏的牙齿。

16.Clinical understanding of movable denture in anterior defect and repair by Ⅱ clasp in 106 patientsⅡ型卡环活动义齿修复前牙缺失106例临床体会

17.The Study of Fixed Splinting in Patients with Periodontitis;固定夹板义齿用于牙周炎修复治疗的研究

18.A Study on Retention and Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Teeth Restored with Three Prefabricated Posts;预成桩修复后固位力与牙齿抗折力的实验研究


material for dental restoration牙齿修复材料

3)Dental repair牙齿修补

4)Dental prosthesis牙修复体

5)dental restoration牙修复

6)Dental prosthesis牙修复


动物的牙齿牙齿作为最重要的器官,在动物的生命历程中起了至关重要的作用。食肉动物在猎获食物的各个环节:猎杀、叼拿、弄碎肢解,都无一不运用牙齿作为天然工具。失去一颗犬牙的老虎就再也无法猎杀大型有蹄动物。 啮齿动物牙齿的工作量相当繁重,其损耗程度也十分惊人,因而它们的牙齿总是不断地生长。老鼠的门牙每个月可长出3厘米,倘若不磨损的话,日积月累长下去,到老年它们的牙齿就会长达70~100厘米。 大象牙齿的兴衰则与其寿命息息相关。大象以植物为食,对付坚韧的植物纤维需要用臼齿。承担如此重任的仅有两对工牙,而其余五对暂时“休闲”的牙,要依次等待老牙磨损脱落,才能顶替为工牙。随着牙齿的新老更替,大象也逐渐衰老,甚至死亡。 鲨鱼的牙齿令人恐惧。其牙齿布满上下颌,整齐地排列成行,处于一种“冲锋陷阵”、“前仆后继“的运动状态。齿尖朝后,呈“倒刺”状防止猎物脱逃。而且牙齿经常进行更新,使鲨鱼在一生中都保持着良好的“战斗力”。 鲤科鱼的牙齿不是长在嘴里,而是长在喉咙里,因为这里是它磨碎食物的第一加工场所。

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