糖尿病康复 > 珍珠苓芪汤 Pearl Tang Qi Ling Tang英语短句 例句大全

珍珠苓芪汤 Pearl Tang Qi Ling Tang英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-07 23:23:03


珍珠苓芪汤 Pearl Tang Qi Ling Tang英语短句 例句大全

珍珠苓芪汤,Pearl Tang Qi Ling Tang

1)Pearl Tang Qi Ling Tang珍珠苓芪汤


1.Pearl Ling Qi Tang Clinical Study of Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B珍珠苓芪汤治疗慢性乙型肝炎的临床研究

2.The Effect of ChaiLingGuiQi Decoction to the Lipid Metabolism in Rats with Adriamycin-induced Nephropathy;柴苓归芪汤对实验性肾病综合征大鼠脂代谢的影响

3.Clinical Study of Qi Ling Tang on Treatment of Primary Nephrotic Syndrome due to Deficiency of the Spleen and Kidney芪苓汤治疗脾肾两虚型原发性肾病综合征的临床研究

4.a thick soup made from beef or mutton with vegetables and pearl barley.牛肉或羊肉跟蔬菜、珍珠大麦一起煮成的浓汤。

5.Pearl Farmer and Merchant珍珠农场主和珍珠商

6.Gancao Ganjiang Fuling Baizhu Tang甘草干姜茯苓白术汤

7.Cross-cultural Writing of Cultural Borderers:Contrast Between Pearl S.Buck and Maxine Hong KingstonZHANG Shang-xin;文化边缘人角色的跨文化书写——赛珍珠与汤亭亭比较

8.To dive or fish for pearls or pearl-bearing mollusks.采集(珍珠)潜水捕捞珍珠或带有珍珠的软体动物

9.To decorate or cover with or as if with pearls.用珍珠镶嵌用珍珠或好象用珍珠装饰或镶嵌

10.topica pudding | manioc pudding | cassava pudding太瓢[珍珠粉 ]布丁

11.pearl shell珍珠母[贝], 夜光贝

12.a string of beads or a strand of pearls.一串珠子或一串珍珠。

13.A pearl having exceptional luster.好的珍珠一种具有非凡色泽的珍珠

14.The luster characteristic of a pearl of high quality珍珠光泽一种高品质珍珠所特有光泽

15.Study on the Mechanism of "QiLing" Medicament on Immunodepressed Mice;“芪苓”制剂对免疫抑制小鼠作用机理的研究

16.Quantitative Determination of Actractylenolide Ⅲ in QiLing San ultra micro powder by HPLCHPLC法测定芪苓散超微粉中白术内酯Ⅲ含量

17.Study on the extracting process of compound Qiling medicament polysaccharide by ultrasonic assistant extraction复方中药芪苓制剂多糖超声提取工艺研究

18.Jane, this is Tom. Tom, this is Jane.珍妮,这是汤姆。汤姆,这是珍妮。


Qi Ling Tang芪苓汤

1.Clinical Study ofQi Ling Tang on Treatment of Primary Nephrotic Syndrome due to Deficiency of the Spleen and Kidney芪苓汤治疗脾肾两虚型原发性肾病综合征的临床研究

3)Chailing Guiqi Decoction柴苓归芪汤

1.Protective effects ofChailing Guiqi Decoction combined with lumbrukinase on renal function in rats with adriamycin nephropathy;柴苓归芪汤加蚓激酶对实验性肾病综合征大鼠肾功能的保护作用


1.[WT5HZ]Methods:[WT5BZ]We adopted the prescription of invigorating spleen,nourishing liver,cleaning away heat evil and promoting diuresis to observe the serum HBeAg negative transformation in the “Qiling ChaiHu Solution”(QLCHS)group,interferon (IFN) group and routine protecting liver group controled group.方法 :采用健脾养肝清热利湿解毒法 ,自拟“芪苓柴虎汤”对乙肝病毒血清标志物 HBe Ag转阴作用进行观察并设干扰素组、常规护肝治疗对照组以对照疗效。


1.Objective:In aid of the clinical experiment,to objectively evaluate the clinical effectiveness ofQiFuLingGuiTang on treating chronic nephritis,and to provide foundation for clinical application.目的:通过临床试验,客观评价芪附苓归汤治疗慢性肾炎蛋白尿(脾肾阳虚夹瘀)的临床有效性,为临床用药提供依据。

6)Pearl-shaped glutinous rice ball soup珍珠舌耳汤


熟地归芪羊肉汤【用料】 熟地黄30克,黄芪25克,当归头15克,白芍15克,生姜3片,红枣5枚(去核),羊肉500克,陈皮10克。【制作】 将全部用料洗净,羊肉切块、用油锅以热油稍炒去膻味,放入砂锅内,加清水适量,武火煮沸后,文火煲3小时,调味即可。饮汤吃羊肉。【功效】 补血益气、固本养颜。用于贫血面色苍白、头晕目眩、心悸怔忡、腰酸乏力、面部色斑等。

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