糖尿病康复 > 饮食和行为干预 diet and behavior control英语短句 例句大全

饮食和行为干预 diet and behavior control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-27 07:32:34


饮食和行为干预 diet and behavior control英语短句 例句大全

饮食和行为干预,diet and behavior control

1)diet and behavior control饮食和行为干预

1.Objective: To explore the prevalence and influence factors of type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM) in city and observe the effect ofdiet and behavior control on some biochemical indicators .目的:探索当前城市社区居民糖尿病(Diabetes Mellitus,DM)的流行特点及其影响因素,并观察饮食和行为干预对2-DM患者血生化指标的影响,为进一步研究DM流行规律和综合防控提供科学参考。

2)Physical activity and eating behaviors运动和饮食行为

3)Diet intervention饮食干预

1.A study on application of diet intervention for tumor patients in out-patient clinic undergoing chemotherapy;饮食干预在门诊肿瘤化疗病人中的应用研究

2.To study the effective treatments for sports anemia of juvenile athletes,32 juvenile athletes suffering from sports anemia were randomly divided into three groups :diet intervention iron supplementation group?intermittent iron supplementation group and control group.为探讨少儿运动员运动性贫血的有效可行的治疗方法 ,采用随机对照的方法 ,将受试对象分为三个组 :饮食干预补铁组 ,间歇补铁组和对照组 ,干预和治疗时间为三个月 ,以血红蛋白为评价指标 ,比较治疗效果。

3.Objective To explore the effect of diet intervention on erythrocyte intracellular free calcium concentration(〔Ca 2+ 〕)i in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance(IGT).方法对 42例中老年糖耐量减低者进行为期 1 0个月的饮食干预。


1.Effect Analyzing On 126 Cases Of Diabetes Mellitus Treated By Interfering Diet Theropy126例糖尿病饮食干预治疗效果分析

2.Outside-hospital Dietary Intervention for Advanced Cirrhosis Patients in the Rural Area农村晚期肝硬化病人的院外饮食干预

3.Significance of intervention of dietary diary on diabetic diet膳食日记对糖尿病饮食干预的指导意义

4.The goal of the dietary interention was to reduce dietary fat to 15% of total calories.饮食干预的目标是减少饮食脂肪到总卡路里的15%。

5.The patients in the low fat diet intervention group received diet control, athletic sports, reduction of body mass and so on.低脂饮食干预组采用饮食控制,加强体育运动,减轻体质量等方法。

6.Influence of exercises and diet intervention on blood lipid level of fatty liver patients运动和饮食干预对脂肪肝病人血脂水平的影响

7.Study the Diet Inter vention on the Pethabi lation of children with Henoch schonlein Purpura饮食干预对过敏性紫癜患儿康复的影响

8.Effect of diet intervention on perinatal outcomes in pregnant women with abnormal glycometabolism饮食干预对妊娠期糖代谢异常围生结局的影响

9.Research on application of the novel food exchange serving based on glycemic load in the diet education for type 2 diabetes两种饮食干预方法对2型糖尿病疗效比较

10.Result analysis of diet intervention on typeⅡ diabetes patients in rural area农村2型糖尿病病人饮食干预结果分析

11.The Study of Clinical Effectiveness of Intervention to Related Risk Factors in Patients of Type Ⅱ Diabetes Mellitus with Cerebral Apoplexy;饮食干预对Ⅱ型糖尿病合并脑卒中患者的临床效果研究

12.Research on Effects of Exercise and Diet Treatment on Lipid and Physical Fitness of Male Government Functionaries with Hyperlipidemia;运动和饮食干预对男性高血脂公务员血脂及体质影响的实验研究

13.Effects of Aerobics,Anti-Resistance Training and Diet Interference on Weight-losing Result of Obese Women;有氧运动、抗阻力训练与饮食干预对年轻肥胖女性减肥效果的影响

14.Effects of Endurance Exercise under Noninterference of Food and Drink on Blood Pressure and Blood-lipid in Simple Obesity Children;非饮食干预条件下耐力运动对单纯性肥胖儿童血压、血脂的影响

15.The Effective of Dietary Intervention and Condition of Self-control and Social Support in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus2型糖尿病患者饮食干预效果分析及自我管理、社会支持状况调查

16.Dietary and Movement Therapy to Treat Childhood Simple Obesity;饮食运动干预治疗儿童单纯性肥胖症

17.Nursing Intervention of Dietetic Therapy in Diabetic Outpatient;门诊糖尿病病人饮食治疗的护理干预

18.Intervention study on dietary knowledge,attitude and behaviors of pupils;小学生饮食知识、态度、行为干预实验研究


Physical activity and eating behaviors运动和饮食行为

3)Diet intervention饮食干预

1.A study on application of diet intervention for tumor patients in out-patient clinic undergoing chemotherapy;饮食干预在门诊肿瘤化疗病人中的应用研究

2.To study the effective treatments for sports anemia of juvenile athletes,32 juvenile athletes suffering from sports anemia were randomly divided into three groups :diet intervention iron supplementation group?intermittent iron supplementation group and control group.为探讨少儿运动员运动性贫血的有效可行的治疗方法 ,采用随机对照的方法 ,将受试对象分为三个组 :饮食干预补铁组 ,间歇补铁组和对照组 ,干预和治疗时间为三个月 ,以血红蛋白为评价指标 ,比较治疗效果。

3.Objective To explore the effect of diet intervention on erythrocyte intracellular free calcium concentration(〔Ca 2+ 〕)i in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance(IGT).方法对 42例中老年糖耐量减低者进行为期 1 0个月的饮食干预。

4)Dietary intervention饮食干预

1.Dietary intervention on 54 patients with diabetic nephropathy;糖尿病肾病54例饮食干预

2.30 Cases of Nephrotic Syndrome in Children with Dietary Intervention30例肾病综合征患儿的饮食干预

3.Review includes:"TCM research Overview ofDietary intervention in type 2 diabetes" and "Overview ofL-Arabinose"Study:Objective:The aim of this study is to examine the biological activity of L-Arabinose from the company and provide experimental basis to further the devdopment of functional foods.饮食干预对糖尿病自然病程中任何阶段的预防和控制是必不可少的措施,合理饮食可维持理想的体重和身体的代谢平衡,能防止或减少急慢性并发症。

5)diet behavior饮食行为

1.Study of relationships between saliva constituent anddiet behavior in infant婴儿唾液成分与饮食行为的相关性研究

2.Pupils\"diet behavior and nutrients intake in big city of China has been studied, but no corresponding studies in town and county area was found.目的:通过本课题的研究,了解邹平县小学生早餐饮食行为及营养状况,找出存在的问题,提出建议和指导,以达到合理化平衡膳食,保障小学生健康成长。

6)dietary behaviors饮食行为

1.Nutritional knowledge,attitude anddietary behaviors of medical students in Yichun University;某高校医学生营养知识、态度及饮食行为的调查与分析

2.Investigation on college students"s nutritional status,knowledge anddietary behaviors大学生营养状况与营养知识、饮食行为调查

3.Objective To learn the nutritive knowledge anddietary behaviors of college students,so as to provide the scientific basis for the improvement of their health.目的了解大学生营养与饮食行为知识,为提高大学生身体健康水平提供依据。


南美洲运动会和南十字运动会19在巴西举行过1届南美洲运动会,参加者限于南美洲国家。1978年在玻利维亚举行过 1届南十字运动会,参加国有阿根廷、玻利维亚、巴西、智利、厄瓜多尔、巴拉圭、秘鲁和乌拉圭8国。

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