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回顾性队列研究 Retrospective Cohort Study英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-29 15:47:13


回顾性队列研究 Retrospective Cohort Study英语短句 例句大全

回顾性队列研究,Retrospective Cohort Study

1)Retrospective Cohort Study回顾性队列研究

1.ARetrospective Cohort Study on Risk Factors of Hospital Infection;医院感染危险因素的回顾性队列研究

2.The application of retrospective cohort study between vocational factor and pregnant outcome;回顾性队列研究在职业因素与生殖结局分析中的应用

3.A retrospective cohort study on the death cause of malignant neoplasms in a chemical factory;某化工厂恶性肿瘤死亡的回顾性队列研究


1.Retrospective cohort study on transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 between spousesHIV-1夫妻间传播的回顾性队列研究

2.A Retrospective Cohort Study on the Death Cause of Malignant Neoplasm in a Coke and Chemical Plant某焦化厂恶性肿瘤死亡的回顾性队列研究

3.Breast Conservative Therapy for Breast Cancer: A Retrospective Cohort Study;保乳手术治疗乳腺癌的回顾性队列研究

4.Conservation Treatment Prospects Regulating Pi and Protecting Xin Retrospective Cohort Study of Coronary Heart Disease调脾护心法治疗冠心病回顾性队列研究

5.Retrospective Cohort Study of Gatifloxacin and Levofloxacin Safety加替沙星和左氧氟沙星安全性的回顾性队列研究

6.A Retrospective Cohort Study about the Effect of Elective Cesarean Section on Infants Neurological and Mental Development;社会因素剖宫产对婴儿神经精神发育影响的回顾性队列研究

7.Retrospective cohort study on justing-spleen-treating-heart for PCI treatment of coronary heart disease调脾护心法治疗冠心病介入术后296例患者回顾性队列研究

8.Which test is a better strategy to determine the outcome of atypical glandular cell-cate-gorized Pap smears? Immunocytochemical p16INK4A expression or human papillomavirus test-A retrospective cohort study鉴定宫颈巴氏涂片不典型腺上皮细胞分类预后的最佳测试的回顾性队列研究

9.Retrospective study on incidence rate and serotyping of viral hepatitis in a military area command某区部队病毒性肝炎发病率与血清学分型的回顾性研究

10.Research on High-Frequency Financial Time Series:Past Development and Future Challenge;高频金融时间序列研究:回顾与展望

11.The reviewing study of differentiention class of zhongyi after suprapubic prostatectomy;耻骨上经膀胱前列腺摘除术后中医辨证分型的回顾性研究

12.Review of research on The Scholars;“铸鼎像物,遗貌取神”——《儒林外史》研究回顾系列之一

13.The Research of the History, the Current Situation and the Countermeasure in the Chinese Football Team s "Study Abroad;对中国足球队员“洋插队”的历史回顾、现状分析及对策研究

14.A Clinical Retrospective Study of 179 Cases of Drug-induced Liver Disease药物性肝病179例临床回顾性研究

15.Retrospective Study of Maxillofacial Injuries;颌面部创伤患者临床病例回顾性研究

16.A Retrospetive Study of Adverse Drug Reaction of Shuanghuanglian Injection;双黄连注射剂不良反应的回顾性研究

17.The Diagnosis and Treatment of Renal Pelvis Cancer (the Retrospective Study for 47 Cases);肾盂癌的诊断和治疗(47例回顾性研究)

18.Retrospective Study of the Operative Treatment for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy;脊髓型颈椎病手术治疗的回顾性研究


retrospective cohort回顾性队列

3)Retrospective study回顾性研究

1.Retrospective study on the status of road traffic safety among children pedestrians in 3 cities of China;中国三城市儿童步行者道路交通安全状况回顾性研究

2.Retrospective study of serious lactic acidosis in intensive care unit;危重病监护病房23例严重乳酸性酸中毒患者的回顾性研究

3.Clinical retrospective study on 56 patients with severe drug eruption;56例重症药疹临床回顾性研究

4)Retrospective studies回顾性研究

5)Retrospective analysis回顾性研究

6)Retrospective research回顾性研究

1.According to the fundamental theories of biophysics and clinical trials, following observation, retrospective research and analyze the merits and faults of many other treatments, inquired some Femur Head Necrosis treatment fundamental theories, such as: Stabilization of load bearing state of hip joint The use of an ideal environment for load bearing abilities.为寻求股骨头坏死再修复的客观规律,近来,笔者从生物力学观点出发,依据骨伤生物力学基础原理,并在临床实践、跟踪观察、回顾性研究,及分析多种疗法优缺点基础上,探讨了股骨头坏死治疗中应遵循的几个基本原则,即:治疗中髋关节受力状态需相对稳定;要给予适时、适度的力环境;并使之获得修复应力。



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