糖尿病康复 > 防风通圣散 Fang Feng Tong Sheng San英语短句 例句大全

防风通圣散 Fang Feng Tong Sheng San英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-26 00:04:20


防风通圣散 Fang Feng Tong Sheng San英语短句 例句大全

防风通圣散,Fang Feng Tong Sheng San

1)Fang Feng Tong Sheng San防风通圣散

1.Fang Feng Tong Sheng San Status of Treatment of Obesity防风通圣散治疗肥胖症的研究现状

2)Fang feng tong sheng防风通圣


1.Determination of Forsythin in Fangfengtongsheng Pill by HPLCHPLC法测定防风通圣丸中连翘苷的含量

2.Determination of Emodin and Chrysophanol in Fangfengtongsheng Pill by HPLCHPLC法测定防风通圣丸中大黄素、大黄酚的含量

3.The Clinical Research of Using Fang Feng Tong Sheng Wan to Treat Simple Obesity of Spleen and Stomach Heat防风通圣丸治疗脾胃实热型单纯性肥胖的临床研究

4.Ventilation Officer [Fire Services Department]通风系统主任〔消防处〕

5.explosion-proof ventilated synchronous motor防爆通风型同步电动机

6.technique of industrial venti1ation and dustproofing工业通风与防尘技术

7.It was large and airy and faced St. Charles Avenue.它宽敞、通风,朝向圣查尔斯街。

8.Fire Services Ventilation Officer [Fire Services Department]消防通风系统主任〔消防处〕

9.Fire Service Installation and Ventilation Division [Fire Services Department]消防设备及通风系统课〔消防处〕

10."One Ventilation and Theer-prevention" Focus on Analysis of Ventilation and Exploration“一通三防”重在通风的分析与探索

11.On Fire Precaution Called Downwards Ventilation Used in the Combined Coal Face;沿空掘巷综采工作面下行通风防灭火预防

12.Marine explosion-proof type centrifugal fansGB11799-1989船用防爆离心通风机

13.Marine explosion-proof type axial flow fansGB11800-1989船用防爆轴流通风机

14.Even when ventilation is provided, respiratory, skin and eye protection are always recommended when spraying paint.尽管通风条件良好也应配戴防护用具。

15.Systematic risk can be mitigated only by being hedged .系统风险能通过预防(隔离)而减轻。

16.Practice of ventilation and winter proofing in underground mine that is changed from open pit露天转地下矿山通风防寒工作的实践

17.Reforming the Ventilation System of Mining Area and Improving the Capacity in Disaster Prevention of Coal Mine改造采区通风系统 提高矿井防灾能力

18.Risks and Preventative Measures of RMB"s Cross-border Circulation人民币跨境流通风险及防范措施分析


Fang feng tong sheng防风通圣

3)Fangfengtongsheng pill防风通圣丸

1.The observation about the curative effective ofFangfengtongsheng pill combining loratadine in the therapy of chronic urticaria;防风通圣丸联合氯雷他定治疗慢性荨麻疹疗效观察

2.Objective:To establish a method to determine the content of forsythin inFangfengtongsheng pill.目的:建立防风通圣丸中连翘苷的含量测定方法。

3.Objective:To establish a method to determine the content of emodin and chrysophanol inFangfengtongsheng pill.目的:建立防风通圣丸中大黄素、大黄酚的含量测定方法。


5)Fangfengtongsheng Granules防风通圣颗粒

1.Determination of Ephedrine Hydrochloride inFangfengtongsheng Granules by dual wavelength thin layer chromatography scanning;防风通圣颗粒中盐酸麻黄碱的双波长薄层扫描测定

6)Fangfeng Powder防风散

1.Sun Simiao used five prescriptions to treat excess heat-syndrome of the liver: Zhuli Xiere Decoction,Qianhu Decoction,Fangfeng Powder,Yuanzhi Powder and Dihuang Decoction.孙思邈治疗肝实热证有竹沥泄热汤、前胡汤、防风散、远志散及地黄煎五方,其组方特色是以寒降为主,降中含升;以泻实为主,泻中有补。



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