糖尿病康复 > JAK/STAT1信号转导途径 JAK/STAT1 signal transduction pathway英语短句 例句大全

JAK/STAT1信号转导途径 JAK/STAT1 signal transduction pathway英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-22 15:27:04


JAK/STAT1信号转导途径 JAK/STAT1 signal transduction pathway英语短句 例句大全

JAK/STAT1信号转导途径,JAK/STAT1 signal transduction pathway

1)JAK/STAT1 signal transduction pathwayJAK/STAT1信号转导途径

1.Conclusion Leflunomide can inhibit the expression of p-STAT1 and prevents the excess activation ofJAK/STAT1 signal transduction pathway,which may be one of the mechanisms for the therapeutic effects in the MRL/lpr lupus mice.目的探讨来氟米特对MRL/lpr狼疮小鼠肾脏JAK/STAT1信号转导途径的影响。


1.JAK/STAT1 Signaling Transduction Pathway in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of MRL/lpr Lupus Mice;JAK/STAT1信号转导途径在MRL/lpr狼疮鼠发病机制和治疗中的研究

2.The JAK-STAT signal transduction pathway mediated by IFN-τIFN-τ介导的JAK-STAT信号转导途径

3.Influence of leflunomide on JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway in renal tissue of MRL/lpr lupus mice来氟米特对MRL/lpr小鼠肾脏JAK/STAT信号转导途径的影响

4.Preliminary Study on the Relationship between EGFR/STAT1 Signaling Pathway and Esophageal Cancer;EGFR/STAT1信号转导通路与食管癌关系的初步研究

5.Simvastatin Attenuates Hypertrophic Responses to Cardiotrophin-1 by JAK-STAT Pathway in Cultured Cardiomyocytes;JAK/STAT信号途径介导心肌营养素-1诱导心肌肥厚及辛伐他汀调控作用的研究

6.Study on Computational Model of MAPK/ERK Signal Transduction Pathway;MAPK/ERK信号转导途径的计算机模型研究

7.Role of suppressor of cytokine signaling in the regulation of negative feedback in the JAK/STAT signaling pathway细胞因子信号转导抑制蛋白在JAK/STAT信号通路中的负反馈调节作用

8.Transformation of Common Wheat by SOS Genes from Arabidopsis Thaliana;拟南芥SOS信号转导途径基因对小麦的转化

9.Janus Kinase Inhibitor AG490 Blocks Stat3 Signal Transduction and Mediate Apoptosis in Cancer Cells;JAK激酶抑制剂AG490阻断Stat3信号转导介导肿瘤细胞凋亡实验研究

10.Systemic Acquired Resistance and Signal Transduction in Plant植物系统性获得抗性及其信号转导途径

11.The Function and Signal Transduction Pathway of EphB2 Receptor;EphB2受体的功能及其信号转导途径的初步研究

12.Study of Regulation of DAG/PKC Signaling Pathway;DAG/PKC信号转导途径调控机制的初步研究

13.The Effect of AAV2 rep78 on the Expression of Apoptosis Factors and Signal Transducation in HepG2 Cells;AAV2rep78对HepG2细胞凋亡及信号转导途径的影响

14.The Role of Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt Signaling in Hepatic Stellate Cell Apoptosis;P13K/Akt信号转导途径在肝星状细胞凋亡中的作用

15.Identification and Features of New Components on the JA Pathway;茉莉酸信号转导途径中新的组分的鉴定和特征

16.The Effects of NMDAR in CNTF Unknown Transduction Pathway;CNTF非经典信号转导途径中NMDA受体的作用

17.The Neuroprotective Effects of CNTF on Hippocampal Neurons Against L-NMDA Via Unknown Transduction Pathway;CNTF非经典信号转导途径的神经保护功能

18.The Study on the Function of Lck Kinase in L-selectin Signaling;Lck激酶在L-选择素信号转导途径中的作用研究


JAK-STAT pathwayJAK-STAT信号转导途径

1.ObjectiveTo investigate the role of interferon inducible protein IFI 16 andJAK-STAT pathway in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE).体外培养PBMC,用JAK2抑制剂AG490抑制JAK-STAT信号转导途径,再用RT-PCR检测PBMC中IFI 16的表达水平。

2.Objective To investigate the expression of IFI16 and the function ofJAK-STAT pathway in peripheral blood mononuclear cell of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE).体外培养PBMC,分别用JAK抑制剂AG490和STAT3的decoy寡核苷酸(ODNs)抑制JAK-STAT信号转导途径,再用RT-PCR检测PBMC中IFI16的表达水平。

3)JAK-STAT signal transduction pathwayJAK-STAT信号途径

1.Here we reported the research advances in type I and II interferon genes and their receptors,theJAK-STAT signal transduction pathway,the interferon regulatory factor family and some interferon-inducible proteins in fish.本文介绍了鱼类I型和II型干扰素及其受体、干扰素调节因子、JAK-STAT信号途径、干扰素诱导蛋白等的研究进展。

4)Signaling pathway信号转导途径

1.Wnt signaling pathway and medulloblastoma;Wnt信号转导途径与髓母细胞瘤

2.Three putitive signaling pathways related to cell replicative senescence are p16~ INK4a /Rb,p19~ ARF /p53/p21~ Waf1 and PTEN/p27.迄今比较公认的3条细胞衰老信号转导途径是:p16INK4a/Rb、p19ARF/p53/p21Waf1以及PTEN/p27。

3.In this study,we use transgenic plants and plant hormone-related mutants in tomato to investigate the cross-talk between systemin/JA and BR(Brassinosteroid)signaling pathways.本文以转基因番茄和激素相关突变体为试材,研究了番茄中系统素/茉莉酸(systemin/JA)与油菜素甾醇类(Brassinostsroids,BRs)信号转导途径的相互作用,并研究了JA与其他激素途径在茎枯病抗性以及AAL-toxin诱导的细胞程序化死亡(prograrnmedcell death,PCD)中的作用。

5)signal transduction pathway信号转导途径

1.Based on the establishment of a high metastasis potential breast cancer cell line LM-MCF-7, derived from MCF-7 cell line, the related factors and theirsignal transduction pathways were investigated to demonstrate the molecular mechanism of enhanced proliferation and migration of LM-MCf-7 cells.在建立乳腺癌细胞MCF-7高转移倾向亚克隆LM-MCF-7细胞株的基础上,为阐明LM-MCF-7细胞具有更强增殖和迁移能力的分子机制,对其相关分子及其信号转导途径进行了探讨。

2.If the Signal transduction pathways are intervened inside or outside cells,the synthesis of transcription factors and signaling molecules could be blocked.对信号转导途径进行细胞外和细胞内干预,阻断转录因子或信号分子的合成,既可消除由细胞因子等引起细胞激活,亦可阻断致炎细胞因子的产生,从而产生类风湿关节炎抗炎免疫治疗的新途径。

6)WNT signal transduction pathwayWNT信号转导途径



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