糖尿病康复 > 中性脂肪酶 Neutral lipase英语短句 例句大全

中性脂肪酶 Neutral lipase英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-12 23:41:41


中性脂肪酶 Neutral lipase英语短句 例句大全

中性脂肪酶,Neutral lipase

1)Neutral lipase中性脂肪酶

1.To transformation of swill oil resources for the purpose,biodiesel prepared with catalyst of neutral lipase by the reaction of swill oil and methanol.以泔水油资源转化为宗旨,利用中性脂肪酶催化泔水油与甲醇反应制备生物柴油。


3)neutral fat中性脂肪

4)Immobilized neutral lipase固定化中性脂肪酶

5)alkaline lipase碱性脂肪酶

1.Purification by thiophilic chromatography and determination of N-terminal sequence ofalkaline lipase;嗜硫色谱分离纯化碱性脂肪酶及其氨基酸序列测定

2.Breeding ofalkaline lipase overproducing strain by screening resistant mutant;抗性突变株筛选法选育碱性脂肪酶高产菌

3.Hydrolysis of lipids in chub mackerel surimi usingalkaline lipase;碱性脂肪酶酶解鲐碎肉脂肪的研究


1.Screening of Alkaline Lipase Producing Bacteria and Studying on Gene Cloning;碱性脂肪酶菌株的选育与碱性脂肪酶基因的克隆

2.Development of Time-Temperature Indicating Chemical Reaction System Based on Alkaline Lipase;碱性脂肪酶货架寿命指示体系的开发

3.Alkaline Lipase Catalyzed Syntheses of Ethyl Propionate;碱性脂肪酶催化合成丙酸乙酯的研究

4.Synthesis of Biodiesel Catalyzed by Alkaline Lipase碱性脂肪酶催化合成生物柴油的研究

5.Enzyme Production Optimization of High Alkalin Lipase Producing Mutant Strain and High-efficient Purification of Its Alkalin Lipase;碱性脂肪酶高产诱变菌株产酶条件优化及其碱性脂肪酶的高效分离纯化

6.Expression and Activity Study of Alkaline Lipase Gene from Penicillium Expansum;扩展青霉碱性脂肪酶的高效表达与活性研究

7.Mutagenesis and Strain-improving of Alkaline Lipase Producing Strain, Purification and Immobilization of the Alkaline Lipase;碱性脂肪酶生产菌株的诱变选育、碱性脂肪酶的分离纯化与固定化初探

8.Application of Alkaline Lipase in the Donkey and Colt Skin Production Process碱性脂肪酶在驴马皮制革中的应用研究

9.Gene Cloning and Expression: Alkaline Lipase from Penicillium expansum PF898;扩展青霉PF898碱性脂肪酶基因的克隆与表达

10.The Expression of Penicillium Expansum Lipase Gene and Its Molecular Mutants;扩展青霉碱性脂肪酶基因的表达及分子突变

11.Research on Color Change Effect of Alkaline Lipase Time-temperature Indicator碱性脂肪酶时间温度指示器变色效应的研究

12.Selection of Alkaline Lipase Producing Strain Fusarium sp.N4-2 and Its Enzymological Properties;产低温碱性脂肪酶菌株Fusarium sp.N4-2的选育及其酶学性质

13.Screening、Identification and Breeding of a Candida Yeast Producing Alkline Lipase and Studying on Its Fermentation Conditions;碱性脂肪酶酵母菌的分离鉴定、诱变选育及其产酶条件的研究

14.Isolatio, Optimalization of Fermentation Conditions and Construction of Genomic DNA Library of Alkaline Lipase-producing Bacterial Strains;碱性脂肪酶产生菌的筛选,产酶条件的优化及其基因组文库的构建

15.Screening and Optimization of Fermentation Medium of Bacterium Producing Cold-Adapted and Alkaline Lipase低温碱性脂肪酶产生菌的筛选及产酶培养基的优化

16.A New Rapid Method for Estimating Rice Seed Alkaline Lipase and its Application一种新的水稻种子碱性脂肪酶活性快速检测方法及其应用

17.Characterization and Crystallization of Alkaline Lipase from Penicillium Expansum FS1884;扩展青霉FS1884碱性脂肪酶的表征研究及其晶体的培养

18.Genetic Variation among the Alkaline Lipase Producing Mutants from the Genealogy of Penicillium Expansum;碱性脂肪酶产生菌扩展青霉改良系谱的遗传变异研究



3)neutral fat中性脂肪

4)Immobilized neutral lipase固定化中性脂肪酶

5)alkaline lipase碱性脂肪酶

1.Purification by thiophilic chromatography and determination of N-terminal sequence ofalkaline lipase;嗜硫色谱分离纯化碱性脂肪酶及其氨基酸序列测定

2.Breeding ofalkaline lipase overproducing strain by screening resistant mutant;抗性突变株筛选法选育碱性脂肪酶高产菌

3.Hydrolysis of lipids in chub mackerel surimi usingalkaline lipase;碱性脂肪酶酶解鲐碎肉脂肪的研究

6)lipase activity脂肪酶活性

1.Effects of different storage methods onlipase activity and the acid value of oil in walnut;贮藏因素对核桃脂肪酶活性与油脂酸价的影响

2.The fators affecting thelipase activity and the acid value of oil in walnut under different storage conditions were studied.对贮藏中影响鲜食核桃脂肪酶活性与油脂酸价的因素进行了研究。

3.The effect of initial soybean oil concentration onlipase activity was investigated during the early phase of GA_(3)production by Gibberella fujikuroi 978.在藤仓赤霉菌(Gibberella fujikuroi)978菌株产赤霉素GA3的发酵前期,研究了发酵初始培养基中添加不同浓度豆油对发酵过程脂肪酶活性的影响,结果表明:添加1。



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