糖尿病康复 > 高氯酸-冰醋酸标准溶液 standard solution of HClO4 in glacial acetic acid英语短句 例句大全

高氯酸-冰醋酸标准溶液 standard solution of HClO4 in glacial acetic acid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-18 13:54:02


高氯酸-冰醋酸标准溶液 standard solution of HClO4 in glacial acetic acid英语短句 例句大全

高氯酸-冰醋酸标准溶液,standard solution of HClO4 in glacial acetic acid

1)standard solution of HClO4 in glacial acetic acid高氯酸-冰醋酸标准溶液

2)Hyperchloric acid-acetic acid mixture as standard titrant高氯酸-冰乙酸标准液

3)Acetic acid solution醋酸溶液

1.The shelf life of coold mutton can be lengthened by way of spraying or smearing the acetic acid solution.5%醋酸溶液可显著(P<0。


1.The infection of different concentration chitosan-acetic acid solution surface sizing to the technical feature of paper was studied.研究了不同浓度的壳聚糖-醋酸溶液表面施胶对纸的技术性能的影响。

2.The grafting of propanetriol-diglycidyl-ether onto the silk fabric was accomplished by microwave radiation, followed by finishing the grafted fabric with the chitosan-acetic acid solution through double-dip-double-nip.采用微波辐照方法接枝丙三醇缩水甘油醚,再用壳聚糖醋酸溶液进行二浸二轧后整理。

3.An acetic acid solution of a drug.醋剂一种药物的乙酸溶液

4.Vinegar: Sour liquid obtained by fermentation of dilute alcoholic liquids.醋: 用各种含酒精度低的溶液经发酵产生醋酸而制成的酸液。

5.Another preparation is electrooxidation of lead acetate in acid solution.另一种方法是在酸性溶液中对醋酸铅进行氧化。

6.Study on Preparation of Gossypol Acetic by Leaching Cottonseed in a Two-Liquid Phase Solvent System;双液相溶剂浸取棉仁制备醋酸棉酚研究

7.A Comprehensive Utilization of Deposit Matter in Copper Liquor;醋酸铜氨溶液沉淀物综合利用的新方法

8.The solvent was evaporated under reduced pressure and water (100 ml) and acetic acid (12 ml) were added to the residue.溶液减压蒸馏,在残留物中加入100毫升水和12毫升醋酸。

9.Determination of Chlorhexidine Acetate in Compound Tinidazole Solution with Signal Multiplier Method系数倍率法测定复方替硝唑溶液中醋酸氯己定含量

10.polyvinyl acetate emulsion unit聚醋酸乙烯酯乳液装置

11.Study on Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium of the Ternary System Water-Acetic Acid- n-butyl Acetate水一醋酸一醋酸正丁酯三元体系液液平衡研究

12.ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate乙二醇-乙醚乙酸酯,[俗]醋酸溶纤剂

13.Counter etch: A weak acid solution ,e.g. acetic acid , used to clean a plate chemically before coating .清洗腐蚀剂:化学性的版面清洗 ,在涂布乐膜前使用。它是一种弱酸溶液,如醋酸等。

14.Synthesis and Aqueous Solution Properties of Novel Thermoresponsive Graft Copolymers Based on Maleic Acid Vinyl-acetate Copolymer Backbone基于顺丁烯二酸乙烯醋酸盐共聚物主链的热响应嫁接共聚物的合成和水溶液特性(英文)

15.Determination of Acetic Acid in Octreotide Acetate by HPLC高效液相色谱法测定醋酸奥曲肽中醋酸的含量

16.phenol-4-sulfonic acid solution苯酚-4-磺酸溶液

17.Cellulose acetate reverse-osmosis membranes must be stored, when not in use, in a solution (sodium metabisulfite)that prevents microorganism growth.纤维素醋酸酯反渗透膜不用时必须贮存在一种溶液中,以防微生物生长。

18.An impure dilute solution of acetic acid obtained by fermentation beyond the alcohol stage and used as a condiment and preservative.醋一种不纯的稀释的酸溶液,从超过酒精阶段的发酵获得,可用作调味品和保存剂


Hyperchloric acid-acetic acid mixture as standard titrant高氯酸-冰乙酸标准液

3)Acetic acid solution醋酸溶液

1.The shelf life of coold mutton can be lengthened by way of spraying or smearing the acetic acid solution.5%醋酸溶液可显著(P<0。

4)potassium permanganate standard solution高锰酸钾标准溶液

1.The influences of concentration ofpotassium permanganate standard solution,acidity of reaction solution,heating time,reaction temperature,and titration rate,on the determination of permanganate index were studied.分别就高锰酸钾标准溶液的浓度、反应体系的酸度、加热时间、反应温度、滴定速度对测定结果的影响进行了分析,总结了在测定过程中的几点注意事项,对高锰酸盐指数的准确测定具有重要作用。

5)Chlorhexidine acetate sterilized solution醋酸氯己定灭菌溶液

6)iron(iii)perchlorate hydrate高氯酸铁水溶液


冰乙酸标准名称 工业冰乙酸标准说明本标准适用于由乙炔、乙醇、乙烯为原料制得的工业冰乙酸;也适用于三聚乙醛与二甲苯共氧化法制得的工业冰乙酸。分子式:c2h4o2分子量:60.05(按1985年国际原子量)一、技术要求工业冰乙酸应符合下列要求项 目 指 标优等品 一等品 合格品外 观 透明液体,无悬浮物和机械杂质。允许铝制包装所产生的轻度混浊色度,(铂-钴)号 ≤ 10 20 30乙酸含量,% ≥ 99.5 99.0 98.0甲酸含量,% ≤ 0.10 0.15 0.35乙醛含量,% ≤ 0.05 0.05 0.10蒸发残渣,% ≤ 0.01 0.02 0.03铁含量,% ≤ 0.0001 0.0002 0.0004重金属(以pb计),% ≤ 0.0001 0.0002 0.0004高锰酸钾氧化时间,min ≥ 20 5 -二、检验方法1、外观的测定目测。2、色度的测定按gb3143规定进行测定(参见gb605-88《化学试剂色度测定通用方法》)比色管:容量100ml。3、乙酸含量测定3.1 原理以酚酞为指示剂,用氢氧化钠标准溶液中和滴定,计算时扣除甲酸含量。3.2 试剂和溶液氢氧化钠标准溶液:c(naoh)=1mol/l;酚酞指示剂:5g/l乙醇溶液,溶解0.5g酚酞于100ml的95%(v/v)乙醇中,并用4g/l氢氧化钠溶液中和至微粉红色。3.3 仪器锥形称量瓶(容量3ml);碱式滴定管(容量50ml)。3.4 测定步骤用锥形称量瓶称取约2.5g试样,准至0.0001g,将称量瓶放入已盛有50ml不含二氧化碳蒸馏水的250ml锥形瓶中,并将称量瓶盖摇开,加0.5ml酚酞指示剂,用氢氧化钠标准溶液滴定至微粉红色,保持5s不退色为终点。3.5 计算乙酸含量x1(%)按式(1)计算:x1=(c*v*0.06005)/m*100-1.305x2 (1)式中 c——氢氧化钠标准溶液浓度,mol/l;v——试样消耗氢氧化钠标准溶液体积,ml;m——试样质量,g;0.06005——与1ml氢氧化钠标准溶液[c(naoh)=1.000mol/l]相当的以克表示的乙酸质量;x2——甲酸质量百分含量,%;1.305——甲酸换算为乙酸的换算系数。计算时,对标准溶液的标定与使用的温差按gb601的规定进行校正。3.6 允许误差两次平行测定结果差值不大于0.15%,取其算术平均值为试验结果。4、甲酸含量测定(略)5、乙醛含量测定(略)6、蒸发残渣测定(略)7、铁含量测定(略)8、重金属(以pt计)目视极限试验(略)9、高锰酸钾氧化时间的测定(略)

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