糖尿病康复 > 资本边际效率 marginal efficiency of capital英语短句 例句大全

资本边际效率 marginal efficiency of capital英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-21 19:29:28


资本边际效率 marginal efficiency of capital英语短句 例句大全

资本边际效率,marginal efficiency of capital

1)marginal efficiency of capital资本边际效率

1.The existence and development of finance can increase the net revenue of firm by increasing firm s financing amount andmarginal efficiency of capital,and reducing firm s financing cost.金融的存在与发展,通过提高企业的融资量、降低企业的融资成本以及提高企业的资本边际效率而使企业的投资净收益得到提高,从而加速了企业的发展。

2.The paper analyzes the condition,possible areas and evolutional mechanism of economic crises through Keynes\" theory aboutmarginal efficiency of capital,and makes an empirical study on mortgage crisis.文章通过凯恩斯的资本边际效率(MEC)理论探讨了经济危机发生的条件、可能区域以及演进的机理,并对次贷危机进行了实证考察。


1.Insufficiency of Investment Demand in Psychology from Keynes s Two Rules: The Marginal Efficiency of Capital and the Liquidity Preference;关于凯恩斯投资需求不足两个心理法则的探讨——从资本边际效率与流动偏好说起

2.On the Evolution,Distortion and Collapse of Marginal Efficiency of Capital in Business Cycle:Political Economic Analyses about US Mortgage Crisis论周期中资本边际效率的演进、扭曲与崩溃——关于美国“次贷危机”的政治经济学解读

3.This is what he means by equality between the rate of interest and the marginal efficiency of capital.他所说的利率等于边际资本效率,意思就是这样。

4.Human Capital, Marginal Productivity of Factors and Regional Inequality;人力资本、要素边际生产率与地区差异

parative Analysis on the Influence of the Marginal Products of Capital in Domestic Manufacturing Industry;我国制造业边际资本收益率的差异及影响分析

6.marginal productivity theory of wages工资边际生产率理论

7.An Empirical Study of the Influence of Human Capital to Technical Efficiency in Different Provinces;人力资本投资对技术效率省际差异的实证研究

8.At the peak of efficiency, the marginal cost of production equals the average cost of production.在效率的峰值点,生产的边际成本等于生产的平均成本。

9.An Empirical Study on the Effects of Introducing Foreign Capitals into Domestic Commercial Banks;国际资本引入对商业银行效率影响的实证研究

10.A Comparative Study of the Public Capital Productivity among Zhejiang,Jiangshu and Shanghai;公共资本生产率的比较研究——基于长三角21城市公共资本边际生产率的实证分析

11.Marginal Productivity of IT Capital of China s Commercial Banks and Its Optimal Size;中国商业银行信息技术资本的边际生产率及最优规模

12.The Impact of Varying Interest Rate on Efficient Frontier;利率随资本结构变化条件下的组合投资有效边界

13.The Non-linear Model Based on Marginal Utility Theory in the College s Capital Disposition;高校资本配置中基于边际效用理论的非线性规划模型

14.Human Capital,Marginal Productivity of Factors and Regional Inequality:A Theoretical Framework and Empirical Study人力资本、要素边际生产率与地区差异——基于全要素生产率视角的研究

15.People stop at the point where the marginal cost equals the marginal benefit.当边际成本等于边际效益,就是活动停止的时候。

16.Evaluation and International Comparison of Average Effective Tax Rate of Consumption Labour and Capital of China;我国消费、劳动和资本有效税率估计及其国际比较

17.Capital Market Efficiency Hypothesis and the Efficiency Analysis of the Chinese Capital Market;资本市场效率假说与中国资本市场的效率分析

18.marginal rate of return over cost弥补成本后的边际报酬率


marginal benefit of capital资本边际效益

3)marginal productivity of capital资本边际收益率

1.This paper suggests that measuring the property price bubble should be based on its fundamental value, which ismarginal productivity of capital.利用Ramsey模型,采取资本边际收益率法,实证测试了2000~我国房地产的泡沫度,得出了期间我国房地产经历了从负泡沫、无泡沫到正泡沫演变的结论。

4)marginal products of capital边际资本收益率

5)marginal ratio of investment投资边际效率

1.At last,this paper reveals the real cause of themarginal ratio of investment less than that of capital.文章从投资和资本两个概念入手,分析了投资与资本之间的相互关系,阐述了西方经济学派关于实际投资与计划投资的含义和内容,诠释了投资边际效率小于资本边际效率的真正原因。

6)marginal efficiency of steel investment边际投资效率

1.This paper uses ratio of increment output value to capital, looking backmarginal efficiency of steel investment, and then deeply takes apart issues of lowmarginal efficiency of steel investment, which results from over -heat investment, gives an empirical analysis to the validity of China s discretional monetary policy.本文采用增量产出资本比等指标对钢铁行业边际投资效率进行了历史回顾与分析,并对近期因投资过热而将引发的投资效率低下问题深入剖析,对相机选择经济政策中的有关货币政策的有效性进行实证研究,结果表明:央行相机出台的紧缩性货币政策通过传导机制,滞后性地抑制了下游行业对钢铁的需求,具有间接调控的作用,并有效降低钢铁投资规模,有利于优化钢铁投资结构;在相机经济政策背景下钢铁边际投资效率大起大落的风险将得以规避。



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