糖尿病康复 > 基本元素 basic elements英语短句 例句大全

基本元素 basic elements英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-30 22:28:24


基本元素 basic elements英语短句 例句大全

基本元素,basic elements

1)basic elements基本元素

1.During the talk show time, the anchor, guests and on-site audience take on different roles and functions, while topic, verbal sign and nonverbal sign are thebasic elements related to the program s quality.在电视谈话节目中,主持人、嘉宾、现场观众分别承担了不同的角色和功能,话题、语言符号、非语言符号是关系到节目质量的基本元素,叙事是一种重要的结构方式。

2.Beginning from thebasic elements of supply chain risk conduction,this paper analyzes the conduction mechanism of supply chain risk.从风险传导的基本元素出发,通过归纳分析得出供应链风险的传导机理。


1.It is a basic element which maintains a section of emotions to wait for.等待是维系一段感情的基本元素。

2.To separate into components or basic elements.使分解分解成组成部分或分解成基本元素

3.These are all fundamental to Hong Kong"s strength as a community.这些都是巩固我们的社会实力的重要基本元素。

4.The civil trial act is a element of the civil procedure.民事审判行为是民事诉讼的基本元素之一。

5.A modeling method using dual vector for elementary elements of mechanism knowledge base is proposed.提出了知识库基本元素的对偶矢量建模方法。

6.The Government remains firmly committed to maintaining these key fundamentals.政府承诺坚决维持这些重要的基本元素。

7.Research on the Automatic Classification Algorithm of the Basic Elements in Chinese Landscape Paintings;中国山水画基本元素的自动分类算法研究

8.Analysis and Interpretation of Tao Xingzhi s Thought in Science Education for Preschool Children;回到基本元素——陶行知幼儿科学教育思想解读

9.Thought Carried by Basic Elements of Discourses in Intercultural Communication;对跨文化交际中语篇基本元素的思维融入

10.Image feature points in basic elements of reverse perspective and implementation图像中基本元素特征点的透视反求及实现

11.The Feature-Based and SPT alignment commands offer an improved workflow and streamlined interface.使用基本元素和SPT叠合的指令整合在工作平面和串流线里面!

12.But I think it will never change in terms of certain basic elements that I described.但是我想我刚才描述的某些基本元素是永远不会改变的。

13.Measurement of Essential Properties of Some Lanthanide and Actinide Elements,and Gathering on the Groups of Data of Elements几种镧系及锕系元素基本性质精确测定及元素数据群的收集

14.Elements are the main building blocks of both XML and HTML documents.元素是xml文档和HTML文档的主要基本组件群。

15.Thinking on Localized Advertising Creatinty on the basis of Hot Chinese Elements in Design;基于“中国元素设计热”的本土化广告创意思考

16.The influencing factors on the design and the application of basic modeling elements of clothing jewelries服装首饰设计的影响因素与基本造型元素的应用

17.Research on Equipment Support Data Integration Based on Standard Data Element and Basal Table基于标准数据元素与基本表的装备保障数据集成研究

18."element:a fundamental, essential, or irreducible constituent of a composite entity.""元素,基本要素:一个组合整体中的基本的、最主要的、不可再缩小的组成成分."


basic element基本元素

1.Focusing on Chinese traditional garden, this article combine with art theory and image to anlysis thebasic elements, space arrangment , form and ambience of Chinese traditional garden and discuss the way to apply these into contemporary desig本文以中国传统园林建筑为基点,结合艺术理论和具体的艺术形象,对传统园林建筑的基本元素、空间组织,整体形式和气氛表达进行了分析,并探讨其运用于当代设计条件的方式。

2.Researching omposition designed, Researching effect ofbasic element, trace element on phroelectricity function, fairly good researching thermocouple alloy of aviation engine warning device.同时对化学成分设计、基本元素和微量元素对热电性能的影响进行了研究,较为系统地研究了航空发动机报警系统用热电偶合金。

3)principal daughter基本子元素

4)primitive geometric element基本几何元素

1.Research onprimitive geometric elements intersection test in virtual environment;虚拟场景中基本几何元素相交测试技术

5)basic message element基本消息元素

6)basic elements of conducts基本行为元素



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