糖尿病康复 > 大修计划 plan of major repair英语短句 例句大全

大修计划 plan of major repair英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-16 09:13:15


大修计划 plan of major repair英语短句 例句大全

大修计划,plan of major repair

1)plan of major repair大修计划


1.Converter System Overhaul Plan Based on Network Optimization Technology基于网络优化技术的转炉系统大修计划

2.Special Repair Programme [older housing block]特别修葺计划〔旧型公屋大厦〕

3.The state has planned to invest two millions in the dam.国家计划投资两百万元修建这个大坝。

4.On the changes regarding the revisionof the university teaching syllabus sincethe founding of new China;试析建国以来大学教学计划修订变革

5.The PERT Plan Management Software Used for the Overhaul Engineering in Power Plant发电厂大修工程网络进度计划管理软件

6.Argument and Tentative Plan for Optional Course of Translation;大学英语翻译选修课开办的理据和计划

7.Thinking about the present situation or tasks of Chinese education in Japan s universities;关于日本大学汉语教育及进修计划的思考

8.Revision on speciality teaching program for qualifiedstudents good in modern times of information and economy;修订专业教学计划,培养知识经济时代的大学生

9.CAMP (Computer Aided Maintenance Project)计算机辅助维修计划

10.to plan the refurnishing of the old library计划重新整修老图书馆

11.lift semi-modernization programme升降机局部维修计划

12.Rural Drainage Rehabilitation Scheme乡郊排水系统修复计划

13.peer tutoring programme同学间的互相导修计划

14.a project to Build a new dam修建新水坝的计划。

15.maintenance planning and control system维修计划和控制系统

16.Your plan needs some amendment.你的计划需要作些修正。

17.He sided with the plan to build a reservoir.他支持修建水库的计划。

18.Through force of circumstances the plan has to be changed .情况所迫,只得修改计划。


scheduled overhaul计划大修

3)overhaul program大修计划表

4)scheduled overhaul计划性检修,计划检修,定期大修

5)POOH (planned overhaul outage hours)计划大修停运小时

6)Maintenance plan维修计划

1.Maintenance plan in small-batch production;多品种小批量生产车间的设备维修计划制定

2.An optimization model of maintenance planning for power equipment is proposed on the basis of theories of operational research, economics, engineering science and decision-making management.针对电力设备维修过程中进度的合理安排和资源的最优利用 ,从项目管理的角度出发 ,综合运用运筹学、经济学、工程科学、决策管理等理论 ,提出了电力设备维修计划优化决策模型 ,并开发了电力设备维修管理系统。



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