糖尿病康复 > 脑梗死急性期 Acute cerebral infarction英语短句 例句大全

脑梗死急性期 Acute cerebral infarction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-18 14:26:34


脑梗死急性期 Acute cerebral infarction英语短句 例句大全

脑梗死急性期,Acute cerebral infarction

1)Acute cerebral infarction脑梗死急性期

1.Study on relationship between elements of TCM syndromes and metabolism of blood lipid in patients with acute cerebral infarction脑梗死急性期证候要素与血脂代谢紊乱的相关性研究

2.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of drug therapy for acute cerebral infarction with evidence based medicine opinion(EBM).目的 :以循证医学观点对脑梗死急性期各种药物治疗的临床应用进行评价。


1.Research on the Relationship between Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 and the Coagulative Factors in the Patients Suffered from Acute Cerebral Infarction;脑梗死急性期sICAM-1与促凝因素关系的研究

2.The Clinical effects of safflow yellow in treating acute cerebral infarction红花黄色素注射液在脑梗死急性期的治疗观察

3.Research on anti-spastic limb position in the nursing care of patients with cerebral infarction at acute stage脑梗死急性期偏瘫患者抗痉挛肢位护理研究

4.Effect of combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine on acute cerebral infarction中西医结合治疗脑梗死急性期60例临床观察

5.Acute Cerebral Infarction in Vivo Proton MR Spectroscopy;急性脑梗死活体~1HMRS 研究

6.The efficacy and safety of thrombolysis in acute cerebral infarction in shanghai急性期脑梗死静脉溶栓治疗的有效性评价

7.Clinical Analysis of Sixteen Early Epileptic Seizures in Elderly with Acute Cerebral Infarction老年急性脑梗死早期痫性发作16例临床分析

8.An Experimental Research of Hyperacute Cerebral Infarction by Multi-slice CT Perfusion Imaging;超急性期脑梗死多排CT灌注成像的实验研究

9.Clinical Evaluation of OCSP (Oxfordshire Community Stroke Projet) Classification in Acute Cerebral Infarction;急性脑梗死早期OCSP分型的临床应用评价

10.To Investigate the Factors That May Affect the Prognosis of Acute is Chemic Stroke in Early Stage in the Region本地区急性脑梗死短期预后影响因素分析

11.Curative Effects of Early Rehabilitation and Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments on Acute Cerebral Infarction早期康复与高压氧治疗急性脑梗死疗效观察

12.The Clinical Study on Early Injury of Kidney in Senile Acute Ischemic Stroke Patiens老年急性脑梗死早期肾功能损害临床探讨

13.Natriuretic peptide in early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction:an experimental study in rats脑钠肽在急性心肌梗死早期诊断中的实验研究

14.Relationship Between Plasama Homocysteine and short term Prognosis of Acute Cerebral Infarction同型半胱氨酸与急性脑梗死近期预后的关系

15.Effect of early rehabilitation in hemiplegia of cerebral infarction急性脑梗死偏瘫患者早期康复的临床研究

16.Correlation of acute ischemic cerebral infarction with carotid atherosclerosis plaque急性期脑梗死与颈动脉粥样硬化斑块的关系

17.Clinical Nursing of Acute Cerebral Infarction Patients Undergoing Ultra-Early Intravenous Thrombolytic Therapy急性脑梗死超早期静脉溶栓治疗的临床护理

18.A Randomized Controlled Trial of Effect of Defibrination on Treatment of Acute Cerebral Infarction of Internal Carotid Artery System降纤治疗超急性期脑梗死随机对照研究


Acute cerebral infarction急性期脑梗死

3)Acute cerebral infarction急性脑梗死

1.Curative effects of vinpocetine on patients with acute cerebral infarction;长春西汀治疗急性脑梗死疗效观察

2.Curative effects of Ginkgo dipyridolum injection in the treatment of acute cerebral infarction and its influence on blood rheology and fibrinogen content;银杏达莫注射液治疗急性脑梗死的疗效及对血液流变学和纤维蛋白原含量的影响

3.Change and relationship between the levels of plasma fibrinogen and C-reactive protein and pathogenetic condition and prognosis in patients with acute cerebral infarction;急性脑梗死患者血浆纤维蛋白原和C反应蛋白水平的改变及其与病情和预后的关系

4)acute brain infarction急性脑梗死

1.The observation of clinical effects of ganglioside GM_1 in patients withacute brain infarction;神经节苷脂GM_1治疗急性脑梗死疗效观察

2.Clinical observation on treatment ofacute brain infarction by Yangxue Qingnao Granula;养血清脑颗粒治疗急性脑梗死临床观察

3.Change of thrombin antithrombin Ⅲ complex afteracute brain infarction;急性脑梗死凝血酶抗凝血酶Ⅲ复合物的研究

5)Acute cerebral infarcti on脑梗死急性


1.Contrast the clinic curative effect with UK toACI between through the carotid injection and vein dripping;尿激酶颈动脉注射与静脉滴注治疗急性脑梗死的临床疗效对比

2.Objective To investigate the role and clinical significance of serum high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)in young patients with acute cerebral infarction(ACI) by measuring the change of levels in young patients with(ACI).结果51例青年急性脑梗死(ACI)患者急性期与恢复期hs-CRP水平均高于健康对照组,比较均有显著性差异(p<0。

3.Objective: To investigate the clinical effects of Batroxobin in treatment of Acute Cerebral Infarction (ACI).目的:探讨巴曲酶治疗急性脑梗死的临床疗效。


欧洲式期权、美国式期权与亚洲式期权欧洲式期权、美国式期权与亚洲式期权【欧洲式期权、美国式期权与亚洲式期权】期权合约所规定的权利有一定的时效期,过了失效日后,权利即行作废。一些期权规定权利仅能在有效期的最后一天执行,这种期权被称为欧洲式期权(ell功pean叩tions);另一些期权则容许在有效期内任何一天执行,这种期权被称为美国式期权(一~oPtions)。值得指出的是,虽名为欧洲式或美国式期权,但已无任何地理上的意义。由于欧洲式期权的规定过于严格,又出现了一种“改变的欧洲式期权”,它允许期权在一定的时间范围内进行交易。可见,美国式期权为期权购买者提供了更多的选择机会,因此,它的购买者也往往需支付更高的保险费。近年来无论在欧洲或美国,所交易的期权均以美国式为主,欧洲式期权虽仍存在,但其交易量已比不上美国式期权。在so年代末期,市场上又出现了一种所谓亚洲式期权(asian ontions),但也无地理上的意义,其差别主要在于履约价值(exe而sev公此)的计算。以买权为例,无论是美国式期权或是欧洲式期权,执行权利所能得到的履约价值均为当时标的物的市价减去履约价格,再乘以合约所定的数量,但亚洲式期权的履约价值则为权利期间内标的物市价的平均(计算至履约日为止),减去履约价格,再乘以合约所定的数量。

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