糖尿病康复 > 偏振相关损耗(PDL) polarization dependent loss(PDL)英语短句 例句大全

偏振相关损耗(PDL) polarization dependent loss(PDL)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-18 01:24:36


偏振相关损耗(PDL) polarization dependent loss(PDL)英语短句 例句大全

偏振相关损耗(PDL),polarization dependent loss(PDL)

1)polarization dependent loss(PDL)偏振相关损耗(PDL)


1.ThePDL(polarization dependent loss) of the VAF(variable attenuation filters) was calculated,and the influence on thePDL due to the coating technology was also analyzed,then the method to reducePDL was presented.计算了渐变衰减滤光片的偏振相关损耗,分析了镀膜工艺对偏振相关损耗的影响,提出了降低偏振相关损耗的方法。

2.We first briefly introduce the commonly used calculation and analysis methods for Polarization-Dependent Losses(PDL) and conduct the analysis and calculation of thePDL of optical devices by using the Polarization Analysis function of ZEMAX.文章简要介绍了常用的偏振相关损耗(PDL)的计算和分析方法,在此基础上利用ZEMAX软件的POLARIZATION A-NALYSIS(偏振分析)功能对光器件的PDL进行了分析和计算,并且与常用数学软件的计算结果和实际器件的测量结果进行了比较,证明了利用ZEMAX软件模拟计算和分析光器件PDL的可行性和准确性,说明了利用ZEMAX软件不仅可以提高设计人员的工作效率,而且能取得精确的计算和分析结果。

3.Using the Multiple Important Sampling(MIS) technique,the performances of 10 Gbit/s optical communication systems affected jointly by Polarization-Mode Dispersion(PMD) and Polarization Dependent Loss(PDL) are simulated under different initial pulse chirps and duty cycles.采用多重重要抽样方法,对受偏振模色散(PMD)和偏振相关损耗(PDL)联合影响的10 Gbit/s光通信系统在不同脉冲初始啁啾和占空比下的性能进行了数值仿真。


1.The study of the relation between the polarization dependent loss and the characteristics of PMD emulators;偏振模色散模拟器的统计特性与偏振相关损耗的关系研究

2.Effect of the Polarization Dependent Loss on the Orthogonality of Channels in Polarization Division Multiplexing System偏振相关损耗对偏振复用系统信道正交性的影响

3.Study on PDL of Long-Period Fiber Gratings and Methods for Reducing PDL;长周期光纤光栅偏振相关损耗及降低方法研究

4.Design of superimposed-grating coarse wavelength division multiplexer with low polarization dependent loss低偏振相关损耗多重体光栅CWDM设计(英文)

5.Analysis of the Splicing Loss and Polarization Properties of the PMF保偏光纤的熔接损耗及偏振特性分析

6.Keywords: polarization independence, op ti cal isolator, en vi ron men tal simulating, in ser tion loss, backward isolation.关键词:偏振无关,光学隔离器,环境模拟,插入损耗变化值,反向隔离度变化值。

7.Polarization Rotation of Pump Light in Raman Fiber Amplifier with Attenuation考虑损耗时拉曼放大泵浦光的偏振效应

8.Measuring method for polarization dependence of return loss of a single-mode fibre optic componentGB/T16530-1996单模纤维光学器件回波损耗偏振依赖性测量方法

9.Dielectricloss factor measurement based on correlation analysis基于相关分析法的介质损耗因素测量

10.This movie demonstrates the phase difference and the amplitude decay of the E and H field in a very lossy medium.本片演示高损耗介质中电和磁场的相位差及振幅衰减情形。

11.multiple partial correlatio多项偏相关 多项偏相关

12.Study on Polarization Dependence and Wideband Characteristics of Semiconductor Optical Amplifier;半导体光放大器偏振相关性及其宽谱特性研究

13.Control and Algorithm for Minimun Switching Loss of Two-phase Modulated SVPWM最小开关损耗两相调制SVPWM控制及算法研究

14.Study on Ellipsometry in Confirming Polarization Parameters of Phase Slice确定相薄片偏振参量的椭偏仪法研究

15.Study on the Polarization-Dependent Gain and the Laser Diode Driver for the Fiber Raman Amplifier;光纤喇曼放大器偏振相关增益及其驱动源的研制

16.Studies on Technologies for Polarization-Division-Multiplexing Fiber Communication Systems and Microstructure Fiber Based Devices偏振复用光纤通信系统及微结构光纤器件的相关技术研究

17.Effect of concentric zones phase plate on gradient force pattern of radially polarized beam相位板偏振偏转角对径向偏振光的梯度力分布的影响

18.A Study of the Correlation between the Adaptation Abnormality of Patellofemoral Joint under MRI and Its Cartilage Injury;磁共振下髌股关节适配性异常与其软骨损伤的相关研究



1.ThePDL(polarization dependent loss) of the VAF(variable attenuation filters) was calculated,and the influence on thePDL due to the coating technology was also analyzed,then the method to reducePDL was presented.计算了渐变衰减滤光片的偏振相关损耗,分析了镀膜工艺对偏振相关损耗的影响,提出了降低偏振相关损耗的方法。

2.We first briefly introduce the commonly used calculation and analysis methods for Polarization-Dependent Losses(PDL) and conduct the analysis and calculation of thePDL of optical devices by using the Polarization Analysis function of ZEMAX.文章简要介绍了常用的偏振相关损耗(PDL)的计算和分析方法,在此基础上利用ZEMAX软件的POLARIZATION A-NALYSIS(偏振分析)功能对光器件的PDL进行了分析和计算,并且与常用数学软件的计算结果和实际器件的测量结果进行了比较,证明了利用ZEMAX软件模拟计算和分析光器件PDL的可行性和准确性,说明了利用ZEMAX软件不仅可以提高设计人员的工作效率,而且能取得精确的计算和分析结果。

3.Using the Multiple Important Sampling(MIS) technique,the performances of 10 Gbit/s optical communication systems affected jointly by Polarization-Mode Dispersion(PMD) and Polarization Dependent Loss(PDL) are simulated under different initial pulse chirps and duty cycles.采用多重重要抽样方法,对受偏振模色散(PMD)和偏振相关损耗(PDL)联合影响的10 Gbit/s光通信系统在不同脉冲初始啁啾和占空比下的性能进行了数值仿真。

3)polarization dependence loss偏振相关损耗

1.Design simulation of high efficiency and lowpolarization dependence loss infrared grating;红外波段高效率低偏振相关损耗光栅的设计

4)polarization-dependent loss偏振相关损耗

1.The effects of polarization-mode dispersion andpolarization-dependent loss on 10 Gbps systems with two modulation formats are investigated using multiple importance sampling.采用重要抽样法研究了偏振模式色散(PMD)和偏振相关损耗(PDL)对10Gbps OOK和DPSK光纤通信系统的影响,计算了在误码率为10-12时的功率代价和系统失效概率。

2.On the basis of the theory of wave-optics, a theoretical model used to compute thepolarization-dependent loss of a polarization-independent isolator is established.在波动光学理论基础上,建立了求解光隔离器偏振相关损耗的理论模型,分析了影响光隔离器偏振相关损耗的因素。

3.The magnetic field sensitivity ofpolarization-dependent loss for left-/right-handed circularly polarized light in sectional magneto-optic fiber Bragg gratings(MFBGs) is analyzed by using the piecewise-uniform grating model and it is shown that the central section of uniform MFBGs is most sensitive to magnetic field.该文采用分段均匀模型分析了几种组合磁光光纤Bragg光栅中左右旋圆偏振光的偏振相关损耗对磁场的敏感性,计算表明,均匀磁光光纤光栅的中心区段对磁场最为敏感。

5)polarization dependent loss偏振相关损耗

1.The study of the relation between thepolarization dependent loss and the characteristics of PMD emulators;偏振模色散模拟器的统计特性与偏振相关损耗的关系研究

2.Study onpolarization dependent loss of fused taper wide band coupler;熔锥型宽带耦合器偏振相关损耗研究

3.Design of superimposed-grating coarse wavelength division multiplexer with lowpolarization dependent loss低偏振相关损耗多重体光栅CWDM设计(英文)

6)polarization-dependent loss(PDL)偏振相关损失

1.Simulation showed the delay of a chirped Gaussian pulse depends not only on polarization-dependent loss(PDL),but also on the chirp of the pulse itself.采用该方法的模拟计算表明:啁啾高斯脉冲的传输延迟不仅与偏振相关损失相关,还与脉冲本身的啁啾相联系,在一定的程度上,有效的偏振模色散可以通过偏振相关损失和啁啾来加以控制。


介质损耗角正切试验(见电容率与损耗因数试验)介质损耗角正切试验(见电容率与损耗因数试验)dielectric loss tangent test)!eZh.sunhooJ一002匕engq一e sh一yon介质损耗角正切试验(dieleetri。1055 tangenttest)见电容率与损耗因数试验。

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